Chapter 11, sharing his distress (e)

"Assalam u Alaikum (peace be upon you), now tell me when did you come?" Huzaifa embarrassedly corrected his mistake and asked his question again.

"I came at Lunchtime, but how would you know, because you have been missing since morning," Abrar said, sitting back in his seat.

Huzaifa also sat down next to Moomal. "Yes, today i had an important photoshoot, then after that, i spent couple of hours with a friend." Huzaifa

Lied a little. As he had finished the photoshoot during the day, and after that he was with Ruby until the evening.

"You two got married yesterday, and the next day you left your bride alone and spent your time with your useless friends outside. That's injustice to our Moomal. We didn't expect this from you, Mr. Actor. "Abrar complained.

Moomal lowered her gaze with a slight smile, because she also agreed with Abrar.

"Brother, you are already inciting my wife to go against me, but I know , Moomal would never listen to you. But on second thought, have I ever incited your wife to get angry with you, when you left her alone for whole six months." Huzaifa used this tactic to defend himself.

"My brother-in-law, if it was not for the country, I would never leave your sister for this long, because after my country, she's the love of my life, my sunshine" Abrar said in a romantic way.

even though her heart skipped a beat with this confession. Rabia still glared at her shameless husband, for being so shameless in front of her brother and Moomal.

Their marriage was arranged by their parents, but after the marriage, Abrar's good character and charming personality made her fall for him very easily. He was such a sweet talker.

"Oh... how lucky you Aapi...." Moomal, who had been silent for so long, couldn't help but say this. On which Huziafa looked at her with curiosity.

"Don't worry Moomal, I am sure Huzaifa would love you even more. Rabia said happily and Moomal hearing it, turned red and instantly looked downwards. She did not dare to look at Huzaifa's reaction.

Huzaifa also smiled slightly, otherwise he too has become restless at Rabia's words.

The four of them talked for a while, but after a while Sughra Beghum came there, and since Huzaifa had already had his dinner outside, she sent all four of them to their rooms.

As soon as he entered the room, Huzaifa took off his shoes and threw them there. Then took off his watch which was also thrown like trash then entered the bathroom.

Moomal, who was already used to his bad habits. She shook her head. After putting his belongings in their proper place, she sat down at the bedside.

She had no idea what he would be thinking right now, so she was feeling nervous.

Before, whenever there was a quarrel between the two of them, she would either forget it herself, or Huzaifa would start talking to her himself, as if nothing had happened between them.

But today, this new relationship has become a barrier between their strong understanding. Which was the reason for her being nervous and her hesitation.

What if he were still upset epwith her?

Does she have to apologize for something she's not to blame for? She was deep in her thoughts when Huzaifa came out of the bathroom refreshed, and, as usual, he threw his wet towel on the edge of the bed and sat down on the couch, and without saying anything started using his mobile phone.

She rolled her eyes at his action, But without saying a word, she hung his damp towel in the corner. And again he sat on the edge of the bed in front of him.

"Where did you go today?" Huzaifa looked up from his mobile and asked in a simple tone.

"I went to see Anjum at her house. From there, we both went to the beach. I came back in the evening." Moomal was not surprised at how he found out that she had gone out somewhere. Because she had used his car, which had a tracker, and he always gets the location messages of that car on his mobile.

After hearing her answer, he lies down on the sofa without saying a word and put his arm over his eyes.

Moomal kept looking at him intently.

Huzaifa, who looked very happy in front of Abrar Bhai, was not looking the same. Instead, his face was full of worry.

"What's the matter? You look upset.. Has something happened?" She finally asked.

But Huzaifa was still lying in the same position, as if he hadn't heard her.

"Huzaifa... are you still angry at me...?" This time she asked in a soft voice.

Finally, Huzaifa removed his arm from his eyes and looked at her with those eyes as if asking "is that even possible?"

"Then what's the matter?" Moomal insisted.

