Chapter 12

Sally's pov

I was in the kitchen making blue cookies to send to Percy when I heard a knock on the door. "Paul can you get it?" I yelled from the kitchen. "Yea sure." He answered. I heard him answer the door and I heard Annabeth's voice. I walked out of the kitchen and she was walking into the apartment but instead of having Percy with her like I thought she had Poseidon. "Poseidon." I gasped. "Wait, this is poseidon?" Paul asked. " yup" Annabeth said. "oh.. nice to meet you then." He said. "Hi Sally." Poseidon said. I could tell he was a nervous because he was playing with the bottom of his shirt. "Poseidon what's wrong?" I asked. "It-it's" he stopped and looked at Annabeth. She nodded and looked back at me. "It's Percy." I said. All the color drained out of my face. "What happened to him?" I asked. 'He couldn't be dead. Right?' "Is he.." I asked to make sure " no he's not dead but he might be soon." uh oh "Why where is he.��� I asked "Sally… he's back in Tartarus." "Wh-what? What happened?" "Let's call Iris. She can show you." Poseidon said. I looked at him and finally noticed how miserable he looked. "Ok.. but Poseidon are you okay?" "Yes Sally I am okay. Give me a moment so i can call Iris please." "Of course." Paul said. For a minute there was no sound in the apartment. Then all of a sudden the oven went off. "Annabeth would you mind helping me with the cookies?" I asked. "Of course not." She said. We got up and walked to the kitchen. "Annabeth is there a super short version of this story that you can give me?" She looked at me. "Uh i guess. So do you remember Emma?" She asked. "Of course." "Well turns out she had a past life where she was sent to Tartarus and died after 20 years then she came back to life and grew up. She had a hard life as you know. Eventually she ran away and found the seven including Percy and I down at the dock. She came with us to camp half blood. During a fight she got the gods attention unintentionally and when she was conscious again the gods wanted to see her. They were fighting and only 4 gods did not vote for her to be sent back to Tartarus. So as Zeus threw the lightning bolt to send her to Tartarus Percy and Nico who were there stepped forward and grabbed her. The bolt sent all of them to Tartarus." She finished and looked up at me. I was mad but also sad. I had tears slowly falling down my face but also with a mad expression. We grabbed the plate of cookies and walked back into the living room. "Sally are you okay?" Poseidon asked "No no im not okay." I answered "What's wrong?" He said. "Annabeth gave me a short version of what happened." I said. "Did she tell you which gods voted for Emma to stay?" I shook my head. "I did along with Iris, Hades, and Hecate." I felt a little relieved. "Good." "Wait Emma as in Emma Baker missing princess?" "Yes when Iris Gets here she will show you what happened." Annabeth said. Just then there was a flash. "Someone say my name?" Iris said after the light went away. "Yes, Poseidon and I were hoping you could show Sally what happened on Olympus." Annabeth said "Plus I want to see exactly what happened." Iris looked at me. "I'm assuming you're Sally then?" "Yes" I said. Iris showed us what happened and by the end I was crying on the couch. I could faintly hear Annabeth and Poseidon talking and could barely feel Paul's arms around me. All three of them left and Paul and I ended up watching Percy's favorite movie finding dory and eating blue cookies on the couch. I cried a lot all night but i also knew that Percy would be okay and that he would find a way to come home to me.

Reapers pov.

