Chapter : 104, I love your mother

With the onset of summer, the weather was a little humid, but the clouds in the sky were announcing pleasant weather.

Moomal was enjoying evening tea with Anjum on the lawn, but as soon as the sound of thunder resounded in the sky, a beautiful smile spread on her lips.

Where all girls get frightened by the sound of thunder, this sound would give Moomal a strange calm. And despite her mother's scolding, she would often run outside to hear the thunder.

With a smiling face, She looked at Zayn at a little distance, who was with Ali and was telling him about his new car.

He had brought the car for Ali despite Moomal's repeated prohibitions.

"I wish my future husband would be just as caring and loving as Zayn." Anjum, who was looking at them both like Moomal, spoke suddenly.