Chapter 09

The breaking time was over so we came back to the participant's area except for Orochimaru and Tsunade who will face each other shortly.

So right now only the Uchiha girl and I were present as everyone else was still recovering.

"Oy you, who do you think will win this match?" she asked me

"Honestly, Orochimaru could win if he used a certain something but...It would not be a worthy effort to do because he wouldn't leave this place alive." I replied

"What kind of idiot would use a technique that cost your life for this event..." she pondered

'That's because it isn't the case'

"Yeah, he's smart enough to not try it. Meaning that I will get to fight Tsunade for the last match."

"Huh? Who said you will win against me! I'm the one getting to the final!" she loudly declared

"We'll see, it's about to start anyway." I said looking toward the arena

"First match of the semi-final, Orochimaru versus Tsunade Senju, begin!" announced the referee

As soon as he finished talking Tsunade kicked the ground to pounce at Orochimaru and deliver her usual powerful punch

But again, one physical prowess Orochimaru had that was better than her was his agility so he easily evaded the blow and countered by using an Earth Release technique to generate lumps of earth in the arena surely trying to make it harder for Tsunade to move around.

But you know her...She just destroyed whatever was before her and kept on chasing Orochimaru for quite some time.

He tried to hit her with a variety of Ninjutsu but nothing seemed to work because she either avoided it or healed any injury she received.

Seeing how Orochimaru was sweating, Tsunade asked "Why don't you use the same toxin you used before?"

"Well the aftermath effects are still unclear and if I indeed use them on you a certain someone will kill me, and I don't intend to die now." replied Orochimaru before talking again "I give up!"

"Are you sure?" asked the referee

"I can't win against her for now because she has much more stamina than me and even if I'm faster any wound I could give her would be healed...It's pointless for me to continue."

"Alright, the winner of the first semi-final is Tsunade Senju!"

Even though the match wasn't the most exciting the crowd still generated a loud roaring sound.

"Guess it's time for us to fight, good luck." I said to the Uchiha girl

"It's you who will need luck!" she said sticking her tongue out

Both Orochimaru and Tsunade came back up and cheered for me "Have fun Yuichi-san." "Don't take too long Yuichi-nii cause you will be against me just after!"

"Thanks." I replied before going to the center of the arena

"Second match of the semi-finals, Hisae Uchiha versus Yuichi Senju, begin!" announced the referee

"I will show you why the Uchiha clan is feared in battle!" she said as her black eyes suddenly became blood red and three tomoe were present

'Let's test the limit of your Sharingan then'

'Earth Release: Small Earth Flow Spears' I mentally said while setting my hands on the ground generating earth spikes from my position rapidly moving toward her.

But it seems that her Sharingan could see the spikes coming slowly toward her instead as she casually moved in a way to not get hit, she then made hand seals while moving and said "Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!" sending a medium-sized ball of fire at me

I had to stop my previous technique and evaded to the left but was greeted by multiple Shuriken coming from two different sides.

It seems like she can make them curve, but to no avail, as I was able to grab them before they could harm me.

I then looked toward her because she was approaching and when I looked into her eyes she used the Sharingan Genjutsu immediately paralyzing me.

"I just needed to divide your attention and now that you are affected it's over." she said as she approached me to finish the fight

She came near me and her goal was to make me unconscious by hitting my nape.

But the moment she raised her arm I instantly turned myself toward her and send a powerful punch at her stomach.


She was sent directly to the arena wall coughing up blood as her eyes became black again.

"H-how did you get out...of the Genjutsu..?" she muttered

"That's for me to know and you to discover." I said rushing at her one last time with a concentration of lightning chakra in my left hand producing a sound similar to birds chirping.

Without letting her recover I pounced at her, hit her making her unconscious.

"The winner is Yuichi Senju!" announced the referee

Once again a loud roaring was heard minus the Uchiha's side as I moved to the participant area.

