3rd Person POV
The next few weeks of the two hanging out more because now Aang wasn't a secret from Katara's father so Aang would come over every other day to study or to chill. On the days when he wasn't over Katara's, she was at his house. Aang tells Katara that she could have one of the guest rooms upstairs because he obviously wasn't using them. He suggested this because they would go swimming sometimes and Katara would always forget her bathing suit so then they didn't go swimming those days she forgot. Katara was overjoyed at Aang's proposition and of course, she agreed. The next day that she went over to Aang's she brought a mini suitcase with her and left it in the guest room that was closest to Aang's room.
The two were basically inseparable from one another as the weeks went by. It was November and the two have gotten more along with one another. Aang was a little less shy when he was around Katara even though when he would look for a little longer he would start to blush madly. He was so happy that from August to now his friendship with Katara has grown and all he could think about was her upcoming birthday. It was November 8th and Aang wanted to do something special with her.
Katara POV
I just got off the phone with Aang. All I could look at was his beautiful gray eyes. I know it may seem weird or whatever but when he was really happy there would be a little sparkle in his eyes. That's all I could notice. I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying but he didn't notice. I snapped back from my little daydream when his voice yelled my name to get my attention. He told me that he had some stuff to do and then he would be going to sleep and I nodded and said good night to him and he did the same. It is just the way he says it that gets my heart beating ferociously in my ribcage begging to be let out.
He hung up and I decided that I wanted to talk to Toph because I feel as though I haven't hung out with her like I did before I met Aang. But she knew that I liked him and I knew that she would understand.
I scrolled my contacts until I found her contact and pressed the call button.
I waited a good 5 minutes before I heard her usual bored voice.
"What's up Sugar Queen?" Toph said through the phone.
"Nothing much just wanted to call my best friend," I said.
"Mhm... are you only calling me because Twinkletoes is busy?" She asked. I felt the heat rising in my cheeks. I cleared my throat before responding.
"N-n-no why would you think that" I stuttered out finally.
"Hm lemme think." She said in her sarcastic voice before continuing. "Oh, I got it! One you are literally with him ALL of the time, Two you rarely call me nowadays because of him, Three you freaking stuttered Sugar Queen which is a dead giveaway when you're lying because you never stutter. Also, you are blushing whenever someone says his name, and your heartbeat goes for a marathon, and you barely hang out with me anymore" her tone got sad at the end.
"I'm sorry Toph. I really am. You should've said something about it. I would've come over to your house to hang out with you if you wanted but I know that you aren't on that sentimental/emotional stuff so I just let you be. I didn't know I was hurting your feelings Toph. I'm really sorry" I told her, holding back some tears that wanted to rush out.
"Don't worry about it Sugar Queen. I know you really like Aang. But I would like it that you would hang out with me and only me every once in a while. But I'm fine. Plus, I kinda ship you and Twinkletoes together. Even though I can't see your expressions, I can sort of feel how you are feeling and I feel like he makes you really happy. And I'm happy that you guys are hanging out. Because I need you to finally not be single for the rest of high school. That donkey that you quote-unquote dated didn't count because he was a jerk. So if you and Twinkletoes get together I would ship it." She finished. I couldn't hold back the ginormous smile spreading across my face when she said that she ships me and Aang. My heart did a little marathon in my chest and the blush on my face grew deeper.
"Awwww, Toph. That is literally the first sweet thing you have ever said" I giggle.
"Oh shut up and one more thing." She stated.
"What is it?" I questioned.
"I SWEAR ON EVERYTHING I OWN SUGAR QUEEN IF YOU TELL ANYBODY WHAT I SAID YOU SHOULD COUNT YOUR DAYS BECAUSE THEY WILL BE LIMITED!! But besides that, I'm really happy for you. ALSO, DON'T REPEAT THAT EITHER!!" She yelled in my ear. I quickly removed the phone from my ear because it was in so much pain. I brought it back when she used her regular tone praying that she was done yelling. But of course, she wasn't. My eardrums felt like bleeding so many times but whatever.
"Alright. Alright. I promise I won't tell anyone about this. Plus who am I going to tell? I LITERALLY can't tell Aang because that would flat out tell him I like him and I'm not finna do that so..." I said quickly. I started giggling and so did Toph.
We were on the phones for what seemed like hours but it actually was and it was super late. The only other time I was on a super late phone call was with Aang. Just thinking about him makes me blush. Jeez. I need to get a grip like fr. I thought to myself as I told Toph goodnight and plugged my phone in for the rest of the night.
Aang's POV
(this is the same time Katara's POV started)
I just got off the phone with Katara and of course, my entire body was deciding to disobey me and make my face heat up. I set my phone down and started playing with Momo and Appa because lately, I have realized I haven't spent as much time as I wanted so I decided that today was going to be their day because I haven't been a good dad to them. I called both Appa and Momo over to me and in less than 5 seconds they are jumping all over me. I couldn't help but smile and laugh.
