Chapter 08

"Match number two, Tsunade Senju versus Maito Dai, begin!"

"Let's have a fun fight Dai-san." said Tsunade

"Of course!" he replied

And silly enough they just ran at each other to start a melee assault.

Dai raised his leg to kick Tsunade from above but she blocked it by crossing her arms in front of her.

She then pushed Dai's leg away, clenched her right hand to send a punch while he was still not recovered.

But Dai just did a backflip to evade her fist, land with both hands on the ground to launch himself again on Tsunade.

They kept exchanging blow after blow and rarely damaged each other until some point where Dai decided to use his fist to punch at Tsunade making contact between the two and produced a shockwave inside the arena.

They then both backed a bit and Dai said "As strong as ever Tsunade-san! Let's get more serious." he said before removing his weight on his legs making a large hole on the ground

"Gate of Pain, open!" he yelled making his skin turn red and his pupils disappear

Everyone could feel the pressure he was emanating, making the ones laughing at his green jumpsuit shut up.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared from the public sight and appeared in front of Tsunade and performed the Reverse Lotus, continually striking her from every side without a chance to counterattack before landing a strong final blow launching her into the arena wall.


As most people could not see how Tsunade was doing behind the smoke produced from the destruction of the wall, I could see.

She got completely beaten, but still smirked as her bruises were slowly healing as she ate a special medical pill.

Once Dai could see that she was still standing, he rushed at her again, knowing that he had only a little time left before exhausting himself.

Tsunade now knowing how fast he was prepared herself to block the incoming attack and generated chakra on her hands.

Dai's kicking attack is already on the way so she decided to block it with only one arm and stabbed at Dai's knee with the other arm sending lightning to it numbing his muscle.

"Wha-?" muttered Dai before falling, he could not use one of his legs but was still able to fight, though extremely hard to do

Tsunade had one of her arms badly hurt but with her hand still covered in chakra with a subtle of lightning, she moved toward Dai, kicked the ground to obstruct his vision before sending her punch right in Dai's chest.

He tried to block her with his two hands but being able to use only one leg he was sent to the other side of the arena losing the effect of the Eight Gates.

As he started to feel the backlash of the technique he was completely depleted of any energy but had the time to mutter "Nice one Tsunade-san...I give up!" before falling to the ground

"The winner is Tsunade Senju!" announced the referee as a roar of applause was heard

Tsunade then came back to our side while Dai was sent to medical care.

"Good job Tsu-chan~" I said with a friendly behavior

"Thank you, but don't think I forgot what you did Yuichi-nii." she said smirking at me surely thinking how I will get punished by Grandma

Guess I can't get out of this one huh...I will go see how Dai is doing during the break.

Once they patched up the walls and the ground it was time for the next fight to start.

"It's your turn now Shikuro, good luck!" I said turning to him

"Thanks." was all he replied as he walked toward the arena

Alright are you ready both of you?" asked the referee

"Y-yes." "Yes." they replied

"Good. The third match of the finals, Shikuro Aburame versus Takaji Uzumaki, begin!"

The first thing Shikuro did was to release an enormous amount of Kikaichū in the air to hide from his opponent.

The boy seemed scared by the bugs but even so, he took from his pocket some kunai with seals around the handle, launched them toward the swarm, and made them explode.

This dispersed the insects and showed Shikuro still present behind the swarm calmly looking at the boy.

But his effort seemed futile as the swarm reconstructed itself and surged toward him.

He then took out some scrolls he was carrying and released the content, making an enormous amount of water appear in the arena, not made of chakra, and dived in it to not be reached by the insects.

Shikuro seeing that he could not catch his opponent then made numerous insect clones of himself to stay on the water.

Multiple projectile weapons were sent from different places below Shikuro and his clones, forcing him to constantly evade them

The unknown things were his opponent's location as well as how long could he breathe underwater.

Shikuro, after avoiding a bunch of projectiles then took one of his Kunai and surprisingly sent it at a 78-degree angle from the last place he was attacked

It seems like he understood the pattern of his opponent because a trace of blood could be seen going to the surface.

The injury forced the Uzumaki to get out of the water at a decent distance from Shikuro, seemingly healing himself with his chakra.

Shikuro decided to take off his short, showing his toned body which then became covered in purple, spreading his Rinkaichū all over his body wanting to battle in close range.

He then rushed toward the red-haired boy using his elbow to strike but barely missed him, then followed several exchanges until the Uzumaki got cornered, knowing that getting touched would mean the fight is over for him he still surprisingly sent his palm at Shikuro's torso.

The contact is done, even though Shikuro did not do it himself, he could retreat and said "Forfeit, and I will give you the antidote or you will die."

"Hehe...I'm not the only one in danger..." said Takaji who felt more and more pain spreading from his arm.

Shikuro did not understand until he saw a seal stuck on his torso, not knowing what effect it had on him.

"Forfeit now... or else you will die from chakra exhaustion..." said the Uzumaki with difficulty

Now we assisted in a sort of cold war between the two as both of them could die, even though it was riskier for the Uzumaki because Shikuro does not control the spreading of the Rinkaichū, if his opponent died from it he would also die from the seal.

Both of them were stubborn and did not want to give up, at some point the Uzumaki got his entire arm covered in purple color while Shikuro could no longer put chakra to his feet and fell in the water, only staying at the surface thanks to the near tree branches out of water.

Seeing that both the contestant were on the verge of dying, the referee announced "Enough! No one won this match you will both be eliminated!"

Both were shocked by this turn of the event and stayed still for some time, but they did not have time at all and so an Aburame Jōnin came before him to feed him the antidote, while the seal was taken care of by an Uzumaki Jōnin who replenished Shikuro's chakra.

