Chapter 2

For the next week Emma couldn't snoop around because Amilia was always there watching her. Although Amilia didn't tell the king and queen what had happened they still noticed a new tension between Amilia and Emma. One night as Emma was getting ready for bed there was a knock on the door. " come in!" Emma yelled. The door opened and her parents walked in. "hey honey," her mom said. "Hi" she answered, "do you need something?" "we were just wondering what's going on with you and Amilia," CRASH! Emma had dropped the cup she was holding, " Nothing, nothing's wrong, but mom?" "Yes Emma?" "Do you believe in magic?" as she looked up at her parents she saw them exchange a knowing look. "What kind of magic, sweetie?" her dad asked "Oh you know the stuff from the stories like fairy godmothers evil spinning wheels good magic BAD magic?" she said, emphasizing the word bad, again her parents shared a look "i think," her mother said, "that everyone has a little magic in them some have a lot of good magic and a little of bad or maybe the other way around," "like Cedric?" Emma interrupted, "no honey cedric has a good heart he's just grieving about what happened to his parents and he wants justice." "ok…..," Emma said, " so some people have more good then bad magic but what about the people with more bad then good magic?" "Well some people hide it and some people use it, but i think that's enough magic talk for tonight, you're sure there's nothing going on between you and Amilia?" "Yes mom." With that they let her be and she slept.

The next morning Emma was very worried because Emily was coming over for the first time since Emma had found the magic certificate and she wasn't sure whether to tell her or not. Finally she decided to wait for their sleepover to tell her. That day they had a lot of fun building forts, pranking Amilia and other people, and painting in the art studio. "Wow Emily your art's amazing!" they were in the art studio and Emma had just snuck up behind Emily to look. "Oh really? I dont think it's that good." she answered, "Are you kidding me?! It's amazing with the colors and the swirls, it's us standing in front of the Eiffel Tower!" Emma said, "Yea i know but the Eiffel wasn't supposed to swirl there and the hair colors aren't right and that shop was supposed to be swirled." Emily replied "Who cares no one will know. "Yea but you and me will." "So? I,for one love it," "Yea i guess,"

Later that night they were talking in the pillow blanket fort and Emma was being unusually quiet "Emma," Emily said, "yea?" Emma replied,

"Are you okay?"

"yea why?"

" Well you're being really quiet and you look confused and deep in thought,"

"Yea its just...." the girls rolled onto their sides so that they were facing each other, "Do you remember how all the kids in town started avoiding me? Emma asked. "Yes," " and do you also remember that weird stuff would happen whenever i got super emotional?" "Yes" "well i just figured out why." "really why?" Emily asked, " Well I have magic in my veins." "WHAT!" Emily yelled, "shhhhh not so loud no one knows i know." "sorry but what do you mean magic?" Emily asked, "Well it's not the good kind of magic." " What do you mean?" "Well….." "Emma, it's okay, just tell me." Emma took a deep breath 'welp no turning back now.' "Ihaveevilmagicrunningthroughmyveins. "What?" "I have evil magic running through my veins." "WHAT!" This time Emma's parents heard Emily so they went to Emma's room and walked over to the fort "Girls you okay in there" Her mom asked as she opened the blanket door. "Yea were fine." As the queen looked at her daughter's face she saw tears and tear streaks coming down her cheeks. Emma had apparently started crying as they had talked about what it meant for her to have bad magic "Oh honey what's wrong?" Her mother asked as she sat down next to her and wrapped her arms around her. That's when Emma broke down and told her everything, how she knew, when she found out, and she told them about all of her concerns. "Sweety it's okay," said her dad, "We'll train and it'll get better but until then we will have to shut the gates of the castle." As the years went by Emma's magic grew stronger faster then they could train. The girls were inseparable and practically joined at the hip but when Emma turned 11 she began shutting Emily out because she didn't want to hurt her best friend but all that did was hurt them both. As Emma got older she got angrier at her parents, at the world at her kingdom, and on the rare occasions Emily and Percy were let into the palace she got mad at them. By the time the girls were 14 Emily stopped coming to the palace. One day when Emma was 17 her parents were called to visit Cedrics kingdom. Over the years the two kingdoms had made peace as Cedric saw the error in his actions and accusations. Emma's parents decided to go to cedrics but they had to go by boat. On the way there there was a terrible storm, the boat sank, and her parents died.