(I can only imagine his childish laugh from ATLA and iykyk)
I took them out for a walk around the neighborhood. I have also realized I haven't actually been outside of my house and look around to see what is actually around me. It was nice to get outside and even though I had a massive backyard I liked going for walks.
I put Appa's brown leash on him and Momo's black and white leash on him and grabbed my phone off the table and my keys just in case. I headed out the front door with a dog in each hand and made my way down the front steps and made it to the sidewalk. All the houses near mine were really nice but it seems to be really quiet. But I don't mind the quiet.
Every now and then one of my beautiful babies would take a massive dump on somebody's lawn and I mentally slapped myself in the forehead because I forgot bags to pick it up. I just prayed that nobody noticed I didn't pick up after them. When they were done with their business I immediately started to run just in case someone did notice. As soon as I was far enough away I would take a breather and start to walk again. The way the sun shined on their name tags was blinding because of course, I had to get them the most reflective ones ever and every time the sun would hit a certain way I would be momentarily blinded. Curse me for wanting to spoil them. I said to myself as I made my way back home.
Once I got in the house I let the dogs off of their leashes and they went straight to the kitchen to drink water and nibble on some food. I went to go to the backyard and sit on the patio because even though it was super cold outside I still liked the weather. I was surprised because it was warmer than it was for the past few weeks. So, because I thought since it was super cold the past few days that it was going to be cold today but nope. It was 78 degrees when it was just 43 yesterday. (OHIO weather be like)
I sat on the patio and just scrolled through Tik Tok and Insta because I was bored and I wanted to call Katara but it was getting kind of late and I knew once I start the call we will be on it for hours and hours. Not that I'm complaining, it's just that I've been thinking a lot about Katara's birthday that's coming up and I want to do something special. I've been wanting to ask her out for a while now but I just was too nervous. But now I'm finally going to tell her how I feel.
Hopefully, she feels the same.
I went back into the house and went to the living room to grab my Mac from the coffee table. I took a seat on my plush couch and opened it. I looked up cute date ideas. I literally cringed because I'm pretty sure I'm the only guy that has this in their search bar.
After about 30 minutes of looking for ideas, I looked at the time and saw that it was like 10 PM and I had school in the morning. I wrote down a few ideas that I wanted to do but add a little spin to them. But that could wait until tomorrow. I yawned and stretched before I headed upstairs. I yelled good night to Appa and Momo as I reached the top step. I made my way to my room and took my shirt and my jeans off and was only left in boxers. I plugged my phone in and immediately got underneath the blanket. I took a deep breath and then started to fall into a deep slumber.
3rd Person POV
(Aang and Katara fell asleep at around 10)
If it was possible to see into people's dreams you would only find one face in Aang's dream. It was of course Katara. His dreams seemed to be revolving around her. Although it was in bits and pieces you would be able to see Katara's smile and even though we can't hear it but we can see her moving her lips, we see that she is laughing and just the thought of hearing Katara laugh brought Aang to smile in his sleep. Katara was the only thing on his mind. Literally.
Sleeping peacefully with just the thought of Katara, soft snores started to fill his exquisite room and there was slight rustling around but he slept.
Meanwhile with Katara-
She also fell asleep around the same time as Aang. After plugin in her phone and changing into some pajamas she got underneath her soft comforter and began drifting off.
Of course, there was just one person on her mind. Aang.
If you could look into Katara's dream you would see mainly Aang shirtless or in a tank top that he would wear when it was warmer and it was the weekend. You would also see his eyes. Aang's beautiful stormy gray eyes were part of the reason why Katara really liked him besides his wonderful personality and wonderful body. Whenever Katara would look into his eyes although his eyes looked stormy they were peaceful storm clouds that didn't have lightning in them.
Katara couldn't help but smile while she dreamt of Aang laughing. His childish laughter is what also got Katara hooked. Just the sound of him laughing brought the heat to her cheeks. She also dreamt about going out with Aang eventually and hopefully in the near future but that little dream passed when another image of Aang filled her mind. Just his smile was enough for her.
Aang and Katara's dreams often meshed together with the same memories that they shared but it was from their points of view. They both had smiles on their faces while they slept.
Little did our dear Katara know that her stormy-eyed crush was going to ask her out in the cutest way possible really soon.
Our little sweetheart Aang didn't know how his plan to ask Katara was going to work but he never stopped thinking about it even while he dreamed. All the different ideas of dates popped into his head. Each coming out with the same result.
Dear reader you are just going to have to wait until the next chapter to know what the result is.