Chapter 12 , Marry the one who loves you (e)

Man is a creation of nature who likes to feel loved, who wants to be someone's first wish, to be the most precious happiness in someone's life. And Huzaifa was no different from this.

"What kind of question is this...?" Huzaifa was smiling but asked in a surprise.

Seeing his smile, Moomal didn't say anything, she was still looking at his face impatiently, as if the answer to this question would heal this pain in her heart, even though she knew it was not possible.

Huzaifa spoke when Moomal seemed to be waiting for his answer. "It's true that I like Ruby, but if Ruby didn't have loved me back, I wouldn't even think of marrying her."


"Because one intelligent man said, marry the one who loves you, not the one whom you loved."

Huzaifa explained it to her as an adult would explain it to a child.

On hearing this, she felt deeply disappointed.

"Sleep now, it's too late." Huzaifa said softly, touching her hair and Moving away from her.

Moomal was still entangled in the web of her thoughts.

According to Huzaifa, we should marry the one who loves us. . . ?

"Then, should I have married Zayn?" Once again, she couldn't help but ask herself.

Huzaifa who was lying with his eyes closed with the intention of sleeping. Moomal's sudden question came as a shock to him. He sat up again and looked at her angrily.

"What did you just say?! Are you crazy... Zayn doesn't like you, he was marrying you only in greed, not in love!" Huzaifa's tone was very harsh.

Moomal looked at him shocked. "How can you say that with so much confidence...?" Her tone was filled with frustration.

"Because I can say so, now go to sleep quietly and stop thinking nonsense ideas. There is no point in thinking about it now because you are already married to me!" His voice and tone are both

Were telling Momal the intensity of his anger.

She still wanted to discuss this with Huzaifa, but knowing him, she changed her intention and lay down quietly on the bed. He also turned off the lamp, which caused complete darkness in the room. But soon the moonlight from the window began to enter the room.

Moomal was unable to calm her mind despite her best efforts. It was constantly weaving a new web of thoughts for her.

Huzaifa wants to marry Ruby because she likes him?

Not because he likes her?

She also loves him immensely, then why did he never see her love...?

Even after becoming his wife, will she spend her whole life watching him love someone else...?

"Moomal... Do you love Zayn...?".

She was still constantly engrossed in the same thoughts when Huzaifa's voice broke the silence in the room.

For a moment, Moomal did not understand what Huzaifa had said. But at the second moment she was startled by Huzaifa's sudden question.

"No, I don't..."

"That's good because in the future, no matter what happens, or under any circumstances , I won't let you meet him."


The next day, when everyone was at the breakfast table, Mueez Uncle Returned home accompanied by his elder brother, Azeem's wife, Sorath and his younger son Ahmar and a daughter Maham. While his eldest son Ameen and daughter-in-law Safia stayed with him.

Moomal has a good friendship with her cousin Maham. She was glad to see them.

At first, as soon as she arrived, she clung to Moomal and bombarded her with innumerable questions, from which her Mueez Uncle saved her and ordered everyone to first finish their breakfast quietly.

While he was himself, he started talking to Abrar about his job.

After breakfast Mueez Uncle immediately left for the office for which he returned so early in the morning, and sughra Aunty took Zareena, and Sorath with her to her room.

And the new generation decided to sit in the living room.

Abrar and his cousins had strictly stopped Huzaifa from going anywhere today.

"Moomal, you can't even imagine what a big show Zain and Ghulam Ali Chacha had staged in the village yesterday. And if it weren't for Baba, Ameen Bhaai (brother) and Zain would have been in a big fight." Maham said.

"after what happened, anyone in his or her place would do the same" Ahmar say.

"Yes, after all, our beloved Moomal has been snatched away from him. It's his right to get angry with us."

"Anyway, he was not worthy of Moomal at all. It was good that Dada jaan ( grand father) got Moomal and Huzaifa married at the right time. Otherwise, we were always afraid that Ghulam Ali Chacha would take Moomal away from us." She said smiling, wrapping her arms around Moomal, who was sitting quietly next to her.

"By the way, what does he look like...? Is he so ugly...?" Abrar, who had been listening to the praises of this Zain for so many years, asked curiously. On which everyone started looking at each other.

"He's not bad-looking. Actually, he's very good-looking. finally, Moomal spoke in defense of his cousin.

Everyone looked at her in amazement, except for Huzaifa, whose eyes were filled with annoyance because of her admiration for Zayn.

"Huzaifa, your wife thinks her cousin is handsome." Abrar suppressed his laughter and teased Huzaifa , While everyone else was laughing without a break. And poor Moomal was embarrassed to see everyone liked that.

Did I say something wrong? But Zayn is really quite handsome.

Knowing that he was handsome, she couldn't say that Zayn was ugly. Or could she...? Moomal thought.

"Why are you all laughing? She's not lying, and Maham don't you also call your brother handsome...? Zain is also like a brother to Moomal , even if she called him handsome. What's wrong with that?!"

As usual, Huzaifa became Monomial's lawyer , and at the same time made Zain Moomal's brother. But still his eyes were looking at Moomal with frustration which Moomal also felt.

First, they all sat there talking for a long time, and then, at Abrar's request, everyone watched a superhero movie. When it was time for lunch, the three girls left for the kitchen to help set the dining table.

And now there were only Huzaifa, Abrar and Ahmar left.

"What's the matter with Ruby Ahmed...?" Ahmar asked Huzaifa during the conversation.

"What do you mean...?" Huzaifa said with a light smile. However, Ahmar's sudden question has made him a little nervous.

"I mean, what's going on between you and that girl...?" Ahmar, who was Huzaifa's peer and a good friend, asked without hesitation.

"Yes, I want the answer too." Abrar had also heard many rumors about Huzaifa and Ruby Ahmed on social media.

Huzaifa was a little taken aback by the interrogation of the two of them, but he immediately composed himself and responded with a smile. "We have worked together in many projects and are good friends, there's nothing else between us. You know the media only make money by making similar controversies on stars." Huzaifa tried to appease Ahmar and Abrar by lying, but Ahmar was not satisfied with his answer. And so he was still looking at him seriously.

"I know in your field, these things are considered trivial, but the fire does not spread without a spark. Huzaifa.. Moomal is like my young sister, and it was me who suggested your name to Grandpa to marry her to you because the way you two understand each other, I know there's no one who can make her happy more than you. But the day I would find out that it was just my imagination, believe me, I'll not hesitate to hand Moomal over to Zain, but I won't let her stay with you."Ahmar whipped Huzaifa in a very simple tone. Then he smiled as if he had just said something simple but not a serious threat.

Huzaifa was looking at him with anger in his eyes, but could not say anything with his tongue because he knew that every single word of Ahmar was perfectly permissible, but the threat to snatch Moomal from him and hand him over to Zayn made Hazifah's body set on fire.

"I agree with Ahmar, too," Abrar said seriously. And before any of the three of them said anything more, Sughra Begum came to invite them to lunch.

Abrar and Ahmar in respect immediately went to the dining room with Sughra Begum , at the same time, Huzaifa was still sitting there.

His mind was still spinning around Ahmer's threat and with every second his anger was turning into rage.
