Later that evening, the remaining members of the Star Traveler crew assembled in the conference room that had been utilized as their mission central. Laurie connected with the Flight commander and set her MTD on the table.
"We're all here Sir,"
"Good -- now then; Laurie, my aide did tell you that the new Star Traveler II will be arriving at noon tomorrow?"
"Yes, sir," Laurie replied.
"I thought as much. Now that everything is in place, we should form a rescue plan."
"A plan has already been formed, sir," Laurie answered.
"Oh?" The Flight Coordinator asked.
Laurie, taking her cue, launched into a vague outline of their proposal.
"It's a joint task force, made up of friends skilled in confrontations with Platonians." Dr. Kingston explained.
"Oka-ay, Well, then," the Flight Coordinator answered, "even though this is quite unprecedented, I will refrain from requesting details. We will be less likely to compromise your security. As long as you all have everything under control – well, call if you need further assistance. Over and out."
Arriving late, Chris stepped aside to let Laurie's parents and Gorioshi leave. Chris walked in and stood beside Laurie's chair, wondering what she was thinking about as her unfocused gaze rested on the table. He looked around them at all of their charts and mission plan layouts.
"We've been planning this rescue mission for almost two months. It is hard to believe that we're leaving to put it into action tomorrow," Chris's soft voice snapped Laurie out of her reverie.
Laurie thought for a second before replying.
"Whatever happens, we must succeed tomorrow. We can't leave them there much longer,"
"We will get them back," Chris said, patting her shoulder.
It was a bright and pleasantly sunny day as Laurie and Chris took a walk around the perimeter of Dirin City's Central Station. Laurie was talking to Lenoir, the leader of Lask, through her MTD while Chris searched the sky for the anticipated arrival of the Star Traveler EX-002
"Okay, Thank you Sir. Chris and I are at the landing field as we speak. We shall meet them in high orbit… We will sir… over and out."
"What's up?" Chris asked.
"The Laskonian fighter pilots will be arriving in a few minutes."
"Good," Chris answered with a mischievous smile, "But now what's up?"
"I'm afraid I don't understand?" Laurie replied, shaking her head.
Chris pointed up into the air with a smile. Laurie looked up to see a blue object descending through the clouds.
"The Star Traveler!" Laurie exclaimed in excitement.
Laurie looked toward the Hawk ships on the landing field where their pilots, unaware of the blue object in the sky, were busily preparing for the mission. Laurie then turned to wave toward her parents and Gorioshi, who were talking to a group of ECOPs who had just arrived, Tarpin and Euclid among them.
Gorioshi, seeing Laurie's waving, looked up into the sky and tapped Eli's shoulder. The whole group looked up and then joined Chris and Laurie as they hurried to the landing field. Everyone watched in somber silence as the Star Traveler EX-002 descended through the Exandrian sky, touching down with the precision of a falcon on the packed- gravel landing field.
A minute or two after the main engines shut down, the remnant of the Star Traveler crew walked forward to greet the pilot who had delivered the new Star Traveler. As the pilot walked slowly down the ramp Laurie noticed that he looked nervous but very relieved.
"Trouble en route sir?" Laurie asked.
"Other than the constant strain of being on alert for a potential attack, no, miss--"
"There were no attacks then, I suppose?" Eli asked.
"None, thankfully sir, we were given orders to take a different route and keep radio silence to keep the Platonians from discovering the new ship. Star Traveler crew -- EX-002 is at your command."
"Thank you sir," Laurie said as the pilot mopped his face with a towel and walked off toward Central Station.
Laurie, her parents, and Gorioshi accepted command of the ship and went aboard. First order of business was to tour the vessel and note any differences. Her parents headed to inspect the labs and sickbay. Gorioshi headed to put his bags in his room and Laurie, leaving her suitcase by the entryway, decided to head toward the main deck.
It didn't take long to become fascinated with the subtle changes. Outwardly the ship was much the same. However, even in the entryway she noticed differences in the technology that only someone as familiar with the ships workings as she would see. The lighting was slightly different. The mechanisms that open and shut the airlock were different…
"The gravity generator seems to be over compensating; a problem I'll need to attend to soon," Laurie said out loud to herself as she realized that her steps landed heavier than they should.
"Ship's Computer recognizes engineer's assessment, attempting to adjust gravity generator's functions accordingly."
Laurie froze midstep.
Did the computer just reply to me?
Bemused, Laurie continued toward the doors to the main deck. When the doors did not slide open as she approached, she placed her palm flat against the cool dark metal
"Recognizing ship's engineer, access granted," the same automated voice intoned from a hidden speaker.
The double doors of the Star Traveler's main deck slid open to reveal five chairs; the pilot and copilot chairs in the front at the main console and three chairs in a row behind them each with their own computer panel attached to the right arm rest. The whole main deck was redesigned, yet there were still some familiar features.
"Ship's Computer recognizes Laurie Kingston. Position status -- Main Engineer, Pilot second in Command, acting Captain,"
"Well I never!" Laurie exclaimed.
