Love is a Lie....

A black Lamborghini enters a gate of a mansion with a beautiful garden, trees and is covered with lamp posts and a Fountain in front of it. As the car stops, a woman opens the door and welcomes him, 

"Good evening, Master Egan! How was your day?"

"As usual Aunt May…."

"He's lying Aunt May, Egan had a very interesting day, for a change."

A boy in his middle twenties comes from behind and said this.

"What do you mean, Sean?" says Egan.

Richard from behind of Egan shows signs of not to mention his name and begs him.

"It's not Richard, of course."

Richard bangs his head with his left hand and covers his eyes and sees from his middle of the fingers that Egan is staring with anger in his eyes. He yelps and says, 

"No, Egan. I just said you selected a girl from the group and given her the position of your P.A. that's it. No more, No less."

"Yes, we all also got the information about it."

Says a girl following her comes five members, two girls and three boys in their middle twenties. They were beautiful and handsome with elegant looks and perfect body. They all give a sarcastic smile and walk towards the sofa, 

"Good evening, Aunt May.," says and settle down on the sofa and sign to Egan to sit beside them. They all give friendly hi-five to Egan, Sean, and Richard and make themselves feel free and start to talk, 

"So, is she beautiful?" Asks Susan.

"She must be smart. Right." Says Diana.

"Wait let him speak." Said Jake and looks at Egan to speak.

"She is Just a girl who came for the interview, and she looked innocent and tensed, worried for the interview, so I gave her the job. The others all are trying and worrying about their looks, dress, and their Bimbo duties. She looked natural and unique. I selected her, that's it."

"That's it?" Exclaims Shevive.

"You insane." Says Leah and rolls her eyes and shrugs her shoulder.

"Wait for a second, I think you said interesting. There should be some explanation for it." Asks Diana.

"Yea," everyone nods and agrees to the point.

Egan looks at Richard and Richard turns his head and ignores his gazes and starts whistling. 

"Don't give that look to Richard, he is your brother but no one knows about it. Even he works as your bodyguard just to be with you, and to learn from you. and you give him your stares and scare him off. It's just not right." Scolds Susan.

"Fine, she is interesting, because she doesn't know how to impress others with her looks or body, she is interesting because she doesn't care who the one in front is if they are wrong or rude she doesn't let them go easily, she will show their place directly or indirectly. That's why she is interesting."

"Finally a girl of your taste."

At Kellie's house, 

"So, how was your day?" Asks Annie.

"Good, I just saw my office and I got myself a radio who have all the hot news and my boss, a workaholic and a bimbo who thinks everything belongs to her."

"Wow, so it's terrifically awesome!"

"Seriously, you think it's awesome?" Says Kellie while drinking water.

" Oh come on, it is awesome, you got a job, a rival to have a blast experience and you don't have to get bored, you got a gossiper as a companion and above all of this Egan Zyan is your Boss. What else will make you interested!?"

She exclaims and asks her dreamily. 

"Whatever!" Says Kellie.

"Finally, if you can impress him, he may be your man."

Kellie and Egan, both at a time from their place say in unison, 

"LOVE IS A LIE." Says in anger and pain in their eyes.

"Love is never true, it is a beautiful lie when the truth reveals it's cover it will shatter your world into millions of pieces, and there will be no chance to attach the pieces." Says Kellie while in deep thought.

"Love is only for the ones who take it as life. But, my life is not mine. My life has no existence. Love is for the ones who live, who can make it true, it is for the ones who believe in a fairytale and reality, it is pain in the heart and a lie that only can tear you down into two and you'll be scarred for life and that pain and torture will destroy the one in you." Says Egan in pain and anger in his eyes.

"If only I'll fall in love, I'll like to take my heart out and throw it away. I'll prefer to live without heart than to be in love, Which is a Lie." Both say in unison and walk away into their room and shuts the door with a bang. 

The ones who heard these sighs in disappointment.

**both in their rooms**

Kellie and Egan stare at the moon through the night one with tears and pain, and the other with anger and hatred in their eyes. Deeper in thoughts with destiny unknown left in the night staring the sky alone.

**Next day morning **

**Annie screams**

Kellie falls from bed and gets scared. She thinks any maybe in problem so she gets up and rushes to the living room.

"Ahhhhh... Oh my God oh my God....ahhhh....."

"Annie, what happened? why are you shouting? are you alright?"

"No, I'm not,!"


"Its DG's concert and it is on next Satur-daaayyyyeeee."

"Wow!? I mean David Guetta in our city. Amazing!"

"You don't want to come, I mean he's our favourite pop star, how can you miss it!?"

"I just got into a job and you know I don't go out often and I hate gatherings. And also I can't take leave as I need to be available for 24 hrs from today and in the middle of the concert I can't leave for my job, I should stay here and watch it in tv. You and your boyfriend can go. Have fun you guys, I'll stay home."

"Fine, you don't need to say anything I can understand,"

**clock ticks and shows it's 8:15.**

"Oh, my God I need to rush I need to be there before the boss arrives."

Kellie runs towards a subway near her house and catches a train and reach her office by 9:28 and tries to catch the elevator, but it goes up.


As Kellie was cursing herself, Alia saw her and called her aloud,


She was alarmed as she heard her name that loud and shushed her and gave a sign as they are people around. Alia tongued her like a kid and came running towards her.

"Babe, what happened I saw that you are tensed?"

"I'm late on my first day, and boss gonna fire me!" Kellie said to her with a cry babyface.

"Aww, don't worry he won't fire you."

"Really! He won't fit me?"

"No, I was joking. He hates latecomers."

"Oh, man! I'm so dead."

"Yes, you are. But..., not today."

"Ha, what you mean?"

"He messaged me just a minute back and said to me that he won't be coming today. He also said you need to go to his house with files he needed."

"To his house!? I don't know the address and what files?"

"Oh! He said he will send the details to your number." Alia said and gets into the elevator with Kellie.

"My number!? But I didn't...."

" I gave your number. Forgot to mention. Heh" as Alia said they reached their floor and they both get into their cabins and Kellie checks her mobile and sees a message.

She checks the files and takes them with her locking everything behind her.