Chapter 11

Percy's pov

After Zeus blasted us we were falling falling and falling. It felt like hours had gone by but in reality it was only an hour. In the first couple of minutes we wrote a note and Emma used her magic to conjure up three balls then send them to olympus along with the note. As we fell I started to get worried. How were we going to escape? What about all the monsters? "Don't worry all the monsters down here are scared of me. Also just so you know whenever we are down here my name is Shadow." She said, noticing my worried face. "I'll be Trident" I said

"I'll be reaper." Nico said. After what felt like 30 years I finally saw the ground. It was coming up fast. "Um guys the grounds coming up fast." I said "Don't worry, I can fix that." Shadow said. She did a new york taxi cab whistle and 3 skeleton horse thingies came flying up. "These are called thestrals." She said. "Reaper yours is αντιτορπιλικό." "Destroyer," Reaper said, "Nice." "That one is Tridents and its name is Φονιάς." "Cool. slayer!" I said. "And mine is called άλφα" "Alpha." Nico said. "Yes, now swing onto their backs and lets go before we hit the ground." I looked down and saw that Shadow was right. we were about to hit the ground. We all swung onto our respective horses. And they flew away with us on their backs. "Let's go home, Alpha." Shadow said to her horse. It nodded its head and flew in a different direction. Mine and Reapers turned and followed. Soon we were approaching a cliff side. The thestrals landed on the ground and faced the cliff. "Please say we aren't climbing that." I said. Shadow shook her head. "No Trident were not climbing the cliff." We got off of the Thestrals and followed Shadow to a cave. As we neared the cave entrance we heard noises coming from inside. Slowly we crept in to see Kelli and her posse of empousai rummaging around in what looks like an abandoned cave house thingy. "Eh hem." Kelli turned around. "What are you doing in my stuff kelli?" Shadow asked. Kelli's eyes widened. "Bu-but I killed you. How are you still alive?" "Oh no you killed me but i went through the doors of death and grew up again." "Then why are you back here in Tartarus?" Kelli asked. She seemed genuinely scared. "The stupid gods kicked all of us back into this death pit they call Tartarus. Then again i call it home." Finally Kelli saw us but I guess she didn't recognize us. "Who are they?" "Im Trident." I said stepping forward. "And I'm Reaper." Reaper said stepping forward. I took out my sword and was about to lunge when Shadow stopped me. "I've got this one Trident." "But there's 50 of them." She shrugged, "So? I've dealt with worse." She pulled her sword out and advanced toward Kelli. Reaper and I backed up as the rest of the empousai circled Shadow. Kelli made the first move. She jumped forward and tried to rake her claws through Shadow's stomach but Shadow jumped back and slashed. After a couple minutes Shadow looked bored and decided to finish Kelli. After Kelli was dust the rest of the empousai advanced on Shadow. She hacked, slashed, stabbed and rolled. Killing every single one.