"You have -- one virtual message -- awaiting you. Would you care to view it here, or in your room? Automated notification procedure complete."
In my room… how? Laurie thought, never mind, I'm here at the moment.
Laurie walked over to her chair and sat down. Retrieving the virtual gear from the storage compartment under her chair, Laurie put it on and was immediately met by the Flight Coordinator.
Laurie felt disoriented. She was still in the control room, yet here the Flight Coordinator stood in front of her.
"Begin Message --?" Laurie suggested, unsure of what she should say.
"Miss Laurie, as you are receiving this message, you have probably seen a little of the Star Traveler EX-002's technology. The EX-001 was only a proto type built to field test some of the EX-002's abilities; namely the engine functions. Because of recent developments we thought it wise to bring her out of 'Deep Freeze'. I only regret that, because of your impending mission, I won't have time to give you a full briefing of the capabilities of the new ship. You will however find a full ship's manual stored in the main computer.
"It can be downloaded to your MTD and read at your leisure. Good luck on your rescue mission. This message will be deleted on delivery, unless otherwise instructed. Over and out."
"Requesting permission to begin message erasing procedure,"
"Permission granted," Laurie answered, removing the virtual gear and stowing it back under her seat.
Laurie walked up to the Main Console and plugged in her MTD. After she had pressed a few buttons, it began downloading the walkthrough file.
"Downloading complete,"
"Well that's that," Laurie said, putting away her MTD.
Laurie, wanted to inspect the crew lockers to ensure that everything required was present. She approached the lockers but saw no locks or latches. Laurie reasoned that the lockers might be equipped with the same security features as that of the main deck doors. She placed her hand flat on the locker that was normally assigned to her.
"Crewmember Laurie recognized; access granted,"
The door to Laurie's locker opened to reveal a MH suit, an extra utility belt, and a daypack. Along the inside of the door was a weapons rack which contained a 'Class Hydra' self-filling water gun, and an energy pistol (capable of paralyzing by electric shock in one mode; the second mode was one that in an ideal universe, should never have to be used). Laurie turned her eyes briefly from the weapons; as she was fonder of using her ECOP tegar if needed.
Although, Laurie admitted to herself, I do understand the necessity, after having battled the Platonians.
"Computer, please recite inventory components of each locker," Laurie called out.
"Each locker contains a space suit, utility belt, and day pack; and 2 guns. One water based and one powered by variant currents of electricity."
Laurie nodded. After she closed her locker, she left the main deck and headed down to the ship's right hand side engineering room. Laurie took stock of all the cabinets and computers, using her access when required. After she inspected the contents of the cabinets and the conditions of the computer's systems, Laurie stepped into the engine room and meticulously examined the filters, collectors, and photo synthesizers in the engine. After making a few adjustments, Laurie nodded her approval and then left to check on the engine on the opposite side of the ship.
After giving both engines a thorough once-over, Laurie headed back toward the ship's exit ramp and out into the Exandrian sunlight. Chris, Tarpin, and Euclid met her at the bottom of the ramp.
"All of the Hawks are in their ships and awaiting further command," Chris stated, "and the Laskonian pilots are in standard planetary orbit also waiting orders."
"The ECOPs have finished setting up watch. Euclid and I will be joining you on your rescue mission," Tarpin said with a smile.
"Thank you," Laurie dramatically threw a salute in memory of Captain Mitchell, "Tarpin, Euclid… welcome to the Star Traveler EX-002."
"Come on, you too, Chris -- you have to see this!" Laurie answered, waving as she turned back and ran back up the ramp into the Star Traveler.
Laurie, bounced around the ship as if she had just received a new Christmas present. She led Chris, Tarpin, and Euclid into the Star Traveler and started her tour.
"Watch," Laurie said, smiling, as they entered the left hall. "Computer, perform a system analysis on engines."
"Laurie, you don't actually expect the ship to--" Chris started.
"Engineer Laurie Kingston acknowledged, command is in progress --" Chris's mouth dropped open. Euclid and Tarpin spun, looking for the source of the odd voice. "System analysis complete. Engines are 'all systems go'."
At that Laurie's parents stepped out into the hall to meet them.
"That's not the half of it," her father was bubbling after his own exploration of the ship's labs. "There's a section in this room set up like a greenhouse with independent environmental controls. I'll be able to study the plants we collect; alive!"
"The instruments in the infirmary are state of the art!" Dr. Kingston added.
"There's also a whole library of music, literature, and movies available through the 3D virtual gear from the crew quarters!" Gorioshi exclaimed, coming up the hallway behind Dr. Kingston.
"Too bad we don't have time to enjoy all the bells and whistles," Chris laughed.
"Yes, later," Laurie stated, suddenly remembering. "We've got to leave; Mom, Dad, Mr. Higashi, does everything check out ship-shape?"
"Yes dear," Dr. Kingston replied.
"Affirmative," Gorioshi answered. Eli nodded his reply in turn.
"All right then; let's batten down the hatches and get this rescue mission off the ground!" Laurie exclaimed.