The God of Darkness II

"Don't" Just as Diana was trying to stand up to save her sons inside her womb, one of the three white figures spoke. 

"We can't risk smiting her. Who knows what the Dark Lord inside her is capable of? What if he drew the angels' energy" The white figure asked the other two as silence enveloped the forest for a few moments.

"You're right, we'll do this the messy way" Diana's heart skipped a beat when she heard the white figure.

"Angels stand down" The golden orb in their hands faded away after hearing the order. The angels flapped their wings to back away from Diana.

"Protem" The word reverberated through the forest as a powerful blast of sonic wave appeared out of the three figures. 

"Harry!" Emelda screamed when she saw the sonic waves blast Diana into a tree several meters away from her. Diana hit the tree with such force that her body created a hole in the tree.