Aang's POV
Aang turned over and looked to see where the sound was coming from. He saw that it was coming from his phone. He looked at the time on his phone and it read "12:45 AM". Aang looked below and saw he had 5 notifications from Instagram, 10 from Youtube, and 5 from Tik Tok. When he got to the bottom of his screen he saw that Katara left him a message 2 hours ago.
*In Messages*
Katara: good night Aang -10:45
Aang: hey -12:45 AM
Katara: hey -12:47 AM--Aang was surprised to see that Katara was still up. So he continued texting her.
Aang: so wyd?
Katara: nm scrolling Tik Tok. Hbu
Aang: can't sleep. I tried but it didn't work out then I saw your message so...
Katara: oh ok
Aang: so I wanted to know if maybe you wanted to ft bc we are still up with nothing to do. But we don't have to if you don't want to its just that I'm bored and my grandfather is sleeping so.....
*End Messages*
What the heck is wrong with me? It is almost in the morning and I just asked the first cutest girl if she wanted to ft me at night. She also has school in less than 6 hours. I'm such an idiot. Aang thought to himself. I mean she might say no but if she says yea I might have to turn my LED lights on and I don't have a shirt on but I don't feel like getting up right now.
Katara's POV
*In Messages*
Aang: so I wanted to know if you wanted to ft maybe but we don't have to if you don't want to it just that I'm bored and my grandfather is sleeping so.....
*End Messages*
Katara turned 3 different shades of red after reading Aang's text. She kicked the blanket off of her and started to do a mini dance but then stopped because she didn't want to wake anyone up seeing as it was 1 in the morning and Sokka's room was right across the hall from hers and that her bed was mad squeaky.
*In Messages*
Katara: sure why not -1:03 AM
*End Messages*
Katara got up from her bed and started to look for her LED light remote and once she found it she turned them on a grey-ish color (I know they don't have a grey color on the remote. Just roll with it.) because it reminded her of Aang's eyes. She threw her hair in a quick ponytail leaving two strands out. I should probably put on a sweatshirt but that's all the way on the other side of my room...Katara thought. *sigh* Katara found a blue sweatshirt that was lying on the floor and threw it on.
3rd Person POV
Aang got his LED light remote from his dresser and turned his lights to a medium blue because he thought it matched Katara's eyes. He grabbed his phone and situated himself in a comfortable position and called Katara.
-Incoming Call from Aang-
Katara got on her bed, got comfortable, and then answered the call.
"Hey," Katara said in a low voice so she didn't wake anyone up.
"Hey Kat" Aang replied also not wanting to wake anyone up.
"Nice color choice for your LEDs," Aang said noticing the gray-ish color. He also saw how her hair looked really nice but he didn't say anything because he thought that was kind of weird. She looks so cute with her hair like that.
"Thanks, I like yours too." Katara then looked a little below Aang's face and started to blush. How the heck is he so ripped and how did I miss this when I saw him today. Katara thought to herself. "So how is your eye?" Katara questioned, still blushing.
Aang noticed her blush and was confused until he remembered he wasn't wearing a shirt. He then started to blush as well but thankfully the medium blue lights he had in his room covered it. "It's okay I guess. The medicine I took made me drowsy but that was a couple of hours ago and now I'm up because it started to hurt." Aang replied.
"I'm so sorry Aang. I'm the reason why you have a black eye and why you are in pain" Katara said looking away from the camera. Aang could hear her sniffling. She came back to the camera but not looking down.
"Katara look at me," Aang said in a sweet but demanding voice. Katara listened and looked at Aang's stormy gray eyes. "I need you to understand that what I did during gym was not your fault in any way, shape, or form. I choose to help you Katara because believe it or not I care about you and I know we just met or whatever but I feel some type of way when I'm with you okay and I saw that Jet was hurting you and I saw that you were in pain and well something inside me said to help you in any way that I could and I did. Although I am in pain Katara, I don't think that any of this is your fault and I would not forgive myself if I made the first girl talk to me to cry. So, Katara please don't cry over this alright. It was my choice to get into a fight with Jet." Aang finished his little speech in a rushed quiet voice.
Katara was taking everything that Aang said and set her phone down and wiped both her eyes. Instead of tears of sadness, she was crying tears of joy because nobody has ever said anything like that to her before. "A-ang I-I-I don't know what to say. That was like the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me like ever." Katara started to sniffle because she didn't want to cry in front of Aang again.
