Interesting Girl

**footstep sounds**

A girl with a hoodie runs into the streets, while a bunch of black suit men follows her from behind. Then she escapes into the crowd and walks into the subway station and boards a train. The men following her also entered the subway and saw her boarding the train and the train leaves.

"We missed her again."

"I don't know what you'll do, I want her by dawn or else don't dare to return." Says, someone in the earpiece.

"Guard all the depots. The boss wants that girl and we need to find her."

"Yes, General." The other men said in unison and left by alerting all the stations where the train passes through.

In X city, a big building named Eureka is busy with people running in a tense mood from one desk to the other.

A beautiful girl in her mid-twenties with long silky hair talking to a man beside her. " Mr. Egan will be coming soon and he needs all the files ready and prepare his black coffee and serve it hot once he enters the office."

"Yes, Ms.Layla."

Zayn Egan is the only heir of the Eureka empire which consists of construction companies, pharma industries, entertainment industries, and also finance companies. He is an arrogant, domineering, and self-righteous person in his late twenties. It is only for the world but not for the people he cares about. He has no family but has six friends, Diana and Sheviv, who both take care of the entertainment companies, Susan and Rodger, who both take care of the pharma industries, and Leah and Jake, both take care of construction companies and also Richard and Sean who are his bodyguards for the world, but in reality, they are like his own brothers. These eight members are his only family and the ones he cares more about than his life. Where Zayn takes care of Finance company and wants everything on time, and everything should be in place or else the ones who are responsible will be fired. Layla Sherman, General Manager of Eureka finance is head over heels on Zayn and uses all the tricks to impress him which have failed shamelessly.

"Ms. Layla, Mr. Zayn is here." Says a girl in her early twenties who is the follower and a pure devotee of Layla. She is, 

"Tasha, you are the best. Ummah…"

"Thank you, Ms. Layla."

"Let's go."

"How do I look?"

"Gorgeous, ma'am."

The walk towards the elevator as the door opens, 

"Good Morning, Mr. Zayn."

"Hmm." He walks past her without even looking at her. "Where is my assistant?"

"Sir, yesterday you fired her for being late and absent-minded for the meeting." 

"So, my new assistant."

"We have some candidates here, waiting for an interview…"

"Send them one by one."

"Yes, Mr. Zayn."

He enters his office and opens a file and a man takes a coffee cup and enters the room and places it in front of him and zayn takes a sip.

**knock knock**

"Come in."

A girl with a mini black skirt and a see-through shirt enters the cabin.

"Get out!" Says in a husky voice.

The girl felt the chill in her bones and left.

He picks up the land phone and says, 

"Richard, send someone ready and suitable for this job."

"Yes, boss!" He said and turned towards the ladies in the lobby and said to Tasha, 

"Boss said he needs someone ready and suitable for the job. Not these people."

"These are the only people who came today."

The phone rings and Richard lifts the call, someone said something and then,

"Yes, boss!"

He goes to the security room and gave some instructions, then called a number, 

"Yes, Richard," said zayn.

"Sir, it is connected to your system, you can check it." Said, Richard.


Then he opens his system and checks the lobby and was irritated by seeing the candidates until his eyes catch a girl who is sitting alone in the lobby, checking her watch and revising her file with a tense look on her face. He looks at her for some time, where she drinks water and then he saw she was talking to someone for just a few seconds and then checking her watch.

"Richard, call the girl on your left side corner."

"Which one boss?"

"The one with Glasses, and a shoulder-length ponytail."

"Yes, Boss." Then Richard walks to her and said, "Ma'am, You can go in."


"Yes, ma'am."

"Ok, thank you."

**knock knock**

"May I come in sir?"


She is tan-colored smooth-skinned, with glasses and shoulder-length pony, with a perfect body, and wore a hoodie shirt, and torn jeans with Nike sports shoes.

"Sir, this is my file."

"Take your seat."


"What is your name?"

" Kellie Kehleon."

"Interesting name. Meet Alia, my Secretary she will explain everything to you."

"Ha, it means…"

"Means, welcome to Eureka Finance, I don't like latecomers."

"Thank you, Boss, I'll be on time."


She smiles happily and walks out of the door and he sees her back fading away and says, 

"Interesting girl."

She meets Alia, 

"Hello, ma'am, My name is…"

"Hey, Kellie, Richard called me and informed me that you'll be seeing me. So, let me give you a tour, this is our assistant's lobby, where all the assistants in the company will be having lunch and other stuff here. This is the HR department, This is the PR department, this is the Accounts department, and this is the General Manager's cabin. This is the woman's Restroom and the other one is for men,(both look at each other and laugh), this is a cafeteria. Here your tour ends." Turn towards the waiter and says "Two cappuccino please, (then looks at Kellie) I think we can get along well, the past ones all are so egoistic ones always throws tantrums on me, but you listened to me, I liked it. So, I'll give you a piece of advice, stay away from Layla…"

"Layla, who!?"

"Our General Manager, she is so arrogant, and especially you, be careful. She is head over heels with Zayn sir, she will kill you if she sees that you are even a little close to zayn sir. So please be careful."

"O my, o my, look our little piggie, found herself another piggie."

"(Says slowly and frustratingly) Think of the devil, the devil appears. Hahaha No, Sherman, I'm only giving her a tour. She is our boss's new PA, so he gave orders and I'm following it."

"What, this piggie is our new PA. and you call me Layla, not Sherman. "

Zayn walks towards the cafeteria with Richard and saw this scene and looks at it, and when he heard both Alia and Layla's conversation he raised his eyebrow when he heard her saying, 'our new PA' and gives a smirk. When he thought of saying something, he heard Kellie, 

"Oh no, ma'am, I think there is a mistake. I'm an assistant only for Mr. Zyan Egan. And I so happy that you called me a pig because according to science a pig can only identify its breed. Let's go, Alia."


"Bye, ma'am."

She thinks to herself and looks at Tasha and says, "What she said!?"

Everyone in the room Laughs and looks at Layla and some appreciate Kellie, for her boldness and some feel sorry for her in their hearts. But someone among all is amazed and gives a smile.

"Boss, you're smiling."

"Let's go. (says calmly and slowly) Interesting."

And everyone leaves.