
I slowly backed away, tears dripping down my eyes, I ran down the flight of steps and due to the darkness; I tripped over and fell.

I twisted my ankle very badly and hence I couldn't stand, I tried crawling to the door when I suddenly heard it.

Footsteps, light footsteps but in the silence they sounded thunderous.

I glanced back, my heart beating rapidly as I awaited whoever the footsteps belonged to, to show themselves.

I was scared, who was it?, will they kill me too?, it was closer and finally said person stepped out of the darkness revealing Kris.

I was relieved, it was just little Kris.

He was... He was...he was covered in blood and had a creepy smile as he approached me.

It couldn't be, Kris was the one who... No no no it couldn't be him, after all I was also covered in blood.

But it wasn't till he uttered four words did I know that he was the cause of this sin and looking at his eyes I knew that I wasn't going to make it out alive.

Oh I missed one.