
What was on the floor was someone alright but said someone was dead, very dead and I could recognize said person.

It was sister Maria, her eyes was... It was gone, torn out by the looks of it and squashed if said appendages besides her was anything to go by.

I puked all over the floor until I couldn't anymore, whilst dry heaving I glanced back at the corpse. Her mouth, it was frozen open in fear signifying that what or who killed her was truly horrifying.

Immediately my breath hitched as I asked myself, what killed her?.

Judging by the warmness of her body means that whatever killed her was probably still here.

I had to warn everyone, I had to get out; so I ran.

Whilst running i could see corpses littering the hallways and rooms, rooms which were filled with laughter and joy previously this afternoon.

What monster could do this?, I asked myself as I ran.

Most of the corpses were my fellow kids, wait a minute" kids". The babies, surely said person who did this wouldn't.

I quickly ran to the nursery and there I confirmed the worst crime possible for a human to commit.

The babies who were all smiles and giggles this afternoon were lifeless and smeared with blood. My God there was so much blood.

I couldn't speak, I couldn't scream, what monster....no what demon could do this.

Surely whomever did this could not be called human any longer.

The bodies, their lifeless eyes, their cold bodies.

It was hell to be witnessed