Aang and Katara continued to hang out for the next couple of days he was on suspension. They both went swimming and went on more 'dates' to various restaurants near his house. They both enjoyed each other's company. After spending time at Aang's house Katara was home earlier and wasn't questioned by her father when she came home.
They both face timed each other both days. During school, Aang would send texts saying 'This time on ft don't stare at my abs for so long *winky face*" or "You still think I'm cute? *smirk face*" making Katara blush like a madwoman during the day and the teachers and students around her think that something is wrong.
It was the day before Aang had to go back to school. Gyatso texted Aang yesterday that he would be back on Friday after school. Aang made sure that all the work Katara gave him was completed and ready to be turned in. Aang made sure he had all of his stuff ready to go for tomorrow. He even laid out an outfit for tomorrow. With the help of Katara of course. Aang told Katara that he was choosing his outfit for tomorrow and Katara told him to facetime her and he did. So Katara picked an orange shirt and a white Champion hoodie, some ripped jeans, and his white Air Jordan 12s. Aang was happy with this outfit and placed it on his chair.
Aang and Katara weren't on the phone for a very long time tonight because Aang did have to get up early. But he did ask her if she wanted him to pick her up for school tomorrow. She said yes. So they both got their rest.
~Next Morning~
Aang woke up to the sound of his alarm. It was 6:45 AM and he began getting ready for school. He showered and made sure to out on the same cologne he does every time he would pick up Katara because he knew she loved that scent. He got dressed and headed downstairs. He fed Momo and Appa and told them that he will see them later. He grabbed his keys, phone, and bag and headed out the door. He made sure to text Katara that he was on his way.
Meanwhile with Katara
Her alarm went off at 6:30 AM because she wanted to get ready super early and she didn't want to be late going out the door. She showered and put on a white shirt, a blue Champion's hoodie, jeans, and light blue Vans. She sort of forgot the outfit she chose for Aang. She would soon find out that she would be matching. She brushed her hair and made a braid down the middle and the rest of her hair in a ponytail. She sprayed some perfume from Victoria's Secret and brushed her teeth and then headed downstairs to make her a bowl of cereal.
She looked down at her phone looking to see that it was a text from Aang saying that he was on his way. Katara's heart beat a little bit faster after reading this. She quickly finished her breakfast. And made sure she had everything she needed for today.
It was 7:10 AM when Aang arrived. Katara was already outside on the stairs waiting for him. She texted Sokka telling him that she already had a ride to school because when she was eating breakfast Sokka was now getting up. Katara walked over to the car and opened the passenger door. She took a deep breath in and smiled. Aang smiled back and began to back out of her driveway.
30 minutes later and the two arrive. Aang parked relatively close to the front entrance and locked his doors. Both he and Katara were walking towards the front steps close together. Their hands were only centimeters away from one another. They were about to touch hands until a voice startled them both.
"Hey Sugar Queen and do my eyes deceive me? Is that Twinkletoes back from the dead" Toph laughed.
"Hey Toph," both of them said blushing noticing how close their hands were to each other.
Both sat next to Toph on opposite sides. Both made slight glances at one another and blushed looking away. Toph didn't say anything but let it slide. All three of them smiled. Sokka eventually pulled up with Suki also in the car. He waved at his sister and surprisingly to Aang as well. There were about 10 minutes remaining until it was time to head to class.
Class was about to start. Katara and Aang were once again side by side, their hands close to one another. They headed towards their seats in the back of Iroh's class. They noticed that Iroh wasn't here. They paid no attention until a strange man came walking into their classroom. He was in an army uniform and his sideburns were mad long.
"I will be your substitute teacher for the next few weeks. Mr. Iroh has been in an accident this morning and the principal has called me in to take charge of this class until he returns. I'm Mr. Zhao and I will be teaching all of you the history of military customs. I would like to be addressed as 'Sir' at all times." His voice boomed throughout the entire classroom. His voice startled the class when he started to talk.
Little did the two of them know that today was going to get even more interesting.