Chapter 1: The New Guy

*buzz buzz* *buzz buzz*

I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. I roll over and press snooze not trying to get up this early in the morning.

"Aang, I know you just pressed snooze. Get up you have school!" Gyatso said, muffled.

"Alright, I am," Aang grumbled.

~Less than 30 seconds later~

"I don't hear you moving!" Gyatso yelled.

Aang got up and stomped all around his room to make sure Gyatso knew he was up. "Ugh, I hate waking up early!" Aang said to himself aloud.

Aang started to get dressed. He showered and put on an orange Nike tee and some jeans. He brushed his teeth and headed downstairs. Gyatso was waiting for him in the kitchen.

"Aang, make sure you eat something before you head out."

"Alright. Do we have any cinnamon rolls left?"


Aang looked around the kitchen before he found what he was looking for. He inhaled the entire thing and grabbed his bag, keys, and phone. He said bye to Gyatso and got in his blue Prius and drove away.

He arrived at the most extravagant school in Republic City. Republic High. Filled with all different types of people, some were from the Fire, Earth, or Water Republic whereas Aang and Gyatso were the only ones from the Air Republic. Aang and Gyatso were the only ones to survive the incident that happened so they moved to the outskirts of the Air Republic and stayed hidden. 4 years later, Aang grew some hair that hid his arrow and Gyatso said that it was time to do public school.

Aang parked close to the school entrance. He was surprised that there were so many people standing outside the school. Aang was sitting in his car for a little while. He texted Gyatso that he made it to school and that he will text him afterward. Gyatso replied okay. Aang was feeling really nervous, but he was delighted that he grew his hair out to hide his arrow. Aang took a few deep breaths and got out of his car. He locked the door and stood looking at the different kinds of people.

He could already pinpoint who was from what republic based on what they were wearing. The boys and girls from the fire republic were wearing different types of red and the boys and girls from the earth republic were wearing different shades of green. But Aang only saw two people wearing blue, which he assumed was from the Water Republic. Aang was rubbing the back of his neck trying to calm his nerves. A light red color started to form on his cheeks.

Because one out of the two people in blue was a girl. A very beautiful girl.