Out of the dungeon

Having no idea what was happening in the mortal realm, Michael and Gaya, along with Lysandra, Jin, and Elrion, found themselves standing at the entrance of the dungeon. Their predicament had taken a fortunate turn when the God of Wealth, Luxor, intervened, teleporting them out of the dungeon as a gesture of gratitude for the return of his favored armor.

"Phew…that was unexpected," Gaya remarked, a mix of relief and surprise evident in her voice.

Elrion, ever faithful, attributed their escape to divine intervention. "Praise Valorius, he must have sensed my prayers," he exclaimed, only to be met with Lysandra's gentle but firm disagreement.

"It wasn't Valorius," Lysandra corrected. She sensed that the golden energy that had enveloped them bore no resemblance to the aura typically associated with Valorius, suggesting another force at play.