Idea to start another business empire

After leaving the Kraken Clan hut, Michael and Gaya set their sights back on Aurumvale, leaving behind the beast tamers who stayed for a meeting with Derelius. Curious about the content of their discussion, Gaya voiced her wonderment to Michael as they walked toward the golden city.

"I wonder what they are talking about," she pondered aloud, her gaze fixed ahead.

"Nothing interesting, just discussing what happened in the dungeon," Michael replied, his attention split between their path and the information he was gleaning through the Spyder he had strategically left in the hut.

Their journey back to Aurumvale took them through familiar landscapes, and after an hour of walking, the golden spires of the city came into view. The city was alive with its usual bustle, the arrogant elves going about their business with only brief pauses to take note of Michael and Gaya's return before resuming their activities.