A/N: BTW they started school on a Monday if I didn't say that. It is still Monday.
"So basically I got into a fight with this jerk at school and now I'm suspended for 3 days but before you say anything in my defense he was hurting a friend," Aang said quickly. He went to the couch and set his stuff next to him. Gyatso arose from the stairs and walked towards the couch and faced Aang.
"You got into a fight on your first day. Aang I'm not angry just a little disappointed because I have taught you better than this haven't I. But a friend. You made a friend on your first day. That is nice." Gyatso said. Aang looked down and then back at Gyatso.
"I know I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I promise. And yes I made a friend. I actually made a couple." Aang told Gyatso about what happened today. Afterward, Gyatso went to the kitchen and Aang made his way upstairs.
Katara's POV
Katara was now home and she was debating whether or not she was going to text Aang or do her school work. She chose Aang.
*In Messages*
Katara: Hey Aang. I was just texting you to see if you were doing all right
~5 minutes later~
Aang: Oh hey Kat sorry I was putting some stuff on my eye to make it feel better. Yea I'm doing all right. How was the rest of the day?
Katara: It was okay I guess. But English was kind of boring without you there ngl
Aang: Did somebody miss me lol
Katara: Oh shut up.
Aang: Well my grandfather wasn't mad at me so I guess we can continue texting but I have some work I need to do so I will text you later Kat.
Katara: alright bye
*End Messages*
English was kind of boring without you there Katara thought to herself and slapped her forehead. What the heck was I thinking. A small red color was forming on Katara's cheeks.
Ugh, why am I feeling this way? I just met him but the way he protected me at gym. *sigh* Katara just sat on her bed thinking to herself and got up when she was blushing mad hard when she thought of Aang.
"Alright, Katara you just met him stop getting all hot in the cheeks just thinking about him," Katara said to herself. After thinking about Aang for the past 15 minutes Katara started her work.
Aang's POV
*After Messages*
Aang did a little dance after he ended messaging with Katara. He looked as if he had to go to the bathroom and someone was in there for a long time. But he was just happy that a cute girl texted him. Aang was in his room and he started his work. Every now and then Aang's mind would wander thinking about Katara. Instead of doing his work he went on Katara's insta and started scrolling through her photos from a while ago. Then he accidentally liked a picture from 2 years ago and Katara was at the beach with Toph and Suki and the caption said "Girls Day". Aang quickly unhearted it but thought to himself.
Crap she might think I'm a stalker now. Dang it why does she have to be so cute I don't get it Ugh. Aang got up from his bed and started pacing around his room with his phone still on her picture on there. Hopefully, she doesn't get a notification or I'm going to have to avoid her when I go back to school and I really don't want to do that.
"Aang will you please stop stomping up there I'm trying to read and that stomping is causing a distraction," Gyatso yelled from downstairs. Aang walked towards the top of the stairs.
"Sorry grandfather," Aang yelled back. He walked back to his room and plopped on his bed. He looked at his ceiling hoping. No PRAYING that Katara doesn't think he is weird.
~30 minutes later~
Aang was still on his bed not moving. Alright, I guess since she hasn't texted me about it I guess I can actually do work now. Aang thought to himself. He got up and grabbed his laptop from his bag and looked at what he had to do for English seeing as he wasn't in class.
~Around 10:30 PM~
Aang was in the backyard with Appa and Momo and playing outside with them. He started to get bored so he brought the dogs in the house and he went to fill up their bowls with some food and water for tonight. He walked over to the fridge looking to see if there was anything he wanted to eat right now.
I wish I wasn't vegetarian anymore like Jesus, we only got lettuce. Aang was just staring into the fridge hoping something other than lettuce would appear but nothing did. He closed the fridge and grabbed some Veggie Straws from the pantry and went upstairs to his room.
Aang was scrolling through Tik Tok wondering if anything interesting would pop up and then something did. It was Katara. She was doing a dance with what looked like Suki and they were doing the 'Put a Finger Down challenge". Aang doubled tapped and swiped over to look at more of Katara's Tik Toks and there was a lot and he liked all of them. Aang didn't even care at this point anymore. He was lowkey tired and his eye started to hurt. But he stayed up a little longer and went on Snap to send streaks and he sent streaks to Katara, Suki, Sokka, Zuko, Mai, and Toph. Even though he knew she can't see she can still find a way and plus with all this new technology it wouldn't be a problem.
After sending streaks and scrolling through Tik Tok and Insta he plugged his phone in and laptop. He went to take a shower and he brushed his teeth and put on some shorts and got in his bed and started to drift off.
Katara's POV
~Around 10:30 PM~
Katara was on the phone with Toph and they were talking about random stuff. They mostly talked about what happened during gym and other random things. Toph and Katara were on the phone for at least 2 hours and then Toph hung up because she was hungry and Katara hated when Toph would eat on the phone with her because Toph was the loudest eater only when she was on the phone with Katara.
Katara looked at her notifications and saw that she had a snap from Aang so she opened it and it was goodnight streaks. Katara then looked at the time and saw that it was almost 11:00 and that she had to get up early tomorrow for class. So she snapped him back and sent him a good night text even though he sent good night streaks.
~11:15 PM~
Katara plugged in her phone and laptop and she got in the shower and changed into a crop top and some shorts and laid down. She started scrolling through Tik Tok and stayed up. She hoped Aang was still up but she didn't dwell on it.