Now I'm happy with this fight because I could test my Genjutsu counter. It's simple, I used the same thing I did on Danzō to control him but on myself.

I was able to control my nervous system using a microscopic wood shadow clone to immediately get out of any Genjutsu because he will intercept any weird signal sent in or out of my brain.

I also used what Kakashi will name Chidori in the future and to be honest...Why nobody ever thought of kneading a type of nature chakra in your hand to attack before him? It's easy if you have decent chakra control...

Well, I guess Tobirama could have invented Chidori if he was less interested in water release.

"Are you ready for our battle Yuichi-nii?" said Tsunade eager to fight right beside me

"Always." I said going to the arena alongside her

"Last match of the final exam, Tsunade Senju versus Yuichi Senju, begin!" announced the referee

"Let's enjoy this Tsuna-chan." I said preparing myself for what will be a never-ending Taijutsu contest

"Of course." she replied while smirking

And we started to run at each other doing what we knew how to do the best...Punch whatever is in front of us.

We exchanged blow after blow either blocking with our arms, avoiding them with a small sidestep, or having contact between our first creating a strong shockwave each time blowing away the last trees present inside the arena, and even sending a gale toward the audience.

The best thing about this fight was how much we were enjoying it, even when our attack reached the other we kept on smirking as we could continue all-day.

If we both have this much stamina as kids I wonder how much we would have once we reach adulthood...

Because we fought just by punching for too long we each decided to get more serious.

She gathered chakra to form a thin layer around her hand with a subtle amount of lightning release, making each one of her moves more dangerous to counter for me.

As such, I used something similar to her by coating my entire arms in water.

Tsunade was dumbfounded by my idea because it was a known fact that water was a great conductor for lightning...Well, not pure water thought but in this era, nobody knows that.

She was still on her guard so I kicked the ground to pounce toward her.

Seeing this she blocked my incoming elbow blow using her hands then send an electrical current to me.

She smirked because she affected me...But I suddenly grabbed both of her arms and looked right in her eyes before using 'Bringer of Darkness Technique' a Genjutsu that makes the target unable to see anything but black.

Now all I had to do was to make her fall unconscious but with how resilient she was I would need to beat her up a lot...So I made an aqua prison around her with only her head out of it.

"What did you do to me? I can't see anything yet I sense water all around me." she said not scared by what was happening

"I used a strong Genjutsu along with a water prison, I will let you go if you forfeit." I said

But she did not respond and tried to get out of the situation...Not that she could right now.

After struggling for minutes she then said "I give up! It's annoying, let me out now!"

"The winner of the final exam is Yuichi Senju!" the referee announced as I released Tsunade from her predicament

And as always a roaring sound was heard but it was even louder than before.

We could also see Dai, Shikuro, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru in the participant area who came apparently before our fight start.

Eventually, all the participants, minus Yabūchi the civilian, grouped up in the arena and Tobirama too was down there in front of us as he said "Congratulations to all of you, starting from today you are now officially Chūnin of Konoha!"

"Each of you demonstrated your qualities to become a Chūnin, I'm proud of you!" he continued

At ten years old we were promoted to Chūnin.

Guess it was time for the six of us to party...Child-friendly party of course.


*Four years later*

During the following years, some interesting things happened...

First of all two years ago, Tobirama stepped down of the Hokage position to let Hiruzen become the Third Hokage of Konoha.

Since then Tobirama fully helped me train and teaches me even more interesting Jutsu.

But before that, I also had an important talk with him.

Because he still hopes that I become a future Hokage I proposed something else.

I did not want to take care of all the village's activities, and by becoming a Kage I would be unable to hang out of Konoha without making other countries freak out.

So I talked with him about creating a branch of Konoha's Anbu division which will have me as the leader.

I have to admit that Root was a good idea from Danzō if he wasn't completely fucked up in his head by his ambition...