Both of them still needed some medical care so they did not come back up.

The staff had to clean up the mess before the next fight which consisted of Jiraiya against me.

I turned myself toward him and said "Ready to get beaten up by me?"

"Uh? We shall see!" he replied

"Joke aside, good luck man." I said going for a first bump

"...Sure." he replied to my action

"Yuichi-nii have fun!" Tsunade cheered

"Oy and me Tsunade-chan, im your teammates after all!" Jiraiya said a bit jealous

"Don't want to!" was all she replied

"Come on man, we have to go." I said dragging a teary Jiraiya with me to the center of the arena

We then both prepared ourselves and the referee announced "match number four, Jiraiya versus Yuichi Senju, begin!"

"Let's make you dance a bit." I said preparing 'Wind Release: Cross Wind Cutter Technique' using chakra with a motion from both of my arms

"Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall!" Jiraiya said after some hand seals creating a wall that was more focused on his position rather than a large area making it harder for the wind to cut through, stopping them right before it could touch him.

Jiraiya then created two clones and made all of them rush at me, the clones from the sides created two wind torrent while Jiraiya in the middle said "Fire release: Dragon Fire Technique!" creating a dragon looking flame that became more powerful when it had contact with the wind.

Guess I will show him why Tobirama is proud of me, 'Water Release: Water Colliding Wave' I mentally said clapping my hand creating a massive vortex of water around me that negates his fire Jutsu.

Once his attacks disappeared I made the water around me crash down creating a giant wave changing the terrain into water.

"What the hell! How can you generate this much water from nothing?!" he said as he jumped high in the air to dodge before walking on the water once it was settled.

"Don't compare me with the Uzumaki fighting before us, I just need chakra to create water." I smugly said "And you're in my kingdom now!"

I then put my hands on the water and created a siphon at the center making it hard for Jiraiya to keep walking on the water, I disappeared from his sight by diving, created two clones and used 'Water Release: Water Fang Bullet' at the now destabilized Jiraiya and his clones.

Both clones got hit but Jiraiya had the reflex to let himself fall underwater evading the projectile.

As I was coated by a layer of wind to stay underwater I then produced a ball of wind in which I also made a lightning ball inside and launched it toward Jiraiya

As he was unable to avoid the ball he got hit and after some spasm fell unconscious.

I then made the water evaporate at once, and it showed Jiraiya laying on the ground with a burning smell and me standing without a single drop of water on me.

"The winner is Yuichi Senju!" announced the referee and after a strange silence, clapping sound and roar of applause started to be heard

Once the audience calmed down, Tobirama got up and said "Ladies and Gentlemen, we will do a small break before getting into the following matches."

As such, the four of us who still had to fight were going to the infirmary to see how the others are doing.

"Oh! You guys came!" said Dai

"Of course, are you alright now?" I asked

"Well, I feel tired and cannot move but that's alright I'm used to getting like this when I trained the Eight Gates." he replied

"It was a fun battle against you Dai!" Tsunade happily said to which Dai smiled

"Good then, and you Shikuro did you recover enough chakra?" I said turning my head to him

"Yes, he surprised me to have such a seal." he mumbled

"He's an Uzumaki after all, and your Rinkaichū's are as terrifying as ever." I said

I then saw Orochimaru poking Jiraiya's cheek who was still unconscious from our previous battle.

But I could see that what Orochimaru was gazing is the civilian boy who was still motionless but completely patched up.

"Oy Takaji you alright?" said the dark-haired girl

"Y-yes I'm fine now, I could even cheer you!" he said nervously

Now that I think about it...The civilian acted like a loner, the Uzumaki is shy and the Uchiha is friendly.

Did they exchange personalities?


*Tobirama POV*

'This kid...I feel like I'm seeing myself in him, though I did not have such control of water release at his age'

"You got surprising youngsters Tobirama-san!" said the red-haired middle-aged man to my left

"Indeed Oyama-san, they are the future of Konoha and I'm sure they will make it flourish." I replied

"Seeing how my grandkids do in actual battle is reassuring...But I wonder how did this Orochimaru boy made such a toxin..." said Mito

"Aaah if my idiot of a son stopped fleeing his responsibility and finally give me a grandchild it would be nice..." said Oyama in a hopeless tone

"Maybe it will be sooner than you think! Oh and also I have something to ask of you." said Mito

"What is it Mito-sama?" Oyama inquired

[A/N: I feel like Mito still has a big influence inside the Uzumaki clan, and is like an older sister for the leader]

"One of my grandchildren, Yuichi, told me that he wants to roam the worlds as soon as he can, and I thought of letting him learn many Fuinjutsu from me before he goes but recently and for years to come I will be less and less able to...So during his travel, he will go to the Land of Whirpool and I'm asking you if you could teach him." Mito said

"This...I owe you so I guess I can..." he replied a bit concerned

"Who knows, if you have a grandchild before he gets there he could be a good big brother." I said reminiscing of how he acted with Tsunade as a child

"Ah! If my son doesn't change after having a child I guess I will need it." he said ending the conversation

'Yuichi could keep the relationship between Uzushiogakure and Konoha safe if he befriends the heir'

"The break is almost over, let's prepare for the next match." I said


A/N: Alright two chapters of the finals done, I take too much time to write fighting scenes but I will try to write the last one for Friday.

I have difficulties liking what I wrote as battles so I want to know what you thought about it.

Usually, the goal for the Genin who participate is to show what you are capable of in front of everyone, so I tried to make all of them use their special techniques...Mc just showed his Ninjutsu prowess right now.