Death of Vedora

The next day, Michael prepared to head for the ash field. When Michael returned to the tribe from meditating on the hilltop he first arrived at, he saw the wood elves snoring loudly and sleeping like babies. Last night, they feasted on all kinds of meat after Michael and Tazkin brought enough meat to serve them all. Michael himself barbequed the meat and served his devotees. He enjoyed taking a break from all the pressure of being the Dark Lord and enjoyed the feast with the wood elves. The meat from the game in Itonys tasted way better than the game back in his world. Apparently, the deer-like animal with a glowing belly infested the forest and grazed the vegetation without control. Their natural predators ran deeper into the forest, and many fell victim to the red forest and were eaten by the lizard-like beast. If he hunted them down, he would be doing a favor to the forest and the wood elves. He did plan to hunt them down after he opened up Hades again using another name.