Bai Ning’s Fear

"Please be careful," Inside a cozy room draped with sky-blue curtains, the old woman Michael met at the castle talked to a girl in a mirror. The girl's figure slowly faded out of existence after the old woman waved her hand. After the girl's figure vanished, the mirror reflected the old woman's figure.  The girl who just disappeared was none other than Rowena Winsotn, the holy maiden, and the old woman Michael met was her maid, Bai Ning. Despite how frail the old woman looked with her wrinkly skin and hunched back, she was an Immortal at level 10. However, she suppressed her cultivation stage to make herself look like a Fusion stage warrior to most of the Skyhall soldiers.

At that moment, Bai Ning resided in a quickly built cabin in an ash field. She was tasked to supervise the dig site where they were supposed to find something that could rival the Dark Lord himself in a battle.