Dictator meets Hitman

Hunter waited till Michael floated beside him.

"Yes I can see you," Hunter calmly said to Michael when he arrived at his side. Hunter looked at the city before him and talked to Michael,

Michael was still in shock at how the heck Hunter could see him. He asked the system only to receive no answers from it.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Hunter asked Michael, looking at the neon city before him.

"It took me years to create this place. But they are trying to decimate it in a few days," Hunter's gaze became as sharp as a sword,

"She was one of them?" for the first time, Michael talked to Hunter,

"Hmm," Hunter nodded,

"I don't know about the place you came from. But here, the noble women would rather lose their lives than sell their bodies," Hunter looked over his shoulder at Monolith,