Chapter 8: The "Date"

Katara grabbed her bag and her phone and headed towards Aang's car. When she got in she took a deep breath in and smelled something really good. She couldn't explain it but it was a really pleasant smell.

"Hey, Kat. You okay? You look like you are having a sugar high" Aang said with a smile.

Snapping out of her gaze, "Yea I'm fine, it's just that ur car smells really good" Katara said still admiring the smell.

"Well" Aang started, "I guess that I will take that as a compliment," Aang said rubbing the back of his neck wanting to her that it was him but didn't want to be super awkward so he kept to himself.

"Um Aang, why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?" Katara said now trying to wipe stuff off her face that wasn't there. Aang snapped out of his daze.

"No...I was just looking at your eyes. They remind me of the ocean that's all" Aang replied looking down. Why would I say that I'm so dumb? She might think I'm a creep. Aang thought while mentally slapping his forehead which he knew if he were to do now it would leave a red mark and he didn't want that.

Katara blushed and turned away from Aang's gaze. "Well, thank you. I like your eyes too. They remind me of calm storm clouds." Katara said feeling her blush deepened.

"Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to get something to eat before we headed to my house," Aang said trying to change the subject.

"Uh sure. I haven't eaten really today because you know school food is blah" Katara said sticking out her tongue. The two of them giggled for a good 30 seconds.

"Here," Aang said handing Katara his phone. "Make a playlist and then play it while we drive," Aang said. For some reason, Aang thought that Katara was the only girl he could trust with his phone. Somehow deep down he knew that she wouldn't do anything to it.

"Okay," Katara replied. "But don't judge me by my music," Katara said in a stern yet soft voice.

"I won't I promise. Just as long as you promise to make fun of my music whenever we listen to it" Aang said.

"Fine, I promise," Katara said. Aang pulled out of the school parking lot and started driving. After about 5 minutes of driving there was a sound coming from inside Aang's car. The song that was playing was 'For the Night' by Pop Smoke. Aang couldn't be happier.

"Katara you are a goat. Pop Smoke is legendary." Aang said with a bright smile on his face. "Also where do you want to eat?" Aang asked because he forgot to while they were in the parking lot. Aang pulled into the nearest parking lot so they could decide where they wanted to eat.

"Thanks. But you choose for food because I am the most unhelpful person in the world." Katara said holding her hands up and shaking her head.

"Well, you can't be any worse than me Kat. I'm a vegetarian and also you are going to have to choose because I'm new here remember" Aang said looking over at Katara.

"Oh yea, well we can go to Texas Roadhouse, In 'n' Out, or Smokey Bones," Katara said trying to think of more places but none came to mind. (These are the 3 places that came to mind. So don't judge)

"Well, which is your favorite out of those 3? Aang asked.

"Um....I would say Texas Roadhouse mainly because their rolls are to die for. They are so good." Katara said with glee.

"Okay, then that is where will go," Aang said.

Is this a date? Should I ask? No. It will be too awkward. Maybe. No. *sigh* We are just friends going to get food because we are both starving. That is all. Katara and Aang thought to themselves. Mentally slapping their foreheads. Mentally leaving a red mark there. Little did they know that they were thinking the same thing at the same time.

Meanwhile, they were listening to music the entire way. It was mostly Pop smoke, Beyonce, and occasionally other artists that Aang didn't know. But when a song Aang did know come on he would sing along whole heartily. Every time Aang would sing Katara would look over and see how happy he was while singing. Seeing him like this made her smile. Maybe even blush a little but it didn't show.

It was about an hour's drive to get to Texas Roadhouse so Aang and Katara just listened to music most of the time. Aang eventually switched over to his playlist that was filled with mainly 90s artists like Usher, Chris Brown, Ne-Yo and so many more. The fact that Aang knew these old songs made Katara smile because she was afraid to put them in her playlist that she made because she wanted Aang to enjoy the music too.

They finally arrived at Texas Roadhouse and Aang parked close to the entrance because not many people would go here during the weekdays because people had work or school. It wasn't a long wait for them to be seated.

~Timeskip after getting their food~

"Mmm, this is so good. I wish you weren't vegetarian Ang because this steak is amazing" Katara barely got out after swallowing her steak. Aang got a Ceasar Salad.

"I do too. That looks so good and juicy." Aang said now staring at Katara's juicy steak that he knew he couldn't eat. But he was so debating to stop being vegetarian because even as a boy Aang hasn't had a single piece of meat.

The two of them enjoyed their meal and got ready to pay and head to Aang's house. They both got in the car and started to head back. They did the same thing they did when going to Texas Roadhouse, they just played music and sang along.