Chapter: 102, Her guilty conscience

Moomal came to meet everyone with Ali. At that time they were all gathered in the living room, and Ali was sitting next to Allah Dino Sahib, he was telling him stories of his time in Dubai, and everyone else was looking at him with a smile on their faces like Moomal.

But seeing the happiness on the faces of all of them after seeing Ali, the guilty feeling inside Moomal had increased, she was feeling bad that because of her selfishness, she had separated Ali from his family.

She felt tears welling up in her eyes, and biting her lip, she quietly walked out of there and came outside to the lawn, and sat down on one of the chairs.

It was evening, and the warm summer air felt pleasant in the evening.

When she came here, her uncle had informed her that Huzaifa had gone to Karachi, but after hearing his reaction and decision, Moomal did not find anything to say to him.

She knew that she had wronged them and that she had no choice in the matter.