Chapter 1

There once was a princess who loved her land, and how the bright green leaves smelled, of fresh mint in the morning sun, and how the bright, colorful blossoms smelled of apples at the beginning of spring. Her favorite thing of all was how, after a rainstorm, her land always smelled of fresh lavender. Her name was Emma. As you can tell she loved her land very much, but she had a destiny. Emma had always been a fun-loving high spirited girl. When she was younger, and she heard kids playing outside she would run outside to play with them, they liked to play with her because the most peculiar things happened when she played with them. This scared the kid's parents though. So if they saw Emma playing with their kids they would rush their kids inside. There were two parents though that didn't care about all the gossip about Emma. One had a daughter named Emily and the other had a son named Percy. Emily and Emma became fast friends because all the other kids began to avoid her and when they needed each other they were there. There had always been something in the back of her mind though, something she could reach but not quite hold. It had been three days since she turned eight and her parents had left her in the castle with the servants. She was alone in her bedroom when she realized something made her different from all the other kids and she wanted to know what that was. So the princess sneaked out of her room and into her parent's room. She knew they had a box of personal papers and secret documents. So she looked through knowing she might not like what she found, and she didn't like what she found. Emma had found documents saying she was magical and not the good kind of magic that helps people, but the bad kind that hurts people. "Oh no," she whispered."What am I gonna do?" "Emma, Emma where are you?" That was her parents' most loyal servant, Amalia. "If she finds me in here with my parent's secret box I'm going to be in so much trouble!!" Thought Emma. Emma threw the papers back in the box, threw the box into the closet, and jumped on the bed. "EM-!oh there you are Emma. What are you doing in here?" said Amalia "Just thinking about my parents." answered Emma. "Oh ok well, it is time for your riding lessons,'' said Amalia, "I know you hate them, but you have to do them so go get ready." "Fine….. I'll go."answered Emma, but as she walked out of her parents bedroom she smiled because riding was supposed to be a punishment for sneaking out a lot but she had come to love riding through the lush green fields that smelled of newly grown berries on a winters day.

As she got ready in her room, Amalia was still in the king and queen bedroom because she thought she had closed the closet door after she cleaned this morning, but it was ajar. "What did that little rascal do this time?" she said, shaking her head. As she opened the closet door there was a big clang in the kitchens followed by the sound of yelling, "I'll be back to look around later." After Emma's riding lesson she changed and went back to her parents bedroom and saw that the closet door was open but no one was around. "I need to put the box back where it was before someone finds it." she thought. Later after dinner, Amalia went back to the kings and queens bedroom and found the closet door exactly how she left.

When Amalia looked inside she didn't see Emma sitting there. Emma watched as Amalia looked around, moved a couple things, shrugged and walked out. Emma let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding and walked out of the closet as she closed the closet door though, she heard Amalia who was sitting in the dark far corner in Emma's parents room say. "What were you doing in there Emma? And don't say just thinking about your parents." "Ummmmm.... I was just….'quick emma think of something'… I was just picking up, what were you doing in there huh?" answered Emma, "I don't think servants are supposed to be snooping around the king and queen's closet when they're not here."

"I was just making sure rascals like you weren't taking anything" answered Amalia " And why would I snoop around your parents closet?"

"I don't know, maybe you're a spy from Cedric's kingdom," Emma answered. Cedric's kingdom was the neighboring kingdom and when his mother and father were on the throne their kingdoms had been at peace but one morning Cedric woke up and his parents had been killed. He was mad and wanted to blame someone so he blamed Emma's parents saying they tried to assassinate him and his parents. He said that they couldn't get into his room though so they didnt kill him. They asked him why he thought they would even want to do this and he said that they wanted his kingdom. That was why it was very offensive to say what Emma had just said. "Emma! I am appalled that you would even think that I have been working for your parents since you were born!" "Well whatever the reason, I've got my eye on you" Emma said back.

As Emma turned and walked out of the room she heard Amilia say "And I you."