Huzaifa turned his side towards her and looked at her worried face. "Today, after the photoshoot, I was not with my friends, I was with Ruby."

With this answer, Moomal's anxiety turned into pain in an instant, but for Huzaifa, she put a light smile on her lips. Because she didn't want to upset him with any of her behavior.

"Then you should be happy... why are you so upset, did she say something...?" She asked with a broken heart.

Huzaifa took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling. "She was asking me for the proof of my love, as if she didn't believe me." There was a tone of surprise in his voice.

Moomal felt pain for him. Whatever the reason, she couldn't see him upset, she had always wanted to see a smile on his lips. Not this sadness.

No matter how many wounds she has to suffer in return, Huzaifa's happiness is her first priority.

"What kind of proof is she asking for... because you don't need a proof to prove your love." She didn't like Ruby's demand. Because love needs no proof, for her, no matter what kind of love it is, if you love someone, your actions, your care for your partner is enough to show how deeply you love him.

"She wants me to marry her within this month." He said, while deep in thoughts, looking at the ceiling.

Moomal felt as if someone had stopped her heart from beating, she looked at him uncertainly. It was not that she had no qualms about Huzaifa marrying Ruby, because, before their marriage, she had allowed him to remarry.

But, her heart?

"And what did you answer to her...?" Moomal barely managed to control her trembling voice.

Huzaifa turned his face and looked at her.

Moomal was thankful for the very dim lightning in the room, because in this low light, Huzaifa might not be able to see her moist eyes.

"Even though I like her..." Moomal held her breath and waited for his answer.

"But right now, I can't meet Ruby's demand." she knew she was being selfish, but Huzaifa's answer gave her a hope.

Hope that Huzaifa might never remarry..?

"Why...?" She asked in the same low voice.

This simple "why" of Moomal put a smile on Huzaifa's lips, but that smile didn't feel more than a joke.

"Because whatever you think about our relationship, but I have a little value for it in my heart, which is why I don't want to marry Ruby so soon. At least not in this whole month," he told her with a slight smile.

Moomal said nothing and kept looking at him uncertainly.

"And that's what I said to Ruby, she believed me, and gave our relationship another chance. And after a while maybe we'll get married," Huzaifa said and took a deep breath, las if after Telling all of this, a heavy burden has been removed from his chest.

But he was completely unaware of Moomal's condition.

For years, Moomal's love for Huzaifa had proved to be no less than a test, and every moment that passed with him would acquaint her with a new pain, of which she had become accustomed. As if this pain is an important part of her life.

But after what he said, the pain , the misery, she was feeling , she could not prepare herself for it , Even if she wanted to.

At that moment, she wanted to hold her heart and stop her pain, but in the presence of Huzaifa , she refused to allow herself to shed a single tear.

"Aren't you happy to hear this...? Or are you already jealous...?" Huzaifa teased her for her silence. But he had no idea that his little joke worked as a salt on Moomal's wound.

"Moomal...? what are you thinking...?" At Moomal's constant silence Huzaifa asked her anxiously.

even though in reality Moomal was still sitting there, but mentally she was no longer in this room.

She was in her own world, where she was mourning for ner unrequited love.

This time, instead of calling her again, he got up from the couch and walked towards the bed where she was sitting.

"Moomal what happened...?" Huzaifa asked, cupping her face with his hands.

"Hnnnn..?" With a jolt Moomal came out of her deep agony and raised her face and looked at Huzaifa standing in front of her in surprise.

"What are you thinking...? "

Moomal kept looking at him, her face was expressionless, on one hand, she was relieved that at this time Huzaifa could not see any of her grief or pain.

But, on the other hand, it was a pity that he could not see any of it, because Moomal has become an expert at hiding her feelings.

Huzaifa was watching her carefully, and waiting for her to say something.

"Huzaifa? If Ruby loved someone other than you, would you still marry her...?"

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