Chapter 3

When Emma heard the news that her parents were dead she was devastated and mad. Those were the only two emotions she could feel anymore. But as the days grew shorter and colder she grew in her anger. She hated the world. She pushed everyone away. The only thing she ever did anymore was sit in the bay window staring out at the world as the winter changed to spring and spring to summer until one day when there was a knock at her door. "Come in." Slowly the door opened. Emma waited for the sound of the door shutting because usually the only time someone would come in is to bring her food but usually they would leave immediately so she turned around. What she saw shocked her. It was Emily. The two girls hadn't seen each other since they were twelve and Emma started shutting Emily out so Emily stopped coming. " Emily wh-what are you doing here?" "I came to see you. I know it's been hard for you-." Emma cut her off, "NO! NO YOU DON'T! IF YOU HAD YOU WOULD HAVE COME I KNOW I PUSHED YOU AWAY BUT IF YOU HAD ACTUALLY BEEN MY BEST FRIEND THEN YOU WOULD HAVE KEPT COMING BACK!!" " Emma, I know and I'm sorry!", Emily sobbed, "I missed you so much and I want to be friends again can that ever happen?" "no'' Emma whispered, "What?" "I SAID NO! iF YOU MISSED ME YOU WOULD HAVE COME BACK YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO LOSE ONE PARENT YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS AND I LOST TWO BUT YOU DIDN'T COME! "Emma, I tried! I was just really busy!" "TOO BUSY TO COME TALK TO YOUR BEST FRIEND AFTER BOTH HER PARENTS DIED? I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND,EMILY! I guess I was wrong." Emily looked like she had been slapped. Emma could see the hurt in her eyes but she didn't care. After a few minutes of staring at each other Emma had calmed down a little bit. "How's your mom." She asked. "Ummm She- she's fine she misses you though. P-Percy misses you too." She stuttered. Percy had been her only other friend; he had raven black hair, sea-green eyes, was muscular and tall. He was a great sword fighter and he had a lot of scars, some from his abusive step- father, Gabe and some that he wouldn't tell her about. She figured the mysterious ones had something to do with the camp he went to during the summer. They had grown apart as Emma started shutting people out but he always came back so she had stopped pushing him away. "You know Emily, I thought you would be the first one here once you found out my parents died," At that Emily looked up."But you weren't. You wanna know who was?" Emily nodded, "Percy. He knew I was hurting, he knew I needed someone to talk to, and he knew I had shut him out but he didnt care. He forced the guards to let him in. I thought you were my best friend but it turns out you weren't and aren't-" by now dozens of emotions had passed over Emily's face, confusion, shock, hurt, and right now it was regret. "But i am!" "NO YOU'RE NOT! WHEN YOU WERENT THERE FOR ME PERCY WAS. YOU KNEW I WAS HURTING DID YOU COME? NO! PERCY DID! DID YOU COMFORT ME WHEN MY PARENTS DIED LIKE I DID WHEN YOUR DAD DIED? NO! PERCY COMFORTED ME! DID YOU THREATEN GUARDS THAT COULD HAVE PUT YOU IN JAIL JUST SO YOU COULD CHECK ON ME AND COMFORT ME? AGAIN NO! AND AGAIN PERCY DID!" by now both Emma and Emily had tears trailing down their cheeks, "i missed you so much and you never came i know i pushed you away but i pushed percy away too and he still kept coming back." At that moment the door opened and revealed Percy. As he stepped into the room he looked around at Emma's room. It had light blue walls with pictures of him and her, her and her parents and a few of her, Percy and Emily, with a four poster bed with light purple sheets on the right wall, on the left wall was a white desk which you could tell she had had for years now, with a cork board on the wall above it, on the corkboard were even more pictures, on another wall there were a lot of shelves all full of books since she loved to read, on the same wall was a sliding wooden door that led to a walk in closet, on the last wall was the bay window that overlooked the ocean where her parents had died. There was also a chandelier hanging from the ceiling for light. Then he saw the girls, he saw an angry Emma with tears slowly rolling down her cheeks as she glared at Emily, a shocked Emily also with tears rolling down her cheeks but much faster, and pillows all over the ground which he figured Emma had thrown at Emily during her rant. He knew what had happened because every word that Emma had yelled filled the whole castle so all the servants that were still there had also heard. "Emily you can leave now." Emma said. As Emily walked out of the room Emma sat down in the bay window and started sobbing. Percy sat down next to her, it hurt him to see her like this. She was like the little sister he never had even though she was only a year younger than him and the last time she cried this hard she cried for 2 days straight and that was when her parents had died. As he sat down he pulled her into him letting her sob into his chest. As she calmed down and the tears slowed she looked up at him. " That was so hard." She said quietly. "I know Em and I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself." he answered.



"Why didn't you tell her we still hangout?"

"Because i didn't know if you wanted me to or not."

"Ok… but how did you know she was here?"

"She told me she was coming and asked if i wanted her to tell you i said hi and that i missed you. I said sure and tried to get here before her so that i could warn you and you could be prepared but i got here at the same time as her cause my dad needed me to drop something off in the kitchen here and you know how much i love those custard bursts so i might have stolen some." At this Emma let out a small chuckle "are you okay?" Percy asked. Emma thought for a minute as she leaned against him "Yea i'm just… I miss them so much and i thought she would understand." "I know Em. I know" Emma eventually calmed down and they hung out talking, laughing, and joking around. Percy was glad to see her smile but he could tell her laugh was forced like she wanted him to believe she was having fun. As they hung out Emma realized she needed to act like she was having fun. Her smile was real but her laugh was forced. Eventually Percy had to go and she sat back down in the window. As she thought about what had happened she realized that she really did miss Emily and the days when they were so young and naive.

As she thought about it more she realized that in 3 weeks she turned 18 which meant her coronation. As she layed in bed she realized she didn't want to be queen.