Chapter 12

'Crap it already started.'

I then look and see a big purple portal open with people walking through it. And I start to concentrate chakra.

"What's that? Is this like the entrance exam where the lessons already started?"

"Don't move."

'Crap I don't remember everything that happens during all of this but I remember the dude with all the hands is the leader and that there is that big dude that was hard for even All Might to fight.'

"Those are villains"

Everyone then starts to get a little scared at Mr.Aizawa's statement.

"The trespassing the other day was the work of these scumbags after all, huh?"

Mr. Aizawa then gets into a fighting stance.

The other students then start asking the teachers what is going on.

"Thirteen, start the evacuation. Try calling the school. These villains even had something to counteract the sensors. It's possible someone with radio-wave-type powers is interfering, Kaminari try contacting the school with your quirk, too."

"Yes sir."

"What about you, sir? Will you fight by yourself? With that many, even if you can erase their quirks your fighting style is meant for capturing after erasing the enemy's quirks. A frontal battle is..."

"You can't be a hero with just one trick. I am leaving it to you Thirteen."

Aizawa then jumps down to fight.

'Did he seriously not let us fight also? If I remember he ends up getting beat up by the big dude so we have to help.'

We all then watch as Mr.Aizawa beats the crap out of a lot of the villains.

Thirteen then tells us to follow her when suddenly the portal guy appears in front of us.

"I won't let you."

"Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains. It may have been rude of us but we invited ourselves into the home of the heroes, U.A. High School. In order to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace take his last breath. I believe All Might should have been here. Has there been some kind of change? Well, that is neither here nor there. This is the part I am to play.

Kirishima and Bakugo then rush up and attack the portal guy.

"Did you consider that you'd get beaten by us before you did it?"

But sadly the attack did nothing.

"No move away you two?"<13>

'I forgot that physical attacks don't hurt this guy's body.'

Suddenly the portal guy surrounds all of us and I and Mashiro end up getting sent to a completely new area that consists of a burning city.

'Crap he teleported us away, I forgot he did that to some of the students.'

I then look around and notice a bunch of villains are also around us.

"are you ok Mashiro?"

"yea I am fine."

Then the villains decide to attack and a big man with two heads rushes at me and I jump away.

'Crap what Jutsu should I use on these guys? I don't know if I am allowed to kill them and I would rather not kill anyone so I guess I should try to use nonlethal attacks.'

I then turn to the two-headed man and do some quick hand signs

'Wind style: Gale palm."

And a blast of wind sends the man crashing into a nearby building.

'One down.'

I look at the other villains charging at me.

'18 to go.'

'Most of then have some pretty weak quirks but it looks like some of them might be pretty dangerous.'

I then get charged by a woman who has blades sticking out of her wrist and she swings her arm at me.

But I manage to duck under her arms and punch her in the gut and then in the head knocking her out when a huge hand comes crashing down where I am standing so I jump out of the way and look at the spot where I was standing and there is a small dent in the ground.

I then look over at Mashiro as he hits a villain with his tail while dodging another attack,

'Ok good he is doing fine.'

I then do some more hand signs and a bunch of ice mirrors appear on the battlefield surrounding around 12 of the villain and I go into one.

'I always wanted to try this on someone so nows the perfect chance.'

My reflection then appears in all of the mirrors and the villains then start to get a confused look on their faces when I then dash to another mirror and in the middle of dashing I charge chakra into my fist and punch one of the villains knocking them out going to fast for them too even see what happened.

And after only a short while only one person is still standing in my dome of ice mirrors and that person is really big. He is around 8 feet tall, extremely muscular, and oddly has light blue skin.

'Only the big guy left.'

I then go and punch him but my hit has basically no effect on him.

'Crap this guy is too big where my punches won't hurt him. Guess I will have to take this a little more seriously.'

I then cancel my ice mirror technique and land on the ground 10 feet in front of the man.

"So the little girly finally decided to come out of her ice."

I then slam my hands on the ground

'Water release: Stormy Blockade'

A wave of water then forms and crashes into the man causing him to fly back a few feet but he ends up getting back up.

"Your gonna need more than water to take me out."

He then gets into a fighting stance but it's too late because I am already behind him with a gale palm ready and I hit him directly with it sending him crashing into a building.

'There we go now I am pretty sure there are a few more.'


I then turn to the yell and see Mashiro gripping his arm while a man with two long scorpion tails attacks him.

'Crap did Mashiro get hit?'

I then rush over but the villain notices me and tries to stab me with his tails but I do a backflip and avoid it.

'Those tails might be troublesome but he shouldn't be that hard to beat.'

I then do some quick hand signs and some ice needles appear in the sky and fly at the villain and stab into his tails and pin them to the ground.

'Now that his tails are taken out he should be easy to beat.

I then run up to him and punch him in the face knocking him out.

"Mashiro are you ok?"

"Yea I am fine."

He then falls onto the ground and I rush over to him.

"Crap maybe his tails are poisonous, we have to get you medical attention."

'Crap if only my Jutsu book had medical Jutsu in it.'

I then help him get up and I put his arm around my shoulder and we start to leave the fire zone.

And once we get out I look over at where Mr.Aizawa was fighting and he is extremely beat up and being held down by that big villain who has his brain showing.

'Crap I took too long and Mr.Aizawa is already losing.'

"Mashiro I am going to take you to a safe area so that I can help Mr.Aizawa."

"Ok, I think the poison isn't fatal and just paralyzes."

I then find a safe spot and lay him down and rush out to help Mr.Aizawa.

And once I get there I see the villain slam Mr.Aizawa's face into the ground and I quickly do hand signs and a bunch of ice needles fly towards the big villain and hit him directly but have absolutely zero effect.

'Crap my ice needles don't even scratch him.'

"Oh someone else joins the fight."

The Big villain then walks towards me and tries to punch me but I manage to leap away and he leaves a small crater in the ground where I stood.

'I forgot this dude was stupid strong, I doubt I can fight him.'

'What if I aim for the leader. if I remember correctly his quirk makes it so he can disintegrate stuff he touches so if I stay at a far range he shouldn't be able to touch me.'

I then make some more Ice needles but send them to the villain's leader but the big villain jumps in front of them and protects the leader.

'Dammit he protected him, I don't have enough chakra to do this much longer.'

The big villain then charges at me again but this time extremely fast and I just manage to leap away in time.

'Ok he is very fast when he needs to be.'

Sadly in the desperation to get away from the big villain I didn't realize where I lept when I suddenly feel a hand on my mask.

"Now how about we take a look at this new player in our game."

I then see parts of my mask start to crumble away.

'Crap he got me.'

I then slip out of my mask and jump into a pool of water to get away.

'I don't have enough chakra left to continue fighting especially against them.

I then look around the pool and see Tsu, Midoriya, and Mineta watching as the big villain goes back towards Mr.Aizawa and I go back to watching as the portal villain appears again.

'Dammit, I couldn't do anything to those guys. And where is All Might isn't he supposed to show up soon.'

I then see the villain leader dahs towards Tsu and is about to kill her when he suddenly stops and looks over at Mr.Aizawa.

'Oh good he is still alive.'

He then gets his head slammed into the ground again and Midoriya attacks but it gets blocked by the big villain.

And I watch as Midoriya is about to get hit by the big villain when the doors fly open and everyone stops what they are doing and looks at the explosion.

'Is All Might finally here.'

Theme song starts playing and the number one hero starts to walk into the building.

'Oh thank god he is here.'

"it's fine now. I am here."

"Oh, we are getting a continue."