2 Earth years or 20 Tartarus years after we were first sent to Tartarus we were sitting in the lounge room eating something called mallowmelt when I remembered what Emma had said about being gone. "Hey Shadow?" "Yes?" She answered. "The day we were sent here before we left for Olympus you said something about being gone and it had something to do with Nyx?" "Yes…" She said. "Well in the throne room while you were blacked out Iris showed us your life but we couldn't hear what Nyx was saying to you. Any chance you're okay with telling Trident and I?" She smiled. Gosh I love her smile. I thought, "Sure." She said. "So after I ran away from Trident I ran into the woods but I wasn't looking where I was going. When I finally stopped crying and I had a cramp, I looked up and couldn't see anything other than trees. I decided to climb a tree to see where I was. When I was 30 feet off the ground and almost to the top a bird flew out of the branches and hit me. It made me lose my balance and I fell. I would have been fine if i hadn't hit my head on a tree branch. As I started to blackout I heard a voice and two sets of footsteps. When I woke up I was in a cell of some sort. A woman walked in and said her name was Nyx. I asked a bunch of questions and she said. "Why aren't you full of questions." That's why I freaked out when you said that. Anyways everyday she would come into my cell with a whip but it was a special kind of whip with sharp rocks and glass on it. Everyday she would come in and whip me once then she would ask the same question everyday. "Who is your mother." I didn't know I was a demigod so everyday i said "Lisa Baker." And everytime she would yell LIAR! And whip me multiple times. That's how I got the scars. After 2 weeks she came in and said she was letting me go but if i told anyone her name or what had happened she would hunt me down and make me watch as she tortured and killed everyone close to me. Including Trident and Emily." "so that's why you wouldn't tell anyone what happened!!" Trident said. "Yes exactly." She answered. "Anyways that's the story. I'm gonna go out. I need some real training. Either of you coming?" She asked. "Yea sure." I said. "I guess." Trident said. We all walked to our rooms and grabbed the armor Shadow had made for us and left the cave. We started walking when we heard a roar and the sound of a fight. We followed the sounds and saw a girl fighting a pack of hellhounds. Both Trident and Shadow gasped when the girl came into view. "Is that…" Trident started. "No it-it can't be." Shadow answered. "But it looks just like her." Trident said. "Guys whoever you think that is, forget it." I said. "We need to help her." "Yeah your right Reaper." Shadow said. So we charged in and together all four of us defeated the hellhounds. "Thanks." The girl said. "My names Bolt. What's yours?" She asked. "I'm Shadow and this is Trident and Reaper. Em-Bolt you should come with us back to our place. There's a lot of explaining that has to happen." Shadow said. "Um sure?." Bolt said. When we got back to our place Shadow opened the wall and we walked to the lounge room with Bolt following. When everyone had sat down Shadow was the first to talk. "Emily how did you get down here?" A look of confusion passed over her face. "How do you know my name?" She asked. Trident talked next. "Don't you recognize your best friends?" He said with his trademark smirk "Percy? Emma?" She said. A look of darkness passed over both their faces. "Percy and Emma are dead. We are Shadow and Trident." Shadow said. "But yes you used to know us by those names." "Wait, this is Emily?" I asked. By the looks I got everyone apparently forgot I was there. "Yes this is Emily, now Bolt. Bolt this is Reaper." Shadow answered. "Hi nice to meet you." Bolt said. "You too I guess." I said. I was still loyal to Shadow and Bolt had hurt her so I didn't like her much. Both of them knew what I was thinking and Trident smirked at me. "Reaper it's fine it was a long time ago and she has obviously changed." Shadow said. "Yeah about that im really sorry for leaving." Bolt said. "It's fine, I don't really care anymore. It was a different life. Literally." Bolt looked confused and Trident and I both laughed. "What do you mean different life?" She asked, and Shadow explained. Starting at her old life. Once she got to this life Trident and I both jumped in every once in a while. Finally we got to today and stopped. Then we asked her to explain her life. "Well" She started, "After our fight at the castle I ran to my house. I had felt betrayed by Per-Trident because he hadn't told me you guys still talked, I felt mad that you had blown up at me, and I felt sad. I knew it was wrong of me not to come back but i couldn't bring myself to do it. When I got home I ignored my mother's calls and ran up to my room. I got a bag out and packed. The next night while my parents were asleep I opened the window and snuck out. I ran down to the docks and boarded a ship going to France. When i was there i met a man who said he was my father. He said he knew a place that would train me and keep me safe. I had a lot of questions but he said he would only answer one saying that camp would answer everything else so I asked him his name he said Zeus and then a lightning bolt came down, hit him, and he was gone." "Drama Queen." Trident whispered. "Anyways before he left he had said that the place was called Camp half blood in New York. After he left I got on a boat to Hollywood USA. When i got there i was walking on the side of the road when a one eyed guy came up and tried to kill me. I was cornered in an alley when an arrow shot the one eyed thing and it turned to dust. I looked and a group of girls were standing there. One of them had a bow in her hands. She had black spiky hair and was wearing a death to barbie shirt." Bolt paused. "Thalia!" Trident shouted, "Is she okay?" "She's okay. Anyways they brought me to their camp and asked if I wanted to join the hunters of Artemis. I said sure. That night was special. Apparently it was the day a hunter had died. They said her name was Zoe." Trident looked down at the ground and a tear slowly slid down his cheek. ��They told her story and mentioned a brave young hero whose name was Percy." Trident gasped. "Wait, they said that?" "Yes. they said he was the only man they respected" Bolt continued. "Anyways I asked for his name and they said Percy Jackson. They then proceeded to tell me all of his story's. Through the whole thing Thalia was crying and Phoebe was comforting her. You meant everything to her Per-" She sighed. "Trident." Now Trident was crying. "A week later we were asleep when I heard the sound of a twig snapping in the forest And the muffled sound of someone being dragged while struggling. I got up to see what it was and saw the giants Orion and Porphyrion dragging Artemis away. I caught up to them and ambushed them. Artemis got away and we killed Orion but before we could kill Porphyrion he grabbed me and dragged me down here. I've probably been down here for 1 earth month." She ended. "Well then let's get you settled in and get you started with your training!" Shadow said. "Okay. By the way what does a girl have to do to get some food around here?" Bolt asked. Shadow laughed. "You and Trident are never gonna change are you?" "Nope!" They both said in unison. I must have looked confused because when Shadow looked at me she said, "They both love food. When we were 7ish and we would play hide and seek in the castle you would always find them in the kitchen eating something." I laughed, "Sounds like Trident to me." Shadow laughed. "Yes yes it does." We gave Bolt the tour ending with the kitchen. We walked in and Trident started making food. "Trident? Making food? Has the world gone mad?" Bolt said jokingly with a smirk. "Yes well everyone has a job. Reapers is getting the materials I need to make clothes and armor, mine is making clothes and armor, Tridents is killing and making food, and yours can be... What are you good at?" Shadow asked. "Umm. I'm good at making weapons." Bolt answered. "That's good because i'm probably gonna need a new sword soon." I said. Taking my sword out. "Plus if we ever leave this place and we don't want our identities to be known we are all gonna need new swords." Trident added. "Okay now that that's established…..let's eat!" Trident said. We all laughed and dug in. "Trident you are still obsessed with blue arent you." Bolt said more like a fact then a question. "Yup" He answered. For the rest of the night we all hung out and talked. The others eventually ended up falling asleep in the lounge room. Since I was the last one awake I started thinking. Right before I fell asleep I vowed to myself. We are going to get out of here.