Chapter 14

I thought having someone to talk to during my travel would be nice but...He reminds me of Shikuro because he only talks when I ask him questions.

I guess I will need time before he opens up to me more and stop calling me -sama only.

At least I learned almost everything I needed to know about his abilities and the potential he has is...terrifying.

His ability is shapeshifting, he can transform into anything he knows of and perfectly at that, reproducing every visual detail.

When he transformed into someone he gains his physical abilities like strength or speed, but he needs to adapt to it each time.

He keeps his own chakra pool, which is enormous anyway, he also keeps his stamina and everything mind-related.

I asked him to shapeshift into myself and he got the affinity with all five nature elements as well as yin and yang, meaning that he could use them with the same level as mine with enough training and this depends on his talent.

He also has a strong affinity with Wind in his base form and it stays while shapeshifting.

One thing he cannot reproduce was my Dojutsu, he still has eyes like mine but they are purely cosmetic because he cannot activate the Sharingan no matter what, nor use the Tenseigan.

He still has a better vision than a normal human because he keeps his sensing abilities as a chameleon.

Now I also asked him to shapeshift into Masamune...And good news he can make himself longer...Bad news when he transforms into something more durable than him he will be as hard as his scales as a chameleon are meaning that it will be weaker than Masamune but still hard enough.

Now what I want to test would be to create an illusion showing him lifeforms from other worlds and see if he can shapeshift into them if the illusion is real enough.

But before that, I'm training with him in all Ninjutsu as well as in Kenjutsu while he's looking like me.

And I honestly think there isn't better training than fighting against yourself, I already did it using clones but now I can at least train with someone else.

"Don't just slash to the side like this, you're totally open."

"Don't forget you can make the sword longer, keep it as a surprise effect, use it to reach your target when he thinks you cannot."

"Your stance isn't right, your sword is your weapon but also your shield, even if your body is as hard as your scale your target doesn't need to know it."

"You can use Ninjutsu when you are too far, never let your target rest."

And so during our travel, we keep on sparring together, slowly training him to fight as a human.

Some time later, we were near the Jōmae Village, a shinobi inhabited place within the Land of Keys.

What picked my interest was their espionage technique passed on each capable shinobi called the 'Eye Mind Reading'.

This is a technique only a few in their village can learn and something that interests me a lot.

Now to get access to it I need someone to teach me how to use it because I suspect the teaching is like all Hiden, only taught by words and not written anywhere.

But they are dangerous to approach because they need eye contact to get in your mind and can alienate themselves too...

I'm almost certain that to not leak the technique they always erase from their memories how they learned it.

So what I needed to do albeit risky was to take the appearance of one of the shinobi currently training the technique...Who's mind will be almost always looked at.

Well, I got a plan so let's hope I will stay myself once I'm done.


"Finally my mission is over." said a young man with short brown hair and chestnut eyes covered with a hood and a mask

In front of him was a fat man with jewels all on his fingers, completely tied up on a chair.

The place had an unusual odor surely related to the two strange colors the man's pants had.

Some trace of cuts could be seen on his chest and head which wasn't just covered with tears.

The young man seemed pleased by the development and decided to swiftly get out of the mansion he currently was.

He avoided every guard that he did not take care of on his way in and when he couldn't he swiftly got behind them and pierced their neck with a long thin needle killing them on the spot.

after a long night of running the young man was back in his village and rushed toward a restaurant, approached the barman who said "What do you want to drink?"

"Today was a good day for me, give me your best sake." the young man said

"Only one cup?" the barman said glancing at him

"If I can go and see what you have in stock so that I can purchase some for my travel it would be great." the young man exclaimed

"Then follow me after this cup." he replied while stopping his previous action

And so after drinking in one go the same the barman and young man moved past a door behind the counter disappearing from everyone's view.

The young man then reached an entrance for a basement and when he passed a voice was heard "Did you complete your mission Tetsu?"

"Yes master, I got all the information needed." said Tetsu kneeling

In front of him was an elderly bald man with a long white beard and blue eyes with a vertical scar on the left one.

The young man then told him everything he learned from the rich man, which was a weapon trader of an enemy country.

"Great you passed the final test, you are now almost officially a Spy Shinobi of the Jōmae Village." he said first before adding "But if you want to truly become one you still have one task left."

Tetsu looked up with expectation "What is it, master?"

"Be aware that once I tell you you will not be authorized to leave this place for the following three months at most. If you refuse you will forget everything I said too." he said looking right in the eyes of Tetsu

"I accept the task." was all Tetsu replied

"Great now follow me." the old man said smiling

After walking in a large corridor the two people entered a guarded room.

