Chapter:112, I should have been there for him..

Moomal looked at him with widened eyes, despite the situation, Huzaifa thought she was looking very cute.

"What happened?" She asked.

Huzaifa came out of his admiration mode and tried to restart the engine but to no avail. "Wait, I am going to look at it." He said calmly and got out of the car.

Moomal tried to stop him from going out like this, but she knew he had to check the problem if they wanted to go home quickly.

Ali was still sleeping without any worry about his surroundings, she tried to calm her wildly pumping heart down and took a deep breath." It's okay, everything is okay, we'll be alright…" she utters in a whispering tone trying to reassure herself. And looked outside in the dark.

After five minutes, Huzaifa returned and placed his hand on his forehead without saying anything to her.