So I will have control over an Anbu division with members chosen by me over the years to come autonomous of Konoha's authority unless a future Kage wants to disband us.

Tobirama agreed to my idea because of the trust he has in me, in fact we became so much closer he considered me as his own kid.

But we also decided that it will only begin once I'm old enough to be a leader.

Obviously, each new Hokage will be aware of this, and Hiruzen accepted the idea too because Tobirama was the one talking about it to him.

I also became a Jōnin after being sent to multiple A-ranked mission one year ago as proof of my capabilities on unknown ground.

As I finally stopped talking to myself, I decided to get up from my bed but my movement awoke someone and a sweet voice was heard "Mmh...You're getting up already..?"

"What already it's past noon Tsunade." I replied to the beautiful blond girl with disheveled hair

Yes, we were now officially a couple, so we slept together since then and nothing lewd happened after all we are still young.

*Flashback no Jutsu*

As we just finished our party for becoming Chūnin, Tsunade asked me to follow her somewhere late in the night while everyone else fell asleep.

The place she brought me was above the Hokage Rock, a place where you could see all of the village and how lively it felt with all the glimmers at this hour.

"So, why did you bring me here Tsuna-chan?" I asked her who seemed nervous

"H-hum...You know I told you I have a gift if we become Chūnin right?" she said to which I nodded "Well...You see Yuichi-nii, I l-love you and not as a brother!" she said while looking straight up in my eyes with reddened cheeks

I did not expect her gift to be herself...Does she know how could this be understood by some people?

"You don't love me Yuichi-nii? Is it because of my chest, boys only love big chest I heard..." she said in a saddening tone as I did not immediately respond

"No, it's not that! I was just surprised about the gift, I also love you Tsunade, I love your beautiful silky hair, your chestnut eyes, your strong will power, your strength, and how clever you are." I said looking back into her eyes

It seems that my words did a critical hit as she became embarrassed, so I moved closer to her and hugged her, setting her head on my chest as I kissed the top of her head.

She was surprised by my action but did not say anything, as we stayed like that for minutes without saying a word.

Once I tried to release her from my grasp she grabbed my clothes letting me know that she desired for this moment to continue.

"Look at you, already this bold..." I said teasing her

"That's not it!" she said looking up to me before becoming embarrassed once again with our closeness.

"N-now we are a couple right?" she asked as I nodded "What do couples do?"

Oh boy "Well, they are always here for the other, they usually live together, they can go on dates, they kiss and...they can do lewd things too." I said

"L-lewd things? Like what?" she asked a bit nervous

"The lewdest thing of them all...Holding hands."

I said while smirking

"You meanie stop playing with me!" she said as she pinched my waist

"Pft yeah sorry I couldn't resist you're too cute I had to tease you." I said

"Wait until we are both adults alright Tsuna-chan? Ask Grandma about those things if you want." I said a bit more serious

"Un." she mumbled "Oh also! How should I call you now? I like Yuichi-nii but if we are a couple it might sound weird..." she asked

"Just call me Yuichi if there are people, and however you want when we are alone princess."

I replied

*End of Flashback no Jutsu*

How cute she was four years ago...Now she slowly becomes a woman, still smaller than me, and should not change even when adults as she's a small individual.

Not small everywhere, in four years she went from a non-existent chest to almost D-cup.

How do I know the cup size when the concept isn't here? Well, my eyes are useful for stuff like this too.

"You will soon go right?" she said in a sad tone while looking at the ring I gave her as a gift for passing the Chūnin exam

It will instantly tell me if she's near death and saves her at the same time, I don't want to lose her because of an unforeseen event.

"Yes, I will go tomorrow morning...I promise you I will come back in two years." I said while gently running my hand through her hair

"Don't break it or else I will kill you." she said like it was something usual to say as she put her hand on mine

"Of course I will, and we both will be sixteen so prepare yourself." I said giving her a peck on the lips before getting up

Today I will just say goodbye to all of my friends and family.