"Yes, Katara. You and Jet now will you please come up here." Hakoda said with his arms crossed across his chest. Katara gives Aang a worried look and starts walking towards Hakoda. Aang gave Katara "it's going to be okay just get it over with" Katara nodded and stood by her father. Jet got up and stood on the other side of Hakoda and gave Katara a smirk.
"Alright, so class we play dodgeball a little different. So you play with teams but there are 4 on each team and on each team there are partners. So Katara and Jet are partners and to be able to get a point for your team you have to be able to hit the same person on the opposing team while handcuffed to one another. (Don't worry they are the ones you get from the dollar store) Okay, so Katara stands next to Jet so we can get this demonstration over with." Katara nervously stood by Jet hoping that he wouldn't try anything. Hakoda had the cuffs with him and cuffed Katara and Jet together. Katara winced a little because they were a little tight but Hakoda wasn't paying attention.
"Okay I'm on the opposing team and I have an imaginary partner and now Jet and Katara have to move and work together to be able to hit me and my partner once you hit one person on the opposing team partnership you have to then let the other person cuffed next to you hit the other person before they hit you. It may seem very complicated but I don't care. Now everyone gets up and choose someone on your team to partner up with." Hakoda said.
Since Katara and Jet were basically chosen to be partners by Hakoda, Toph and Mako were the other partnership on that team as for Aang's team Aang was partnered with Kya, and Tenzin was partnered with Bolin. All the other partners grabbed their handcuffs and put them on. Aang was extremely uncomfortable and just wanted to be next to Katara. Everyone got on their side of the court and before the game started Hakoda got a call and left to go to his office which was on the other side of the gym and took it leaving the students handcuffed to one another.
"So Katara I see you were avoiding me today. What's that all about sweetie" Jet whispered into Katara's ear which made her shiver in place.
"I'm not your sweetie Jet so don't call me that. We've been broken up for a year now so stop." Katara said demandingly. While doing so she tried to take the cuffs off but was stopped by Jet's hand over hers.
"What do you think you're doing Katara? You aren't going to get away from me this time" Jet said with a smirk on his face bringing Katara closer to him. Katara stepped on his foot. He groaned a little loud. Aang turned towards Katara and out of nowhere Aang was by Katara's side no longer cuffed to Kya.
"What the heck do you think you are doing to her" Aang questioned sternly.
"What's it to you" Jet replied still tugging on Katara's wrist that was still cuffed to his. Katara winced in pain because the cuffs were on tight.
"That's none of your business. Leave her alone." Aang yelled.
"Make me a new kid!" Jet yelled back. Aang released the cuffs from Katara and then punched Jet in the face. Jet fell to the ground making a grunting sound. Aang got on top of him and started punching him. Hard. Katara stood there shocked while Kya ran to Hakoda's office telling him what was going on. Hakoda rushed over and saw the two boys fighting. He split them up and told them to go to the office. Aang's knuckles were bleeding and he had a black eye. Jet's face was beat a lot and he had bruised cheeks and a bloody nose.
~15 minutes later~
Class was over and Katara made her way towards the office to see if Aang was still in there and he was. He was holding an ice pack to his eye and he looked angry and he walked out with a slip and then saw Katara.
"Oh...hey Katara," he said looking down.
"Are you okay?" Katara said even though Aang wasn't the one that was badly injured.
"Yea I'm fine, nothing a little ice and rest can't handle." He replied giving her a gentle smile then started walking towards the lockers.
"So what was your punishment?" Katara questioned after a few moments of silence between them.
"I got suspended for 3 days and Jet got suspended for a week" He replied opening his locker. Katara nodded. They were silent for a few minutes.
"Why did you do that?" Katara questioned in almost a whisper to only he could hear.
"Because Kat" he started stopping what he was doing and looking at her. "I know I just met you but I care about you okay and from what you told me about that guy I don't want anything happening to you alright. I made you a promise and I intend to keep it. No matter what happens to me. Plus this is the first fight I have ever gotten into seeing as I was homeschooled and I totally won." Aang said. Katara chuckled. Aang closed his locker with his bag in his hands. Katara hugged him to his surprise and then hugged her back.
"I will text you okay Katara. It's just for 3 days." Aang said while walking towards the exit with Katara.
"Alright, Aang. Please rest. I will bring you your work though every day after school." Katara replied with a smile. Aang pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and wrote something on it.
"This is my address," Aang told her. She nodded and grabbed it from his hands and placed it in her pocket. Katara looked into Aang's eyes. She never really paid attention before this moment but she thought Aang's eyes looked like nice storm clouds and she couldn't help but blush a little. Snapping back into reality she waved Aang goodbye and went back to class.
Aang got in his car and drove away. Katara walked back to class. The rest of the day was kind of boring because Aang wasn't there keeping her company. The last bell rang and everyone was walking out of the building. Katara waited for Sokka to get out so she could get home seeing as she didn't want to take the bus and she didn't have her license yet but she was going to get it in a few months. Katara, Sokka, and Suki got in Sokka's gray Jeep and they drove home.
Meanwhile, Aang just made it home because he made a pit-stop to the pharmacy to pick up his prescription he forgot to grab this morning. All Aang could think about was Katara's face. A sudden pink color filled his cheeks and then when he approached his home it went away. Aang parked the car in the driveway and saw that Gyatso was still home. Dreading getting out of the car, Aang did and unlocked the front door. He was tackled by his two dogs Appa and Momo who he hasn't seen all day because they were at the vet before Aang woke up.
"So do you want to tell me what happened today at school?" Gyatso said with his arms crossed while sitting on the stairs.
"Well...." Aang started.