Chapter 12: Back to School Part 2

BTW it's Friday

Katara's POV

The rest of the class went on and Mr. Zhao was teaching about all military customs. Apparently, he was in a war and he lost. I wasn't really paying attention because Aang, ever so subtle, would make weird faces which made me giggle. Mr. Zhao turned around from the board to see where the sound was coming from but he couldn't find it so he went back to lecturing. Thank god he didn't know it was me! Katara thought to herself. She sent a glare towards Aang and he responded with a smile. She rolled her eyes and began doodling in her notebook until class was over.

~Timeskip end of class~

I grabbed my stuff from my desk and placed it in my bag and started to walk out with Aang following behind me. For some reason, the hallways were really crowded. Usually, after first period the hallways don't have as many people. But today it was different. There was a group surrounding what looked like a male and a female. I started to walk towards them and saw who was in the middle. It was Sokka and Zuko. Sokka really needs to cut his hair. I thought that he was a girl *sigh* Katara thought briefly. She then saw that the two were fighting. Why are they fighting? Aren't they friends... Katara questioned in her mind.

~45 minutes ago~ Sokka's POV

Just saw Katara with Aang. I decided to wave to them both because I'm trying to be nice to Katara's 'lil boyfriend'. I and Suki get out of the car and start to head towards Zuko and Mai. They are a weird couple but whatever. Just as long as they're happy and not trying to break anything I'm good. We talked all morning before the bell rang.

About 30 minutes later and everyone is in first period, Suki texts me saying that she forget something in my car and so I tell her to come get my keys. The teacher was reluctant but still allowed me to give them to her and I told her to lock it straight afterward because I don't have the cash to get another car if that one gets stolen. Anyway about 5 minutes after that I had to take a whizz so I got up and left and then I saw it. Suki on top of Zuko. Anger just filled me. Suki got up as soon as she saw me and try explaining it but I wasn't having it. I was cursing and throwing hands at Zuko. That's when the end of the first-period bell rang and well I was still in a fight with Zuko.

"Sokka! It wasn't what it looked like. I tripped and Zuko just happened to be there. That's why it looked the way it did" A voice said standing behind Sokka. It was Suki.

"Bull. I see the way he looks at you" Sokka yelled.

"I have a girlfriend!" Zuko yelled.

5 minutes later and some of the nearby teachers came out of their rooms. The one teacher that broke up the fight really surprised me.

"Children stop this nonsense immediately! You two head to the office NOW!" Mrs. Yangchen yelled. Causing the entire crowd to go silent and back away. Both of them listened and walked on opposite sides of the hallway. I have never heard Mrs. Yangchen yell before.

"Okay the rest of you go to class and have a wonderful day," She said in her gentle sweet voice before walking back towards her classroom. I turned around to see Mr. Zhao with his mouth wide. I guess he has never seen a woman be like that before because if he did he wouldn't have those long freaking sideburns.

I still couldn't believe that Sokka got into a fight with Zuko. Like they have been friends for the longest. But whatever I guess they needed to release all that testosterone that they were apparently building up.

Aang was also amazed by how everything went down. After Mrs.Yangchen told us to go to class we went together and continued the day as normal. I have just noticed how smart Aang is in chemistry. He knew all the isotopes of the different atoms. I couldn't even get one of them right but here was Aang being amazing.

At the end of class, I and Aang were just talking about what happened in the hallway earlier and we were still in shock. We walked into the art room and we were the only ones there. I looked over at the board and said that we have a free period because something personal came up. I smiled at that and showed Aang.

"So what do you want to do for about an hour?" I asked.

"Idk wanna go to the courtyard and chill there?" Aang said.

"Sure" I smiled. They both made their way to the courtyard. We both saw that most of our entire art class was here. I walked over to an empty bench that was in the shade and Aang followed shortly after. For the entirety of the class, I and Aang sat next to each other and talked and scrolled Tik Tok. For some reason, I just couldn't stop blushing when Aang leaned in close to show me a Tik Tok he found. We ended up sharing his Airpods and just watched on his phone because my phone apparently was about to die even though I put it on the charger last night.

~Timeskip Lunch~

3rd Person POV

Aang and Katara were walking in from the courtyard heading towards their cafeteria.

Both of them headed to the back where they sat on the first day. Toph, Suki, and Mai were there but Sokka and Zuko were nowhere to be seen.

Getting their lunches, they both sat next to each other and Katara was next to Toph.

"Hey, Sugar Queen and Twinkletoes haven't seen you since this morning," Toph said while stuffing her face with what seemed to be mashed potatoes. They both made their greetings to everyone at the table.

"Suki, have you seen my brother?" Katara asked.

