Katara's POV
I walked in the door and I made my way to the living room because I know that my father is going to want to talk to me. Even though I don't know the big deal. It's the weekend which means no school so I don't know why he is acting like this.
"Katara would you like to tell me why you are coming home at 12 in the freaking morning!" Hakoda yelled. I flinched a little at how loud his voice was.
"Look, I told you that I was going to a friend's and when we finished dinner We decided to watch movies. I lost track of time. I don't even know why you are so mad! It's the weekend and if I didn't come back tonight I would've come back in the morning. Like I'm a big girl I think I can take care of myself. I'm almost an adult so stop treating me like a baby!" I yelled. Hakoda just looked at Katara in amazement but then his expression changed.
"I don't give a damn if it was summer break! You still live in my house which means you need to follow my rules! And you know the rules to always come back or tell me where you are going! You asked to have dinner at this friend's house but you said nothing about staying the night!" Hakoda yelled.
I was standing and I'm so over this. "Fine! Then maybe I won't stay here anymore! Because your rules are dumb! I'm so done with you treating me like I'm a little kid. I'm almost an adult! " I screamed and then ran upstairs.
"Katara!" He yelled after me but I ignored him. I slammed my door and grabbed a big bag from my closet and started putting clothes in it. I was crying now. I don't understand why he was acting like I was still in elementary. Like he doesn't act this way with Sokka so I don't know why he treats me this way.
I stopped packing my clothes furiously and sat on my bed sniffling every now and then. I wiped my eyes and put the clothes that I had in the bag back where they go. As I was putting the last piece of clothing away there was a knock at the door.
"C-come in" I sniffled while closing my closet door. I turned around and saw my dad standing at the entrance.
"Can we talk?" He questioned. I nodded my head and made my way to my bed and sat down. I patted the seat next to me so he could take a seat.
"Look Katara, I'm sorry for overreacting. I just want you to be safe. You are my baby girl and I just want to keep babying you because sooner or later you and your brother are going to leave and then I'm going to be left alone. I just don't want to lose you." he started wiping the little buds of water coming from his eyes.
"Dad, I'm sorry for yelling. I know I didn't ask. I just don't want to be babied and not be able to do anything. I promise dad that you won't lose me or Sokka because we both know that he is going to live here until he is 30 because he is so lazy" I giggled. He also started laughing. We hugged each other. It was nice to know that we were on good terms. I pulled away from the hug and looked at him. I have to tell him about Aang now before he finds out some other way and we lose this progress.
"So dad, I have to tell you something," I said in barely a whisper. He looked at me with a worried expression on his face. It's now or never Katara! Just tell him. I told myself. "So it's regarding the friend I've been going to see," I said turning my body to place my leg on my bed.
"Alright.." he said.
"Well, you know the new kid that was in the gym on the first day and got suspended?" I asked.
"Yes. Aang was his name correct?" He questioned.
"Yea. Well, I've been going over to his house every time I ask to go to friends. And before you freak out we didn't do anything and we are just FRIENDS and he is really nice and I was wondering if you wanted to meet him formally instead of as a student but as my friend?" I looked down scared of what his response was going to be. I saw him tense up but he then relaxed.
"Yes, Katara. I would like to meet your friend formally. How about he comes over for dinner tomorrow/today (it's Saturday)." He said in a calm voice. I looked up.
"Really?!" I said with a happy expression. I was smiling from ear to ear. I had a slight blush on my face.
"Yes really. I would like to meet your friend that you spend almost every day because you are like never home. Also, when he comes over and you guys are up here the door is to remain open completely." He said, giving me a stern expression. All I could do was nod and give him a big hug. As he approached the door I stopped him.
"Thank you," I said, giving him another hug before he left. He hugged back in response and left. I closed the door and basically jumped onto my bed. I was so happy. Aang is coming over! Aang is coming over! That was all that I could say in my mind. I stopped jumping. Crap! Aang is coming over. I then searched for my phone needing to text Aang to see if he would want to come over tomorrow. But he was probably asleep because it was like 1 in the morning but I texted him anyway. After that, I laid down and went to sleep because I was indeed tired.
