"I still can't believe we're doing this, and our parents let us!" Chris exclaimed.
"Well Captain Mitchell and Dr. Smith are our friends, and part of the Star Traveler crew. A few months is too much time to be doing nothing while friends are in trouble. That, and we couldn't bring any one else because it would cause suspicion and we would be asking them to go against orders," Laurie replied.
"Two is better hidden than ten… I understand perfectly," Chris answered over the Hawk radio.
"We're not even landing on Platonia; we won't be able to with their electronic defense systems ready to disable our ships. We're only going to get close enough, so I can open a secure channel to Droselphine and ask her for some help getting news about the captive's whereabouts. Unfortunately, the frequency she advised me to use is too weak to use from Exandra; we'll need to get as close to Platonia as possible without being noticed."
"When we get closer to Platonia, we should also use a different channel to communicate between our ships to reduce the risk of our communications being picked up and heard by the Guild," Chris advised.
"Exactly. We'll go in there nice and quiet, collect our information and leave before they even notice!" Laurie exclaimed.
"Roger, Guide Hawk!"
"Well… you're good at it!"
"Then you are Intrepid Hawk!" Laurie threw back, jokingly.
"I don't know if that is true."
"Because you are without realizing it; either that or you do a good job at hiding fear!"
"You know it seems like forever since I first came to Exandra. I was afraid to talk to anyone," Chris stated with a slight chuckle.
"It was a whole week before you even said one word to me!" Laurie answered, laughing.
"It's amazing how challenges and adventures can change a person."
"Yeah… I remember the first time I saw Captain Mitchell… I thought 'oh no a military drill sergeant' especially with how straight and pressed his clothes always seemed to be. But you know… the last time I saw him, he'd left his shirt untucked…" Laurie stated, reminiscing as her voice fell off into a slightly depressed tone.
"We will get them back, Laurie."
"Time to switch the Hawks to secure comm. Frequency," Laurie advised Chris as they transitioned into a high orbit over Platonia, and matched its revolutions.
Laurie took off her virtual helmet and took out her MTD.
"I'm going to try to reach Droselphine."
"OK," Chris answered.
"Hello?" Droselphine's voice called over Laurie's MTD intercom.
"Oh! Hello Laurie."
"My friend Chris and I are in a stationary orbit over Platonia. We've come in single pilot ships to see if perhaps you could help us?"
"Ah, this is about your friends, the Captain and Dr. Smith."
"Yes Ma'am. I'm surprised you've received word already."
"Word travels fast -- my brother told me that he was asked to treat two humans last night who had suffered some minor injuries. I'll call him and see if he knows where they are being held."
"Thank you," Laurie answered, feeling relieved as Droselphine closed the channel.
"At least we know that they're alive," Chris cut in over the Hawk's radio.
"Yeah, I wonder what the Platonians want with them. I don't think they would have given them medical attention if they were only going to lock them away," Laurie answered.
"Perhaps Droselphine will find out," Chris suggested.
"I'm back," Droselphine called.
"What did you find out?" Laurie asked.
"My brother said that they have been assigned cells fifty-six and fifty-eight in Detention Platform 2, though they are scheduled to travel under armed guard to Fendol, Monday by your Earth calendar system. My brother says that they are being used to complete maintenance work. There isn't a secure facility to hold them there so they will keep traveling back and forth until it is done. Because of how long the trip takes, they will be gone for several days at a time."
"Perhaps they are fixing the emergency ship," Laurie said. "Their escorts would be prepared for a rescue attempt."
"It would be easier to break them out of the detention area. Because of the Guild's strength in numbers and their confidence in their technology they probably won't be worried about an attack on the military complex barges— but would such an attack be possible?" Chris mused, listening for Droselphine's response.
"I have thought of that, I've asked my brother to send you the Complex blue prints…Oh, no… just a minute, children."
"What happened?" Chris asked.
"I don't know, but my MTD is receiving the blueprints," Laurie answered.