"It needed to be said Katara because I don't want anyone to make you cry especially me," Aang said in a sad tone. Katara couldn't stop blushing at the fact that Aang just said the kindest words to her.
~3 hours later~(It's now 4 in the morning)
For the past 3 hours, Aang and Katara just talked. They were playing truth or dare but realized it was kind of hard to do anything because it was so late. About at 3:15 in the morning, KAtaa took off her sweatshirt because she was getting hot. Aang of coursed blushed when she brought the camera back towards her face and he could see just the top half of her chest. Now Aang and Katara are laying down because they got kind of tired sitting up.
"Aang," Katara says in a very sleepy voice. Aang was starting to nod off and when he heard Katara's voice he looked at her and saw that she was laying on both of her arms. Aang stared a little. After about 30 seconds with no response, Katara said his name again. "Aang," Katara said again rustling around. Aang snapped out of his daze.
"Uh, yea Kat" Aang said quickly hoping she didn't notice him staring.
"I'm having a really good time talking to you. I wanna know something." Katara said adjusting herself to look at Aang. Although her eyes were kinda closed she could still see Aang's rock-hard abs and she began to blush.
"Uh yea what's up?" Aang said nervously noticing Katara's white crop top. Trying not to stare he looked to the side.
"Why are you so cute?"
"U-uh I don't know how I'm supposed to answer that Kat. But on another note....you think I'm cute?" Aang said sitting up straight looking dead into Katara's ocean eyes. OMG, she just called me cute. The first girl I've talked to coming here just called me cute. Okay, let me stop. Aang thought to himself also having a massive blush on his face in the process.
"Yes I think your cute alright," Katara said twirling her hair blushing like Aang. Suddenly, there was a loud alarm going off across the hall from Katara's room. This cause Katara to drop her phone. She quickly picked it up and swiped down looking at the time. "No way it's 6 in the morning," Katara said shocked.
"6 are you sure?" Aang questioned. He also scrolled down and saw that it read 6:00 AM. "Oh wow, we have been talking for 5 hours straight. But if Sokka's alarm is going off that means you have school in 3 hours! OMG Katara I'm so sorry for keeping you up." Aang said apologetically.
"It's alright Aang. I have Iroh's class first period and he is the most chill teacher at Republic High so don't worry. I promise you Aang that I will be fine. But I have to get up and shower and get ready I will text you during lunch. Go to sleep." Katara said getting out of her bed.
"Alright, Ms. Katara I will go to sleep. But don't forget about me at school." Aang said rolling over, laying his head on his pillow ready to fall asleep. "Good morning Katara," Aang said with a smile and buried his head in his pillow.
"Good night *cutie*," Katara said but whispered the last word. Hoping Aang didn't hear.
"I heard you," Aang said muffled. Katara had a little blush but it quickly went away when Sokka knocked and then entered Katara's room.
"Katara get u-" Sokka started. "Who are you talking to this early in the morning? The sun isn't even up. And I'm surprised you're up it usually takes a whole 10 minutes to wake you up." Sokka said trying to see who she was talking to but she put her phone closer to her chest.
"Bye cutie I text you later," Katara said and quickly hung up on Aang.
"Cutie?" Sooka questioned. "Who is cutie?"
"Nun ya business Sokka. Now get out so I can get ready." Katara retorted.
"Yea yea whatever Katara. Hurry up." Sokka said walking back to his room. Aang was sound asleep and didn't hear Katara hang up. Katara got ready and headed downstairs and ate breakfast and got in Sokka's car and headed to school. All Katara could think about was her and Aang's conversation and she thought about that the entire car ride to school. Although Aang wasn't going to be there at school she just couldn't wait until lunch to when she got to text him. Sokka pulled into a parking space they got out the car and they headed to the front because school didn't start for another 15 minutes. Sokka went towards Suki and Katara headed towards Toph.
"What got you all smiley?" Toph said knowing it was Katara walking towards her.
"Nothing," Katara said blushing and looking away from Toph knowing that she couldn't see her blushing.
"Mmhm..sure Katara. You can't lie to me Kat I'm your best friend and I also know when you're lying." Toph said with a smirk. "So spill, because I know that there is something or someone," Toph said tilting her head in Katara's general direction.
"Umm it's a long story," Katara said.
With the remaining 10 minutes the girls had before class started, Katara told Toph about her face time call with Aang. Toph was giggling in some parts of the story and Katara blushed her entire time telling it. The bell rang and Katara's long day without Aang there started.
Hope you guys enjoyed it. Don't forget to comment what you think.