3rd Person POV
Shortly after dropping Katara off, Aang made his way back home. When he got there he saw that all the lights were off except for the lights guiding the way towards the door. Aang felt his phone buzz as he quietly unlocked the door. He walked through and placed his keys on the table next to him. Appa and Momo were sleeping in their little pen they had in the living room. Aang quietly made his way upstairs. He finally made it to his room and he shut the door and began taking his shoes and sweatshirt off. Aang went to check his phone to see what the notification was and it was from Katara.
*In Messages*
Katara: Hey I was wondering if you wanted to come over tomorrow/today to have dinner -1:15 AM
Aang: Sure -1:25 AM
*End Messages*
After replying to Katara's message Aang took off his jeans that he was wearing and his shirt and all that was left was his boxers and his rippling pectorals. He got in his bed and plugged his phone in and drifted off to sleep. He fell asleep with a smile on his face because he was excited to go to Katara's house and not have to drive away quickly after her being late.
~Timeskip Next Day~
Aang got up around 11 in the morning. He made his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He wasn't going to Katara's until around 5 so he lounged around in his boxers. He let Appa and Momo into their little dog park that was in the backyard. He sat outside by the pool. Every now and then he would dip his feet in the water. He eventually went inside and made him something to eat. Appa and Momo came in whenever they wanted because Aang left the automatic doggy door unlocked.
Aang made sure the dogs had food and he made his way towards the living room and turned it on to watch TV. He decided that he wanted to watch Supernatural because even though he was straight he was a big simp for Dean Winchester (One of the main characters if you haven't watched it). He was semi paying attention to the TV and to the Tik Toks, he was watching. He eventually paused the show because he actually wanted to watch it but Tik Tok was more interesting at the moment. After doing that for a few hours he set an alarm for 3:45 so he would know when to start getting ready for dinner at Katara's.
Meanwhile with Katara
She got up around 9 because she wanted to get her house to be cleaned and smell good. Hakoda was out doing whatever adults do at 9 in the morning on a Saturday and Sokka was still in his room sleeping. Katara threw on some old clothes that she cleans and started in her room. She put her hair up in a ponytail and found her Airpods and started playing music. She was listening to her throwback 90's and 00's playlist.
Around 12:30 she had finished cleaning her room, both the upstairs and downstairs bathroom, and the living room. All that needed to be done was the kitchen and Sokka's room. She also decided to do some laundry because one of her favorite shirts was dirty and she wanted to wear it. Her stomach started to growl so she took a break and made herself some food.
Sokka was up but he never left his room. All he could hear was some shuffling and water running and the vacuum going on and off. He eventually left his room because he was hungry. Once opening his door he could smell Pine-sol throughout the entire house. He made his way downstairs to see Katara eating a sandwich and scrolling on her phone.
"Katara.....Katara..." Sokka repeated trying to get his little sister's attention. "KATARA!' He yelled waving his arms around like a maniac. Katara lifted her head to see the strange sibling of hers looking like a maniac. She paused her music and took her Airpod out of her ear.
"What Sokka," She said while swallowing a bite of her sandwich.
"Why are you cleaning the house? Is Gran-Gran coming over and I didn't know?!" He questioned with his eyes wide.
"No. I told Dad about Aang last night and he has invited him over for dinner today so I'm cleaning up. Which reminds me. You need to clean your room or at least make it look nice and spray a ton of Febreeze in there because I will not have Aang die at the whiff of your trifling room." She continued eating her sandwich.
"Whatever. I'll clean my room. So who is cooking dinner because I know it's not me and I can guarantee it's not dad unless you want poor Aang to die of food poisoning." Sokka jokes.
"I'm cooking dummy. I'm literally the only one in the house that can cook a decent meal whereas you two are the absolute worst cooks to ever exist." Katara giggled. Sokka rolled his eyes and made his way towards the fridge and started to make himself a sandwich as well. Once Katara finished she rinsed her plate and placed it into the dishwasher and told Sokka to do the same when he was done.
