Chapter: 60 , Her trust


Thinking about all this, she was feeling frustrated. After thinking enough, at last she looked at him and, without further ado, she finally spoke up. "Huzaifa, Where are you taking me...?" Despite wanting to, her tone could not become harsh.

At her question, startled, Huzaifa came out of his own web of thoughts with a jolt. He gave her a slight glance before looking at the road again. Clearly, refusing to answer anything.

She sighed at the way she had been ignored, and now looked at him with a frown.

"What's the point of bringing me out of the house like this...? I told you, you don't have to worry about me anymore, I've freed you from your promise. Then why all this?! What do you want to do?!" And this time she said with a clear frustration in her voice.

But, it looks like this harsh tone of Moomal, didn't affect Huzaifa at all. Or perhaps, he was already ready for her this kind of reaction.