Chapter 16

I am at school and we just finished class when suddenly there are tons of people at our classroom door.

"What the hell."

"What's going on?'

"What business do you have with class A?"

Mineta then runs up.

"We can't get out! What did you come here for anyway?!"

Bakugo then starts to walk out of the class towards the crowd of people.

"Scouting out the enemy, small fry. We're the ones who made it out of the villain's attack. They probably wanna check us out before the sports festival."

Bakugo then walks up to the crowd.

"Out of my way extras!"

"Stop calling people extras just because you don't know them!"

A man with purple hair walks to the front of the crowd.

'Hmm he looks familiar but I forget his name.'

"I came to see what the famous Class A was like. But you seem pretty arrogant. Are all students in the hero course like this?"

'Nope just the pomeranian'

"Seeing something like this makes me disillusioned. There are quite a few people who enrolled in general studies or other courses because they didn't make it into the hero course. Did you know that? The school has left those of us a chance. Depending on the results of the sports festival, they'll consider our transfer into the hero course. And it seems they may also transfer people out. "

'Hopefully, they transfer Mineta.'

"Scouting out the enemy? I, at least came to say that even if you're in the hero course, if you get too carried away, I'll sweep your feet out from under you. I came with a declaration of war. "

'He is just as arragont as Bakugo!'

Shinso and Bakugo then stare at each other until a grey-haired boy comes up.

"Hey hey hey hey! I'm from Class B next door! I heard you fought against a villain so I came to hear about it!

'Great another annoying person.'

The grey hair boy then starts yelling at Bakugo but Bakugo just walks away.

'Thank god Bakugo didn't start yelling back.'

Until Kirishima stops him.

"Wait a minute, Bakugo! What're you gonna do about all this? It's your fault that everyone's hating on us!"

"it doesn't matter."


"it doesn't matter as long as you rise to the top."

He then walks away.

'Can these people level now so I can go.'

The people crowding the door leave and I walk out of the classroom.

'Two weeks till the sports festival. I better get a lot of training done before then.'

I then make my way home. And see Kimura doing homework.

After beating the crap out of him the first day he moved in he has gotten nicer to me and we have gotten to know each other better and he hasn't tried to peek on me again or I just haven't caught him. He has also started calling me Onee-chan and I started calling him Kento-Kun.

"Hey, Onee-Chan can you help me with my homework?"

"Sure I will in a bit."

I then go up to my room and change out of my school uniform and head back downstairs and go over to Kento.

"What do you need help with?"

He points at some of his math.

'This should be easy to explain.'

I start to explain to him how to do the math and after I hed upstairs.

'Now I can start my homework and then try to practice before dinner.'

After I do my homework I try to practice but it is pretty hard to do in my small room.

'I should ask my mom to take me to the lake soon so I can do more practice. I guess I will just do simple exercises right now.'

After I eat dinner and hang out in my room.

2-week time skip

It's now the first day of the sports festival. Over the past two weeks, we have done a lot f quirk training in school and I did some practice on my own and everyone has been working really hard for this day.

We are currently in the waiting room before the festival.

'Ok, the first round is a race I think. I am pretty sure I will pass. I really don't wanna fail in front of all these people.'

"Kori-chan you're looking kinda nervous."

I then notice I am tapping my foot a lot.

"Well there is just a lot of people who are gonna be watchi-"

But suddenly Iida comes in.

"Everyone are you ready?! We will be entering soon!'

'I guess it's almost time.'

Then Todoroki walks up to Midoriya and everyone turns and looks at them.


"Todoroki-Kun? What is it?"

"Looking at things objectively, I think I am stronger than you."

"Huh? yeah."

"But, All Might has his eye on you, doesn't he?"

Midoriya starts to get nervous.

"I am not trying to pry about that. But I am going to beat you."

"Oh? Is the best in the class making a declaration of war?"

Kirishima then walks up to Todoroki.

"Hey, Hey, hey! Why are you picking a fight all of a sudden? Not now we are about to start!"

"We're not here to play at being friends. So what does it matter?"

he then walks off.

'I can't wait for him to be enlightened by Midoriya so he will stop being so cold to everyone.'

"Todorki-Kun, I don't know what you're thinking when you say you'll beat me, but of course you're better than me. I think you're more capable than most people, looking at it objectively."

"Midoriya you probably shouldn't talk so negatively."

'Yea way to make things worse.'

"But, everyone the student from the other courses are aiming for the top with everything they've got! I can't afford to fall behind. I'll be going for it with everything I have, too."

'Wow, way to make a short talk into a speech.'


We then hear Present Mic start talking to the audience.

'I guess it's time.'

We all start to get out of our seats and walk towards the hallway leading out to the arena.

"Anyway, these are the guys, right? The miraculous new stars who overcame the enemy attacks with their hearts of steel. Hero Course Class 1-A!"

I look up at all the people in the stands.

'Why did there have to be so many people?'

We then make it to the middle of the field and Present Mic announces the rest of the classes.

"Time for a player pledge!"

"Representing the students is Bakugo Katsuki from Class 1-A!"

Bakugo then walks up to Midnight.

"I pledge, that I'll be number one."

'Arragont as always. But at least he isn't yelling die and calling people extras.'

People then start yelling at Bakugo and our class.

'Great now everyone hates us more.'

And Bakugo walks back into our class.

"Now, let's get started right away. The first game is what you'd call a qualifier. Every year many drink their tears here! Now here is the fateful first game!"

A screen appears behind her and a wheel is spinning through different games.

"And this year it is an obstacle race."

'So the same as the show.'

Midnight then explains stuff about the obstacle race. And after we head towards where we begin the race.


All of the contestants then start to run.

And everyone starts to get cramped in a tunnel. So I climb the wall to get out quicker.

And the moment I get out a bunch of ice and cold wind comes out of the tunnel and Todoroki sprints out of the tunnel on his ice and freezes everyone's feet to the ground except mine because I jump onto to avoid it.

'Damn he is pretty fast on that ice of his.'

I concentrate chakra to my feet so I don't slip while on the ice and I race after him and I see some other contestants using their quirks to move faster also.

"I won't let you get in the way you half and half bastard!!!"

'Hmm he is moving pretty fast, I guess I will have to use some chakra enhanced speed.'

I then concentrate chakra throughout my legs and feet and start to run quite a bit faster than before.

I then quickly catch up with Todoroki. When a flying Mineta appears but is then suddenly hit out of the sky.

'What the hell?'

And then a bunch of the robots from the entrance exam appears.

'Hmm, what should I use to take them out? I don't want to use too much chakra so early.'

But luckily Todoroki starts to attack them first and I slip by them while everyone watches Todoroki.

"He stopped them we can go through their legs"

" I wouldn't if I were you. I froze them when they were unbalanced. They'll fall over."

The robots then start to break out of the ice.

"Todoroki from Class 1-A is in the lead! Wait there is someone with him. it actually looks like Takada and Todoroki are neck and neck.

'Hmm, should I try to get first? I am pretty sure getting first place also affects the next round.'

Todoroki then notices me.

'What the? She made it through.'