Shadows pov

Fighting a bunch of monsters at once with actual skill felt so good. "Booyah baby! Im back!" I said once I had killed all the empousai. Trident and Reaper chuckled. I looked around and saw most of my stuff was either gone or all over the place. I saw my dragonhide combat boots in the corner. I walked over and put them on. "Ah yes the comforts of home." I said I looked up and saw Reaper and Trident giving me a weird look. "What? I lived here for 211 Tartarus years. So around 20 normal years.I consider this more my home than CHB." Their jaws dropped. "How did you not die?" Reaper asked. "With this." I got up and walked over to a shaded part of the cave. I put my hand on the wall and it opened up. Inside there was a hallway with multiple doors. I walked down the hall with the boys following me. I opened the first door on the right. "This is the training room." I said. It had fake monsters, robot dummies, an archery range, and a training simulator. It also had a lava wall but it had harder settings then the one at camp. I let them look and then we walked out. I opened the first door on the left. "This is the kitchen." I said. The second door on the right was the lounge room. "Lounge room." I said opening the door. The second door on the left was the weapons room but it had a retina scanner so not just anybody could get in. We set up their retinal scans so that they could get in whenever they needed. Then we went to the next door. "Reaper, this is your room. The inside will change when you walk in." When he touched the door it turned black. He opened the door and walked in. When he was in the middle of the room the walls turned black but had moving pictures on it. I looked at the pictures and saw him and a girl that looked a little like him but older. There were also pictures of him with the seven, of him with Reyna, and him, percy, and annabeth. A gray four poster bed appeared in the middle of the room. A black desk appeared on the side wall with a yellow lamp. There was a white rug on the floor and a bookcase on the other wall. Trident and I walked out and went to the door next to Reapers. "This is your room. The same thing will happen." Per-no Trident touched his door and it turned sea green. He opened it and walked to the middle of the room. When he was there the walls turned teal with pictures of him and annabeth, him and the seven, and most surprisingly him me and Emily. A sea green four poster bed popped up on the side of the room. Next a grey desk showed up on the other side of the room, and a grey rug with an owl on it sat in the middle of the room. Instead of a bookcase like Reapers room he had a memory tv. A memory tv is a tv that can hook up to your mind and play memories. Almost immediately Trident walked over to the tv and connected it to his mind. The memories started playing. Winning captured the flag for the first time. When Annabeth kissed him on Mt st helen, being turned into a guinea pig on Circe's island, when Annabeth took that knife stab for him in the second titan war and his underwater kiss with Annabeth. I let him watch his memories by himself and then walked over to my door. I had lived here before but I knew my room was probably going to change, and change it did. My door had been a light magenta color but when i touched it it changed completely purple. Then when I got to the middle of my room the walls changed. They had been blank and a light blue color. Now they changed to a light grey. And there were a bunch of pictures on the walls now too. There hadn't been any bookcase but now there was. I walked over and saw some of my favorite books, including Keeper of the Lost Cities, Harry Potter, Wings of fire, and Land of stories. My bed changed to a yellow four poster instead of the magenta full I had had. Then the desk changed to a sea green color. With a magenta lamp on top. I also had a walk in closet and a purple carpet. I Grabbed Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets off of my bookshelf and started to read. When i finished the book it was 7:00 pm. I put the book back on the shelf and walked out of my room. I heard clanging coming from the training room and walked in to see Reaper battling some of the robots. And losing. I watched as the robot defeated him then walked over and helped him up. "Where's Trident?" I asked. "Where do you think?" Reaper said with a small smile on his face. I slapped my hand to my forehead. "Does that boy ever stop thinking about food?" "No no he does not." He answered. We walked to the kitchen and found Trident sitting at the counter watching Avatar the last airbender on the tv while eating 4 blue pancakes and a blue hamburger. "Hey Trident." I said. "Hi" He said, not looking away from the tv. "Where did you get the meat for the hamburger?" I asked. "The fridge." He said still not looking at me. "Dude, that's dragon meat and has been there for about 19 years." He spit his food out. "WHAT!" "That meat is around 19 years old." I said again. I heard a thump and turned around to see Reaper rolling on the floor laughing. "Dude it's not funny." Trident said. "Yes... it... is..." He said in between laughs. "No it isn't! Trident whined and looked at me for support. I nodded my head. "It kinda is Perc-i mean Trident." I said with a smile. "Humph." When Reaper calmed down we sat at the counter and made Trident pause his show. "So you guys need new clothes, backup weapons and you need to train. Especially you Trident." I said "Why me?" He asked "Because you need to master archery. That's why I added a permanent mini archery range to your room." I said. "So that's what that door is!" He exclaimed. "Yes it is. Anyway I need some new clothes also so I can make yours because it's easy once you know how but would take forever for me to teach you so yeah. To do that though I need dragon scales. Reaper, that's your job once you're trained. Trident once you're trained your job will be food. No not eating it, killing it and making it edible. And yes you can make it blue." I said anticipating his questions. "Any sensible questions?" I asked. "Yes. when will we be trained?" Reaper asked. "Well, for you once you can defeat those robots when they are on the highest level so it will probably take a while seeing as you just lost to them on the lowest level." Trident snickered. "And Trident when he has mastered archery which will also probably take a while since he can't shoot a tree from one foot away." "You just used my question as a way to insult us didn't you." Reaper said. "Yup" I said popping the p. For the rest of the night we hung out in the lounge room then we went to bed.

Annabeth pov

After Percy Nico and Emma left I sat at the beach for another hour. Then when they still were not back yet i went to go train. I trained until the dinner horn sounded. When i got up to the pavilion. Nico Percy and Emma still were not back yet. Now I was getting worried. I walked up to Chiron who was sitting next to Dionysus. "Hi Chiron. Percy, Nico, and Emma left to go to Olympus 4 hours ago and they still aren't back yet. I'm starting to get worried." I said "I'm sure they're fine, Annabeth" He turned to Dionysus, "right?" "Umm" "Dionysus…" I said giving him my best death glare. "I-I can't tell you." "Dionysus tell me where my boyfriend and friends are right now" "again I can't tell you." "Call the gods. NOW" He flinched. "I Can't" "DIONYSUS TELL ME NOW!!" I yelled. The pavilion went quiet. "I said I can't!" He said, starting to get annoyed but still a little scared under my death glare. "ZEUS GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE NOW!" I yelled at the sky. There was a flash and all the Olympians were standing next to me. I looked at Hecate, Poseidon, and Hades and they looked miserable. "Where are Percy Nico and Emma?" I said "you should sit down and we will explain everything but you will not like it."Zeus said and nodded at Iris ``Let me tell you the story of a little girl." She said. "Her father didn't like her and she ran away when she was 8 when she was nine she came to CHB and when ten she was claimed by Hecate." Everyone gasped. "She was getting stronger and when she was 16 she beat Zeus himself in a duel. He was mad and said she was getting too strong. All the gods except Hecate believed him so he sent her to Tartarus to die. Everyone expected her to die almost immediately but she lasted for 20 earth years. About 18 years ago Hades got a prophecy and didn't tell anyone. The phrophecy said that there was a soul missing from the underworld. There was. It was the demigod's soul. It turns out she found the doors of death and went through. When she went through she lost all her memories and restarted her life as a baby. The day before her 12th birthday she was kidnapped. She was gone for 2 weeks then when they found her she was unconscious for about a week and a half. When she woke up she wouldn't tell anyone anything. Her parents shut the gates to her castle(for she was a princess) and never let anyone in. The girl started pushing her 2 best friends away and one of them stopped coming. The other one stayed with her though. When she was 17 her parents died in a freak storm out in the water." Iris paused looking at all our faces. I looked at Hecate and saw she was glaring at Poseidon. "The friend that had stayed comforted her. After a year the girl ran away and came here. She found out about the gods and it turns out the best friend that stayed was also a demigod. One day she was called to Olympus and her best friend and one other boy went with her. While in the Olympus throne room she gained her memories back. Once she was done yelling at us Apollo gave us the prophecy Hades had gotten.

