It was around 4:30 PM when they arrived at Aang's house. They would've gotten there sooner but Aang had to wait a very long time just to get gas. Because school ended at 3:15, Katara was a little worried that Sokka didn't text her. He must be at basketball or something because he always texts me after school. Katara thought.
For some reason, Aang still didn't see Gyatso's car in the driveway. He should've been home by now. Aang thought. He was a little worried. So Aang sent a text to Gyatso to make sure that he was okay. He also told him that someone was over.
Aang got out of the car first and waited for Katara to grab her stuff out of the backseat. They both started to head up the walkway to the stairs. Katara just stood in awe of how big Aang's house was and the fact that he got the biggest house on the street. But she shouldn't really be surprised because he has a $25,000 car.
"You coming Kat?" Aang asked already at the top of the stairs.
Katara snapped out of her daze and nodded. Aang unlocked the door revealing his humble home. All Katara could do was drop her jaw at how beautiful Aang's house was. They took a few steps in so Aang could close the front door. Katara placed her stuff on a side chair that was next to her. Little did Katara know she was going to get attacked by not one but two furry dogs.
*bark bark* *bark bark*
The sound startled Katara and she looked to see two cute dogs running towards her. She squatted down so she could pet them put got knocked over in the process. While on the floor she was getting sniffed and licked by both Appa and Momo.
"Appa! Momo! Stop" Aang demanded. Both dogs soon got off of Katara and sat down. Aang helped Katara up and got her a lint roller because Appa shed all over her.
"You okay Kat?" Aang asked coming back downstairs to hand Katara the lint roller.
"Yea I'm fine. Your dogs are so cute. Which one is Appa and which one is Momo?" Katara asked smiling.
"The one with blue eyes is Appa and the one with green eyes is Momo. Appa is a German Sheppard mix with a husky and Momo is an American Pit Bull Terrier mixed with a Pomeranian dog so that is why he is so tiny." Aang told her.
"That explains why they are so adorable. They are mixed babies" Katara said smiling even more. (Don't hate me for saying mixed babies bc that's what they are).
Aang and Katara take a seat in the living room relatively close to another and they talk about random stuff. Katara then remembers her entire reason for coming over.
"Oh Aang, here is your work that you missed today," Katara said handing him the papers from her bag.
"Thanks.." Aang sarcastically said grabbing the papers from her hands. Aang looked over the papers. There wasn't a lot of work he had to do. He was relieved that it was quite simple. All he had to do was write a paragraph about any kind of tea for Iroh's class and record himself making a chemical reaction for Bumi's class. Katara was petting Momo who was now in her lap.
Aang suggested that the two of them watch TV until Katara wanted to go home. Katara didn't mind, it's not like she had any work to do besides watch a video but she could do that on her way to school tomorrow. She wanted to spend as much time with Aang until she had to go home.
Aang was still worried that Gyatso hasn't replied to his message and he didn't know what was happening with him but he just let the thought leave his mind while he was hanging out with Katara because he didn't want his worries to affect the mood that was surrounding the both of them.
~2 hours later~
It is now 6:30 PM and the two 'friends' are chatting about random stuff while they watch Stranger Things. Aang would every once in a while glance at Katara and admire her beauty and then look back at the TV. Katara would do the same when she saw that Aang was invested in the show.
"Oh crap!" Katara said, looking down at her phone that was on silent.
"What's wrong?" Aang asked, pausing the show.
"It's Sokka. I have 10 missed calls from him and like 20 unread texts from both him and my father" Katara said getting up quickly
"Crap, that is bad. C'mon, grab your stuff I will drive you home." Aang said getting off the couch as well. Katara nodded and grabbed all her stuff and walked quickly to the car. Aang already unlocked and he told the dogs that he will be right back. He locked the door behind him and got in the car. He started it and quickly drove off. Katara gave him the directions and they were on their way.
~About 20 minutes later~
Aang finally pulled up to Katara's home. Unfortunately, there were two figures standing outside. Katara was a little nervous getting out of the car because she was afraid of what would happen to her once she got to the steps. Not giving her enough time to think a voice boomed.
"Katara! Get out of that car right now!"
The voice came from her father. "And person driving step out of the vehicle immediately"
Aang gives Katara a nervous look and Katara whispers, "Don't get out. Just drive away really fast". Aang nodded and kept the plan in mind. Katara then stepped out of the car.
"Go! Hurry!" Katara yelled as soon as the door closed. Aang did as told and drove faster than when he did to get her home. Katara was happy that Aang could get away. She waved and then turned to see not one but two angry/disappointed faces staring at her. She made her way to where they stood.
"Who was that!" Sokka and Hakoda said simultaneously.
"A friend," Katara said quietly.
"Who was this 'friend' and what were you doing with them?" Hakoda questioned.
"Just a friend and we weren't doing anything," Katara answered
"Well, that's not a good enough explanation as to why you are coming home almost at 7 PM!" Hakoda yelled. "Get inside and go wash up for dinner. We will discuss this later tonight." Hakoda said. Katara nodded and headed upstairs and placed all of her stuff in her room and went to the bathroom to wash up.
Can't tell him about what I and Aang did today. Just tell him I dropped homework off to a friend and was talking for a little while and lost track of time. Katara thought of the excuse she wanted to tell her father. She wouldn't technically be lying.
Katara headed downstairs and sat at the table. Hakoda, Sokka, and Katara sat in complete silence while eating. Once they were finished eating Hakoda told Katara to put the dishes in the kitchen and then come back to the table. Katara placed the dishes in the sink and headed back to where she was sitting at the table. Hakoda sat up straight and looked at Katara.
"I'm going to ask you only once Katara" Hakoda started. "Why are you coming home so late and who was driving that car?"
"I was out with a friend and I had to give them the homework that they missed during the day and well we talked afterward and we lost track of time. My friend was the one in the car" Katara said while fiddling with her fingers not meeting her father's gaze.
"I would like you to at least let me know when you are coming home late Katara. I don't want anything to happen to you alright." Hakoda said, looking at his daughter's head looking down.
"Yes, dad," Katara said looking at him.
"Alright go do your homework or whatever teenagers do these days while I go over the game plan for the next few weeks," Hakoda said standing up and heading towards his office. Katara got up and headed upstairs to her room. She was very thankful that her father was so understanding.
Unlike her dear brother. Sokka was waiting for Katara to come upstairs. He was sitting on his bed.
"The kid in the car was Aang wasn't it?" Sokka questioned. Katara stood there not knowing whether or not to tell her brother that it was Aang or brush him off.