"I will teach you the technique that makes us the best spy in the Shinobi world, it's called 'Eye Mind Reading'. You will be tasked to master it in the following three months, you cannot leave this place but we will provide you with anything. If you fail you will not remember anything that occurred in this period." the old man said in a serious tone

"Please teach me." Tetsu maintained

"Of course, now look closely at my eyes." asked the old man in a commanding tone

And for the next thirty seconds, the old man moved his eyes in a certain pattern and said "To activate the technique you first need to remember how I moved my eyes and once you are done, you need to reduce those thirty seconds into an instant to the point nobody in the world could see them moves."

"Also use this mirror and it will be a success if you can delve into your own mind." he added before leaving the room

"Yes master." Tetsu replied

And for the next following days, he had to constantly try again and again the pattern his master showed him occasionally getting visited by someone giving him food and water.

When the natural needs came or when he had to shower he just asked a guard and he would bring him to a common bathroom.

But suddenly after two weeks of constant training, Tetsu looked at himself in the mirror and perfectly used the 'Eye Mind Reading'

"I did it!" excitedly said Tetsu

This made the guard aware of it and after some time the old man came inside and said "Congratulation Tetsu, you are now a true spy shinobi of the Jōmae Village, be proud because you are one of the fastest to do so!"

"Thank you master!" said Tetsu kneeling as he tried to stay serious

"Now to keep this technique a secret I will need to erase from your memory how you learned it, don't worry you already mastered it so your performance won't be affected, it will just make others unable to steal it." the old man said approaching Tetsu

And when Tetsu got up, he looked right in the eyes of his master and right after memories of the past month were forgotten.

"It's over, you can go back to your house and you will be called when you have another mission." the old man declared

"Yes!" replied Tetsu

The young man, now in a happy mood, got out of the basement then felt the sunlight for the first time in a month but suddenly when he entered his house, a big headache affected the poor boy.


*Mc POV*

'It f*cking hurt like hell!'

I was now getting myself together as a lot of information was flowing back into my brain.

Not Tetsu's brain, but mine.

That's right, for the past month and a half I kidnapped the boy, put him in a Genjutsu as he had to tell me his entire life in detail...Then I took his appearance and killed him.

After this, I made a clone of myself who stayed hidden with Shiromari in the now-dead boy's house.

Then I used my Sharingan and put myself in a Genjutsu to completely wipe out my memories as Yuichi and even before coming into this world, only keeping everything I knew about Tetsu...

And literally becoming him.

Then I did what I was tasked to, and was able to learn the technique I wanted.

And the moment I entered m- Tetsu house, my clone vanished and all his memories, including all my own and not just what he learned, flowed back into my brain at once.

And I will say that around 34 years of memories at once harmed me a lot...But did not kill me.

Now it's a pity I couldn't teach this technique to others, but at least I can read the mind of people I cross eyesight without anyone noticing.

Now what I had to do was erase Tetsu's memories because I don't need them, then stealthily get out of this place.


"Nobody ever told you that you were crazy Yuichi-sama?" said Shiromari in a teasing tone

'He still uses sama but is already bold enough to say I'm crazy'

"I like experimenting and if I have to be my own guinea pig then I will be...I always do my best to not have any error in my plan." I replied

'And since I will now live forever I need something to pass time, experimenting being the best thing to do'

"Anyway, we will pass by a forgotten historic place then start visiting the east." I said

And like I said we were currently in the Land of That, a land that had a lot of conflicts during its existence, and a lot of history too.

The place always tried to take to itself the nearing country, in the future it will take the Land of This to itself but what interest me there was to find the old Land of Ancestors location, who knows what I could find there.

But because I don't know where it is precisely I need to find information as to how the land evolved in the past, the place I need to find became part of the Land of That millennials ago.

So I first visited the capital of the land, disguised as a middle-aged man, and asked for the way to the library.

The country may be territory hungry but they are actually quite friendly with visitors, after all the country is also one of the oldest.

Because of this, the access to the library wasn't hard at all, and after searching and reading whatever book talked about history, I knew where I needed to go.

Now there was nothing talking about what truly occurred a millennia ago, nothing about what transpired in the Land of Ancestors, the only thing that was said was how everyone living in it vanished and how the Land of That 'graciously' took it over.

I knew the exact place I need to go was called the 'Peaks of Demise' a place said to be cursed as not a single living being was present in a large radius around it.

I had to travel through dense forest to get near the place and starting from a certain point what was in front of me was just like a no man's land.

At the center, you could see a giant mountain with three peaks surely surrounding something.

But the more I approached the center...the more I felt something calling me.

'Curiosity will kill me one day'

I moved toward the center, the feeling I sensed growing stronger and stronger.

Once I climbed all the way up, a crater was present right in front of me, and in the middle was a dead tree's trunk.

Still calling me, I got down and approached it and the moment I touched it everything went blank.

"Where am I?"