Chapter 2: The Girl

Aang stared and watched how the sun bounced off of her medium complexion and how the wind went through her chestnut hair. "It looks so soft," Aang said to himself. He turned both directions to make sure nobody heard him. He was safe. Aang turned to get his stuff out of his car and when he looked back in the girl's general direction she was looking back. Her eyes were as blue as the sea. She gave him a gentle smile and waved. Aang snapped out of his trance and waved back nervously and started to rub the back of his neck as a light pink color came to his cheeks.

"Where are you going? The entrance is this way" The boy next to the girl said.

"I will meet you in there," She said back.

She was walking towards Aang. "Hi. You must be new by the way you're looking around. I'm Katara."

"Uh-h-hi yes I am lost. I'm Aang." He stuttered.

Out of nowhere Katara grabs Aang's arm and starts to drag him into the building. "What grade are you in?" Katara asks, looking straight into Aang's eyes.

Avoiding her gaze, "I'm a Junior."

"Really, so am I! Alright let me see your schedule," Katara says demandingly. Aang hands her his schedule from his pocket.

"Hmmm….Let's see. First period History with Iroh, Second Chemistry with Bumi, Third Art with Yangchen, Fourth Lunch, Fifth Gym with Hakoda, Sixth English with Roku, and Seventh Free Period. Well, we have all of our classes together."

Aang was just staring at Katara's beautiful hair. He wasn't even paying attention to anything Katara was saying.

"Um, Aang?" Katara questioned.

He snapped out of his trance, "Uhh Yea?"

"Were you even paying attention to anything I was saying?" Katara said, a little annoyed.

"Uh, yea I was told we have all our classes together right?" A little bead of sweat started to appear from his forehead hoping, no PRAYING that he doesn't make this beautiful girl in front of him angry.

"Yea that's right," Katara said with a gentle smile.

"Katara! Do you have my- Who the HELL is that?" Before Katara could see who was yelling her name the mysterious guy grabbed Katara's arm and stood in front of her hovering over Aang, who was only half an inch shorter than him.

"Sokka! Let me go!" Katara yelled and pulled her arm away from his grasp.

"Jeez, Sokka relax. He is new and I was just looking at his schedule." Katara yelled.

"Anyways, Sokka this is Aang, Aang this is my annoying brother, Sokka."

"Nice to meet you," Aang said scratching the back of his neck.

Sokka still hovered and glared at the mysterious boy standing in front of him and who was talking to HIS sister.

"I'm just going to make something clear," Sokka started. Katara rolled her eyes.

"I will be keeping my eye on you mysterious boy and if you touch my sister in any way you're dead! Got it?" Aang took half a step back and nodded.

Sokka grabbed Katara's arm, once again, and dragged her out of the boy's ear range.

"Sokka, let go of me!" Katara said fiercely.

"Katara, what were you doing with that kid?" Sokka questioned while looking through the space between his arms looking at the boy.

"One, why do you care? Two, as I said, he is new and I was going over his schedule with him and told him we have all of our classes together and we were going to walk together before you rudely interrupted. Now if you don't mind, I'm going back to talk to Aang and we are going to class together. And I swear to the Spirits, if you grab me by my arm again I will slap so hard into next week." Katara said angrily.

She pushed Sokka out of the way and made her way back to Aang.

"Hey! We will discuss this at home" Sokka yelled.

Katara stuck her middle finger towards him and walked to where she was. Sokka grunted and headed back to the girl he was standing next to. Aang was so embarrassed and he rubbed his neck trying to avoid eye contact with Katara.

"So...I'm just going out on a limb and guessing your brother doesn't like me," Aang said looking down at his Vans.

"Don't worry about him. Sokka doesn't like guys talking to me in general." Katara said while fiddling with her thumbs.

"He has good reason to because the last guy I talked to I dated for a year and I broke up with him because he was very toxic and he didn't care about our relationship and he would touch me when I didn't want him to. But he continued until Sokka reported him and beat the living crap out of him. Ever since then I haven't really talked to any guys because of what happened. He also was expelled for the rest of the year and I haven't seen him since." Aang looked at Katara with caring eyes.

"I'm sorry Katara. I didn't know." Aang said looking back down.

"Don't worry about it Aang. It was sophomore year. Anyway, that was forever ago. Let's head to History. BTW Mr. Iroh is the most chill and laid back teacher." Katara smiled.

Aang walked behind Katara admiring the curves that he could see. Trying not to make it obvious he only looked only for a few seconds. Admiring her beautiful brown hair and the cute blue shirt she was wearing.

Suddenly, Katara stopped in front of the classroom that said "History: TEA then facts". Aang looked at Katara and saw water coming down.

"Katara...are you okay?"

"I-I-I can't go in there Aang." Katara sniffled.

"Why not? What is it?" Aang said worriedly.

Katara didn't say anything she just pointed at a guy a little shorter than me with shaggy hair and a toothpick in his mouth.

"Katara who is that?" Aang asked.

"It's m-my ex. Jet." Katara cried and sniffled.