Chapter 10

'Hmm what happened on the second day of school in the anime?

I am currently on my way to class 1a on my second day of school.

'Oh yeah wasn't there that hero test thing.'

I then bump into someone without realizing it.

"Oi you stupid secondary watch where you are going or I will blow your face off."

'Oh it is this idiot.'

I then ignore him and continue walking.

"Don't ignore me."

He then comes up in front of me and grabs the collar of my shirt.

"Now apologize you secondary."

Instead, I knee him in the crotch and he drops on his knees in pain.

'Isn't this nostalgic.'

"Don't touch me you pomeranian."

I then walk to class and sit down in a seat. And eventually, a teacher comes.

For most of the day we have pretty normal lessons that any high school would have like math and stuff but eventually, another person I recognize shows up.

"I am... Coming through the door like a normal person.'

Everyone then gets excited from the appearance of the number one hero. Once everyone calms down All Might starts to explain that we will have combat training.

Then he points at a wall and a bunch of cabinets come out.

'Oh, yea we have to wear our hero costume.'

For my hero costume, it took a lot of inspiration from the Naruto Anbu Black ops. My costume has armor that is pretty similar in design and shapes as the Anbus but instead, it is black and looks more futuristic and the arm pad has a built-in phone screen that has all of the abilities of a phone and more and it has a dark blue underclothes and also I copied Haku's mask from Naruto but instead of the weird swirl things being red they are blue. And it has a built-in microphone in it. It doesn't have as many special abilities to help quirks like other people's costumes because I couldn't really think of any way to use my costume to counteract my quirk's side effect which is exhaustion from chakra depletion.

We then get sent to the changing room and change into our costumes. And after we meet outside and All Might explains some more stuff.

We then draw for teams and I get on the same team as a boy named Rikido Sato. I then look around at the other teams and notice that someone is missing from the students.

'Oh yea I didn't realize yesterday but where is the boy who controlled animals? He isn't here so did I end up replacing him?

Team A consisting of Midoriya and Ochako and Team D consisting of Bakugo and Iida are the two teams picked to go first and so we are sent to a monitor room to watch.

We then watch and the fights go down just like in the anime. And eventually, it is my turn and we are picked as a villain team and we face off against Mina Ashido and Yuga Aoyama.

We then are sent to the training building and the battle starts. And my teammate Rikido Sato gets pumped up.

"I will find them."

Sato then nods his head to say ok.

'I have been practicing this a crap ton so please work.'

I then bring my hands together and make a plus with my index and middle fingers. And a shadow clone of me appears right by me.

'Jeez, that does take a lot of chakra no wonder most people struggle to make one or two.

I then tell my clone to go search the building for the enemy team.

Shadow Clone POV

'Where are they, where are they, where are they? There they are.'

I then hide in the shadows and wait to ambush them.

'Let's see Mina Ashido's quirk is some type of acid. That could be troublesome because it might be able to melt my ice Jutsu and the other person Yuga Aoyama and his quirk I am pretty sure is a laser thing that shoots out of his stomach.'

They then walk right into the ambush.

I quickly do some hand signs and some ice needles appear and fly at Yuga Aoyama's cape stabbing through it and pinning it to the ground.

"No! my beautiful cape."

He then frantically starts to take out the needles and I strike again but this time I leap at Aoyama and punch him in the face and he falls onto the ground and I quickly get the capture tape around him I then look up to see Ashido with a confused look on her face trying to process what happened. She then quickly snaps out of the confused state and starts shooting acid at me.

I then quickly make some more Hand signs and a circle of ice surrounds me to block the acid but instead of blocking it the acid starts to melt through.

'Crap it does melt through.'

After a few seconds the ice is melted and Ashido then starts shooting more acid at me and I jump onto the wall and run onto the roof.

She then looks at me confused again and then to my surprise, she starts running away or rather sliding away on her acid.

'what she is running away? And she is pretty quick on that acid.'

I then follow her but I have to stay on the roof because her acid is taking up most of the space on the floor.

'Now where did she go?'

I am still running and then suddenly some acid comes at me but luckily I jump out of the way but then there is already some acid in the spot I am about to land at so I try to maneuver in mid-air and barely dodge the acid.

' I then look around and we are in a hallway and there are puddles of acid every where on the roof, floor and walls and they are all slowly melting the surface they are on and Mina is on the other end of the hallway with a smirk on her face.

"try to get through that."

I then start to jump on the few spots with no acid slowly getting to Mina when some more acid comes flying at me making me jump away almost landing in more acid when suddenly more and more acid comes at me.

'Damn she is annoying she is like the one person who can melt my ice and I don't want to reveal too much of my powers because I want some secrets for the sports festival.'

'I am also running low on chakra. I need to end this now, Sorry if this hurts Mina.'

I then do some more hand signs and around 30 ice needles appear in the air and fly at Mina and she then starts shooting acid at them frantically trying to melt them before they hit her and in the panic, I quickly start to make it over to here while she is distracted.

She melts a few of the needles and some miss on purpose because I didn't want to really hurt her but a few scratch her arms and make her bleed.

She then looks at where I was and notices I am not there anymore.

"Where did you go?"

She then looks around and I come up behind her and put an ice needle to her throat.

"Give up, you lost."

She then nods with a scared look on her face and I tie the capture tape around her and then I disappear after confirming we won.

Normal Kori POV

I just got the info back from my shadow clone.

"We won."

Sato then gets a confused look on his face.

"My clone beat them."

'But damn that took a crap ton of chakra if only I reincarnated as Naruto so I could make tons of them.'

We then go back to everyone else.

Everyone else's POV

"Woah she has a cloning quirk that's pretty cool."

"That doesn't make sense during the entrance exam I saw her use some type of needle or knife thing to destroy the robots so how can she make a clone of herself?"

"That's where your both wrong, young Takada has a very special quirk that gives her multiple different abilities."

'Damn it so that bitch also has a strong quirk so now I have to deal with her and that ice boy.'

"Look she can even walk on walls."

"She is really strong and amazing."

"And have you seen her face she is beautiful."

Everyone then turns to Mineta with a confused or disgusted look on their faces and then watch the rest of the battle.

Kori POV

We then meet up with everyone outside and All Might starts to talk again.

'Uhh I am pretty tired now can we go back to the classroom already?'

After All Might leaves we go and change clothes and go back to the classroom and eventually Midoriya comes back to the classroom with a sling on his arm and most of the class goes and greets him.

And soon after that, we are sent home.

"I am home."

"Hi Kori, how was school?

"Fun today we got to do some hero training."

I then tell my mom what I did at school and I go take a shower and hang out in my room.