A half-blood of the eldest four

A soul missing shall rise once more

Will gain her memory

And decide to whom

She will bring demise

History will be repeated

But this time with help

They will decide who they will destroy

But two will die

It shook all the gods but someone" She said, turning to glare at Zeus. "Didn't care. All he cared about was getting rid of the powerful demigod. The gods were too busy watching Hecate and Zeus fight to see the two boys step closer to the girl and share a look. Finally everyone except myself Hecate Poseidon and Hades voted for her to be thrown into Tartarus. As Zeus let a bolt of lightning fly towards her the boys both shouted and grabbed onto her. They disappeared alongside the girl. They left a note and three balls saying that when the balls break they would be out of Tartarus." She finished. "That's great and all but what does that have to do with Percy Nico and Emma?" I asked. Iris sighed "The girl was Emma" I gasped "Then that means the two boys were…." I trailed off. Percy and I barely made it out of Tartarus alive. "Annabeth I'm so sorry." I heard my mother say. "Wait you voted to send Emma to Tartarus?" I yelled. She looked ashamed. "Well.. yes but we didn't know Percy and Nico would grab on." " who cares if you knew or not she didn't do anything wrong!!!" I screamed at my moth-no Arthena. "Athena why would you do that?" My half brother Malcolm asked. She flinched when he said Athena. " I'm not sure. I guess I was stupid enough to believe my father." She said glaring at Zeus. "For the last time it's not my fault!!" He yelled. The whole pavilion went silent including the gods. The campers knew I was about to explode and the gods could see my face. "NOT YOUR FAULT??" I screamed. "NOTHING'S EVER YOUR FAULT!!! IF YOU HIT ARES WITH A LIGHTNING BOLT YOU WOULD FIND A WAY TO BLAME IT ON APHRODITE!!" Then I continued. " Because of you the 2time savior of Olympus, defeater of Gaie,only killer of Kronos,defeater of the Minotaur, and savior of all your butts is in Tartarus along with two other children of the big three. Do you know how many monsters will want to kill them?" I asked "big four." Zeus said. "NO! YOU DON'T DESERVE THAT TITLE!!" I yelled. "We don't even have any way to know if they are alive." I said. " Actually the balls they sent us are made out of end pearl."Hades said. "They will turn clear when one is dead. And when they escape Tartarus they will break like the note said." "Oh by the way Annabeth Percy told us to tell you not to worry." Artemis said. "Speaking of which I really need to go and tell Sally what happened."Poseidon said "wait you haven't told her yet?" I asked. Poseidon looked down as if he was ashamed. I just couldn't do it but since we were forced to tell you I must now go tell her." He said. "Can I come with you please?" I asked. He looked up at me with pity evident in his eyes but also full of sadness. "Yes I suppose so." He said. I walked over to him and he grabbed my shoulder. I closed my eyes and reopened them when I felt solid ground again. I looked around and saw we were just outside her door. Poseidon knocked and we waited. Paul opened the door. "Who- oh hi Annabeth how are you today?" He asked. "I'm good Paul but Percy isn't can we come in?" I asked. Worry immediately crossed his face. "Of course. May I ask who this is?" He said pointing at Poseidon. "this is-" I was cut off by sally. "Poseidon" "Wait, this is poseidon?" Paul asked. " yup" I said popping the p. "oh.. nice to meet you then." He said. "Hi Sally." Poseidon said. I could tell he was a nervous wreck because he was playing with the bottom of his tropical shirt. I think Sally noticed too. "Poseidon what's wrong?" She asked. "It-it's" he stopped and looked at me, silently asking me if I could tell them. I nodded and looked back at Sally. "It's Percy." I said. All the color drained out of her face. "What happened to him?" She asked. "Is he..��� " no he's not dead but he might be soon." "Why where is he." "Sally… he's back in Tartarus."