"No not since the incident that happened in the hallway" Suki looked down. Like she was about to cry.

"So what exactly happened? Aand asked. Everyone was silent.

"So I went to Sokka's class because I forgot something in his car and so I asked him for his keys and he gave them to me and then when I came back inside I saw Zuko at the end of the hall so I decided to jog a little to get to him but in the process, I tripped and toppled over Zuko and then Sokka came out of his class and saw us. I got off of him and tried to explain what happens but he was super jealous and now I don't what to do because he won't believe me and I didn't do anything wrong except trip." Suki was now crying. All of the girls, including Toph, went over to comfort her.

"I know you didn't do anything wrong and I know Zuko wouldn't do something like that to me," Mai said gently hugging her side. The girls were like that for another 30 seconds before they returned to their seats.

"Sokka is so overdramatic like Zuko is his best friend! Why would he think that even for a moment that you would cheat on him." Katara told Suki.

"I don't know but whatever." Suki shrugged. "If he wants to talk to me then he will if he doesn't then he won't" Suki stated.

Mai pulled out her phone and texted Zuko asking where he was. His response was that he was at home because he got suspended for a day for fighting in the hallway. Mai told the group and Katara assumed that her brother was home as well.

After all the emotions and whatever the group just ate their food and talked about random stuff. Aang and Katara talked as well but it wasn't about anything random.

"So even though I'm at school and you don't need to bring my work to me" Aang started to whisper. "You still wanna come over?" Aang asked the brunette sitting next to him. Katara blushed and nodded. With that Aang also blushed and looked away and finished his salad he got from the salad bar.

~Timeskip After Lunch~

Everyone but Toph, Katara, and Aang went their separate ways and headed for the gym. The gym looked as if it had gotten bigger since the last time Aang had seen it. He noticed that the bleachers were up and that there was even more space.

They made their way to where everyone else was and took a seat. They had a free day and that meant that they could do anything they wanted except go on their phones. Aang, Tenzin, Bolin, and Mako (I do not care that Tenzin is his kid and that Bolin and Mako are from LOK too bad) decided that they wanted to play basketball. So Hakoda lowered one of the nets and the boys, being boys took off one of their layers of clothing. All the boys were wearing sweatshirts so they took them off. They had lockers with shorts in them so they changed into them as well. The girls decided that they wanted to play volleyball so about halfway through the gym the volleyball net was set up (like haikyu but there is only one net)

Everyone went into their respected locker rooms and changed. Because Republic HIgh was sponsored by many brands, the students were able to pick what brand they wanted for their gym clothes. The girls chose Nike and the guys chose Champion.

The boys were the first to get changed. Aang was wearing a white shirt and the other 3 were wearing red or black. They headed over to the net and started to play. Aang and Bolin were on a team and Mako and Tenzin were on one. (They aren't brothers in this story) Bolin was a buff guy and he was a little shorter than Aang. He was like 6'2 3/4 and Aang was 6'3 3/4. Bolin was a really nice guy and he is also really funny. He would make jokes about how Tenzin was ½ an inch away from the basket and still missed. ( I don't really know a lot about Bolin but I'm trying here '-') Mako was more on the buff side but a little scrawny. He was about 6'3 and he was almost as tall as Aang. Lastly, Tenzin was a little shorter than all the guys. He was 6'1 and he was more on the scrawny side but he had muscle which made up for it.

The girls finally came out of the locker rooms and Katara was wearing the black outfit and the other girls were wearing either the yellow or white one. Once Katara stepped out of the locker room she started to head towards the volleyball net but stopped to watch the basketball game that was right in front of her. She couldn't help but stare at Aang's muscular figure. She snapped out of her daze when Toph cleared her throat knowing that Katara was in front of her in the way.

Aang was too focused on his game to pay attention to the ocean-eyed beauty that was watching him. But whenever he got the chance to look at Katara he did and he blushed ever so slightly looking at her figure.

The rest of the class was mainly like this and about 10 minutes before it ended Hakoda told them to hit the showers. (They are really fancy so they have showers and stuff. I will get more details later on) Being boys, they raced to see who would get there first. Aang had started to make new friends.

The boys didn't take a long time to shower so they were out pretty quickly. Aang was getting to know them and they soon became friends they all exchanged numbers with Aang and gave each other snaps, Tik Toks, and instas. After they just started talking about random stuff.

The girls finally came out with 5 minutes to spare and Katara was going to make her way towards Aang but saw that he was having a conversation and she didn't want to interrupt him making new friends. Instead, she went walked with Toph and talked to her for a while.

The period ended and Katara and Aang had 1 more period before their free one. The bell rang and they made their way to their next class.