
The cops were everywhere, the same could be said about the media.

Everyone is acting like some serious tragedy occurred, but people die everyday and this sinners against love are just a small pool who no-one has need of.

One of the pediatrician who came with the ambulance was asking me if I was OKay.

I had to act the part so I remained quiet and I guess they deduced that I was probably suffering from shock, from what I witnessed.

Within me I was overjoyed but I wasn't gonna rain on their parade, let them think whatever they want to.

I could hear the cops mutter that there was no survivors other than me. Of course there was no other survivors, I triple checked after nearly missing the girl that I finished off near the door of the orphanage.

The media was calling whoever did this a monster, for not even sparing the children or babies.

They hoped the cops find whomever it is and put them behind bars.

I'll admit I probably should not have killed the babies but what right do they have to be happy when I was not.

If I and my sister were going to suffer then so would they.

Forensics were busy going about trying to find out something to link them to the killer but they could find nothing.

I had disposed already of the murder weapon I did the deed with, somewhere they would never find it, after all I was the one who called the cops.

The media were trying to question me about the murders but the cops and doctors would not let them.

I kinda feel like Harry Potter right now because the media had already dubbed me with the moniker the boy who survived.

A woman not in uniform was walking up-to me no-one was stopping her so I assumed that meant she was a cop too" perhaps a detective".

She was standing in front of me then she lowered herself to my level and asked me if I was alright.

I nodded because I still had to play the part of a traumatized boy, she asked me if I saw the killer.

I smiled internally when she asked that because it became an opportunity to lead the cops on a merry go round.

I told her that I saw a man who was really bulky, had blue eyes and I saw him use a knife.

When I was asked how I escaped from the orphanage, I told her that I didn't. That I hid inside the laundromat.

I told her of how terrified I was as I could hear the screams and cries of everyone.

She hugged me and ruffled my hair, she patted my back and told me that it was alright" everything was fine " .

Which meant she believed my story, she wiped away my tears and smiled at me. Then I was taken to the hospital.

Life continued but before long I was brought information that a Japanese couple wanted to adopt me.

Again my fate was decided but nevertheless I didn't fret, for I believed that I would see my sister again.

After all we were meant to stay together and no-one I repeat no-one would stand in my way ever again.