Chapter: 111, I was joking..

Moomal was in shock, her heart was beating like a drum and her hands were shaking that was pressed against Huzaifa's chest.

"Are you okay?" She heard his voice and looked up at his face, and to her shock, his face was just inches away from her, and she could feel his sharpened breath against her face.

"I-I am fine…" she said in a shaky voice and tried to pull away from his body, and unlike his character, this time he let her pull away.

She took the towel and covered her body with it, her body was still shaking from the shock. She made her way to the chairs under a shelter and sat on one of them.

Huzaifa was silently looking at her going away from him, he seemed very calm, but Moomal had no idea when he was holding her against his chest, how much he wanted to kiss her, how much he wanted to do more things he has been dreaming about doing to her.

But, it was not the right time nor place.