Returning to the Shadow Realm

Michael wondered where Hunter got the card that enabled them to travel between universes. However, he received nothing but a smile when Michael asked about the card's origin. It had become apparent to Michael that Hunter holds secrets of his one, just like himself.

"The next universe, tell me about it," Michael asked Hunter,

"Like I said, it's where everything began. At least that's what I learned in the shadow realm," said Hunter,

"You have a mark bearer with you in shadow realm?" Hunter asked Michael.

"Hmm," Michael nodded. Obviously, Hunter also had someone who had a rune just like the rune on Sabrina's hand. Hearing Hunter's question, Michael learned that Sabrina was not the only mark bearer.

Besides, compared to Etheria, Hunter's universe had more similarities with Michael's universe. However, Michael did not know how similar Hunter was to him, as he had his own version of a badass system.