Chapter 59 , What does he wants to do..?

Everyone in the house was worried and anxious, but no one had a way to solve this problem.

"How did you let him go?! He took Moomal with him in front of you, and you kept watching? !!" Ghulam Ali Sahib sneered at his son. And it wasn't the first time.

Ever since he found out that Huzaifa had taken Moomal with him, and that too in Zayn's presence, he had been venting his anger at his son in the same way.

Zayn, on the other hand, sat silently with his head bowed without answering. He too was angry with himself, so how could he offer any explanation in front of his father.

At that time, he didn't even think that Huzaifa would suddenly attack him. If he had any idea, Momal would not be with Huzaifa but would be with him here.

"Did he pick your call...?" Sughra Begum asked Mueez Sahib who was constantly trying to call Huzaifa.

"No, only after two or three bells he turned off his mobile," Mueez sahib said, removing the phone from his ear.