A Mother’s Love

"What are you waiting for Wulfric? Cast the spell" Andreas floated in the air before Wulfric. Andreas talked to Wulfric as though there was no one around them. He completely ignored the trio of Skyhall elders and the angels.

"We might just be pushing that child onto the path to become a Dark Lord Andreas" Wulfric sighed. He looked at the unconscious Diana once again and went on,

"Every child is innocent when it's born Andreas" ALthough Wulfric saw glimpses of a future where the world is ruled by the Dark Lord and knew he can't change the destiny, he still felt reluctant to change Diana's memories.

"Not this child, Wulfric, you know that. This is the only way, three thousand years ago, the gods wouldn't have created an entire universe with no energy to trap this child if they didn't think this child is evil beyond measures" Just reminiscing the future the gods showed the guardians made Andreas shudder in fear.