"Sorry about that children; I heard a noise like something large had fallen, but it was only a few of the little ones playing a game," Droselphine explained with a chuckle.
"Did you receive the blueprints?"
"Yes, we did," Laurie answered, "It will be a couple of months before we will be able to move on this, we don't have a suitable ship right now.
"When you come up with a date for your rescue, call us and we will help where we can."
"We may need some help disabling the electrical field again."
"I'm sure my brother can handle that."
"Thank you Droselphine, over and out," Laurie said as the channel closed.
"Now what?"
"We head home and plan!" Laurie exclaimed, as she placed the virtual helmet on her head and was once more one with her ship.
Chris and Laurie decided to set up a strategy center in one of the conference rooms of Capitol Station. Both of them were sitting at a table pouring over the many printouts of information Droselphine's brother had sent them.
"Hey kids!" David said, throwing open the conference room door and stepping into the room. He was closely followed by his wife and Laurie's parents.
"Have you come to help us?" Chris looked up in confusion as the parents joined them at the antique Earth-mahogany table.
"We sure are, dear," Angela Hagan answered.
"We've also talked to Trib. The Laskonians have agreed to help," Dr. Kingston added.
"I'm also supposed to tell you that the Hawks have also insisted on helping," Eli added, cocking his head in amusement.
"Good then, let's get planning!" Laurie exclaimed.
Not a sound could be heard except the wind rustling through the grass and over the water as Laurie and Chris walked barefoot along the Exandrian beach under the sunny afternoon sky. It had been weeks since they had been outside to enjoy the fresh air. They were both feeling stir crazy and anxious to get their friends back. The soft purple sand between their toes, the light ocean breeze, and the lapping waves worked well to center and focus them.
"It does feel good to finally get out of that conference room." Chris stated.
Breathing in the cool salty air Laurie commented, "We've been planning for almost two months, we needed a break."
Well, we have everything planned and double checked," Chris stated.
"I think I've managed to memorize all of those charts by now!" Laurie laughed.
"The Hawks are briefed on the plan," Chris added.
"And the Star Traveler EX-002 will be arriving at noon tomorrow," Laurie nodded.
"With all of your pilots leaving, Dirin City at once, the Platonians will have a juicy target," Tarpin exclaimed as he climbed down from a sand dune.
"Well, a few of the Laskonian fighter pilots have agreed to stay and keep watch in orbit… hmm, but the city will be pretty vulnerable from the ground," Laurie mused.
"Don't worry, I'm here to let you know that we heard about your friends." Tarpin chuckled. "Whirlp has been organizing the ECOPs as guards to watch over the city while you're gone. I would've come sooner but the Squirrels and the prairie animals were having another dispute over rocks."
"Rocks!" Chris exclaimed.
"Yeah and on top of that -- Laurie, you've met the prairie dog leader; he likes to talk very s…l…o…w," Tarpin added, shaking his head.
"That's right," Laurie said laughing, "last time it took a whole week to allow him to finish explaining his side of the argument. Mmm -- that reminds me, Tarpin, we could use your expertise in camouflage and disguise. We are trying to infiltrate an enemy base,"
"Sure, I intended to come along," Tarpin nodded. "Whenever friends need help, action is always necessary. Besides, I can't sit around being wary of space travel forever. Times are changing!"
"Well then, good; the Star Traveler EX-002 will be ready to leave Exandra by tomorrow – probably late afternoon, once it's refitted from the flight from earth," Laurie grinned.
"I'll be there… is there anything I should bring?" Tarpin inquired.
"Not really, unless you can think of anyone else whose talent we could use. Then by all means, bring them," Chris answered.
"You know--," Tarpin said thoughtfully, more to himself than to Chris, "I think I will ask Euclid if he would like to come. He is always good at figuring out directions and finding shortcuts--"
Tarpin muttered to himself as he walked in the direction of the sand dunes.
"See you tomorrow," Chris and Laurie called in unison.