She was finally done cleaning the little bit of stuff and it was 2:20 so she decided to go upstairs and take a quick nap because she was tired. She set an alarm for 3:45 so she could get ready.
~Timeskip after getting ready~
With Aang~
After showering and brushing his teeth. Aang was ready to go. It was 4:30 and Aang made sure that he was looking good before leaving his house. He petted both Appa and Momo for leaving and he grabbed his phone and keys and made his way to his car. He got in and texted Katara that he was on his way. He just let the radio play on his way.
With Katara~
Katara was making dinner and she made sure that there was something that everyone could eat. She made sure that Sokka and Hakoda both showered and put on some nice clothes like her. Even though it was a casual dinner she still wanted her family to look nice. She was making steak, mashed potatoes, and a salad. She also made sure that she left other things out for Aang to eat seeing as he wouldn't be eating any steak. She felt her phone buzz and it was Aang's message.
"Dad. Sokka. He is on his way. Please look presentable and use deodorant please" She yelled up the stairs. Although they were upstairs, Katara could hear them rolling their eyes. She went back to the kitchen and made sure that everything was perfect.
About 30 minutes later after Katara added her finishing touches to dinner and finished washing the last pot that was in the sink there was a knock on the door.
"Dad or Sokka can you get that please?' Katara yelled from the kitchen.
"I got it," Hakoda said, making his way to the door. He opened the door to see his student standing there looking nice.
"Hello sir," Aang said, making direct eye contact with him.
"Hello Aang, it is a pleasure to finally get to meet you out of class," He said, placing his hand out for Aang to shake and he did. "Come in. Katara is in the kitchen." He informed Aang. He nodded and made his way indoors.
"Hey Sokka," Aang said smiling and waving in his direction. Sokka was on his phone. He looked up and gave a small wave and went back to what he was doing. Aang took a seat across from him. Hakoda made his way into the kitchen to see what his daughter was doing. She was washing a pan. Hakoda told her that he has it and to go talk to her friend. Katara hugged him and dried her hands off and made her way into the living room where Aang and Sokka sat in silence.
Walking through the entrance caught Aang's attention and he began to smile which caused Katar to blush slightly because she knew that Aang was just so cute no matter what he did. She returned the gesture and made her way to where he was sitting. Aang was sitting on a loveseat and Katara sat next to him. The two of them stared at each other for a few seconds before looking away and blushing slightly. Sokka saw this and could only smirk at the events happening in front of him.
"Welcome to my home. I know it isn't as extravagant as yours but it is what it is" Katara said smiling.
"Don't worry about it. And thanks for inviting me to dinner." Aang smiled back.
"Let's go eat. The food is done." She said standing up. Aang and Sokka shortly followed her. Hakoda was getting the silverware and placing them down and everyone sat at the round table that was placed in the dining room. Aang was in between Sokka and Katara and sat across from Hakoda.
~Timeskip after dinner because I can~
After clearing the table everyone made their way to the living room to talk. Aang and Hakoda talked for a while Sokka and Katara finished cleaning. Aang was a little nervous but soon got over it and was talking comfortably with him. They mainly discussed Aang's intentions with Katara and he said that they were friends and that went on for about 30 minutes of the 'interrogation'. Hakoda eventually let Aang 'free' and he made his way to the kitchen where he found his keys. He said that he will be back and he is going to the store to get dessert.
Katara led Aang upstairs to her room. She kept the door open as her father told her to. And the two just talked the night away. It was around 10:45 and Aang had to go back home. Katara and Aang hugged before his departure and they spent the rest of the night texting/face-timing.
Both of their Sunday consisted of them texting or facetime each other all day until they went to sleep because they both had school in the morning. They ended their facetime call at around 1:30 in the morning and the two slept peacefully with smiles on their faces. They were still on the phone when they fell asleep and both were happy.
Okay, that is all I got for you guys!! I wanted to get this chapter out today because I felt like you guys deserved it. Please let me know what you think about it. Don't forget to vote and comment on what you think. I kind of liked writing this chapter.