Chapter : 103, To save his marriage...

After Huzaifa refused to divorce, Moomal had no choice but to leave the village two days later for Karachi, where she spoke to the city's famous divorce lawyer and explained her case.

Her lawyer, after hearing her entire case, assured her that if Huzaifa did not submit his reply to the court after the notice, the court would soon pronounce its verdict.

But if Huzaifa appears in court and says that he does not want this divorce, then the court will give them a respite of up to three months. If even during these three months, Moomal did not change her decision to divorce him, then they will be divorced even without Huzaifa's will to divorce her.

But when she heard this, her heart was troubled. Without saying a word, she just quietly listened to the discussion between Zayn and her lawyer.