Chapter 15

[A/N: I will tell you now, first I made an auxiliary saying that the harem members are chosen, it will be Tsunade Konan and Kaguya.

Second, don't be shocked if what I say in this chapter isn't 100% canon, I made some needed change for the future.]

"Where am I?" I said as I suddenly appeared in an extremely cold castle

"You are in my domain, more like a place containing myself. But I am more curious as to how you got in there?" said an icy voice behind me

Turning myself to the sound I was left in awe as to who was before me.

She had extremely pale skin with delicate facial features, beautiful rep lips, her eyes were the Byakugan with their white clear color, adorned by very short and round eyebrows and on her forehead was a third eye, a mix of a Rinnegan and a Sharingan.

She had extremely long, sweeping light gray hair that would meet the ground if she wasn't floating and two brown horns sticking out of her head.

Her noble-like cloth consisted of a high-collared hime-kimono which has tomoe running down the center at her non-existent chest, and edges of the gown where her hands had long dark fingernails.

Each extremity was adorned with intricate gold and purple lines.

She was Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, and I did not expect her to be this charming...

"If you could stop starting and answer me...Your eyes render me curious as well." she declared slowly approaching me

"I just came into contact with a dead tree trunk and the moment my hand touched it I appeared here...My name is Yuichi Senju, can you tell me yours, lady..?" I replied staying polite

"Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. Why do you have chakra? And why your eyes vaguely feel familiar..." she asked in a curious tone as she was now a step away from me and raised her hand to the side of my head

"Every being on Earth can harness chakra lady Kaguya, it's been like this for ages now. As for my eyes, they are like yours but they...evolved." I said not lying to her because I knew I was the one at risk in case a clash arises

She looked at me with caring eyes as she asked "Tell me, did humans finally attained peace?"

"Sadly no, for years multiple conflicts happened in the world but someone is provoking them." I said as she started to frown

"Is it because of the humans? Or do you know if someone is doing this?" she asked with a hint of anger behind her words

"There is someone, a complete black figure that goes by the name of Black Zetsu." I said without wavering

"This...Shouldn't be the case. It isn't meant to bring war on this planet, and It seems that you aren't lying." she replied slightly disturbed

"May I know why it shouldn't?" I asked

"Black Zetsu should be a manifestation of my will, created to bring me back from this place where my unfaithful sons locked me." she said with disgust

"And to bring you back you need chakra am I right? Now that everyone possesses it, his only option should be to take it back." I said looking right in her eyes

"Indeed. If only I contain chakra there should never be any more conflict emerging...My foolish sons decided to give chakra to everyone and now most humans will die." she said slightly sad

"Is it the only way? Humans will always have conflicts with or without chakra, they are capable of creating weapons far more dangerous than you could imagine...And always find a reason to start a conflict." I declared

"I need every bit of chakra possible, it is unavoidable an-" she said before I interrupted her

"You are scared of something or someone aren't you?" I declared only to have her create a bone spear from her palm threatening to pierce my throat

"You do not have the right to speak to me like this." she said with hostility but still some...fear.

"Sorry to say this lady Kaguya but I can feel your emotion...And I sensed fear right now meaning that I was right, you need chakra not just to bring peace but for something else am I wrong?" I said with a warm voice and caring eyes

"...You are quite bold but you are too weak to know the truth." she said still threatening me

"Then I will become stronger, strong enough to know the truth from you, strong enough to take care of whatever you are scared of, strong enough to free you from your chains and this place, without the need to kill everyone." I said full of determination as I looked straight into her eyes

Surprised, she asked "Why would you go this far for me? I just threatened to kill you...And how could you become powerful enough to do as you said?"

"Because unlike any other humans, only I possess those eyes and they can evolve even more to the point I can be as powerful or even stronger than you. And like you, I will live forever, keeping you company in a way." I said in a sure tone while smirking at the last part

"Then prove it, I won't kill you but let you go...If you can do as you said before my will incarnation finishes his plan then I will gladly tell you everything...And let you stand by my side." she replied retreating her bone from my throat

"It would make me happy if a strong and beautiful woman like you stays by my side too." I said as my body vanished from this place

"Indeed you are bold." she first said before putting her hand on her chest "What is this warmth..? I don't remember the last time I felt something like this..."


'You are not the first princess I had to deal with'

Suddenly back to reality while I still think about this encounter, I heard something crack and a branch fell into my hand that gave the same feeling as the trunk.

"How long was I out Shiromari?" I asked

"You just put your hand on the tree what are you saying Yuichi-sama? It seems your memories are still misplaced." he replied in his usual teasing tone

"I regret asking, you would be a better companion if you were mute." I said rolling my eyes at his antics

Nevertheless, the trip was worth it because I got a part of the dead God Tree...And this branch should enable me to visit Kaguya if I send my mind to it.

'Am I weak towards older women...Or princess I don't know now'

'Anyway, this should be the most useful thing I got for now'

"We need to go near the sea now, we have more locations to visit." I said leaving the place with Shiromari on my shoulder

And as planned we arrived at the sea and I built a sailboat using Wood Release, used a large leaf as a sail, and created a clone that will blow wind on it to make it move.

A little breeze grazed my skin as the boat floated toward my next destination, Nanasuka Island a place known for the large variety and abundant reserves of herbs and various ingredients for medicine.

'My nerd sense is tingling with all those potential ingredients'

But because the boat did not move as fast as me when I was on the ground, I decided to take a nap as the sound of the sea lulled me.

"-ma Yuichi-sama we arrived." I heard a voice waking me up

Stretching myself I said "Already? It should've taken at least a week by the speed we navigated."

"We did sail a week ago, I only woke you up because we arrived...And you slept the entire time." replied Shiromari

"An entire week?! I know I was sleepy but...No I think I have an idea." I said reminding of what happened in the Land of That

I think I got drained by the tree remnant...I guess visiting Kaguya had a price that may cost my life if I stayed too much.

But I did not even realize how much chakra I lost by going there...It's like something had changed my perception of chakra for a certain duration.

"Whatever, at least it served as a time skip." I said getting up and ready to discover the island which in this era did not even get found out, at least nobody is aware of the ingredients you can harvest.

I will put some tags to easily go back here in the future if I need to.

My first discovery was the energy carrot which is used for food pills as well as military rations pills made by the Akimichi.

'I will be able to grow them later, maybe even get the Akimichi clan favor'

"Do you intend to be a farmer Yuichi-sama? What a waste of talent." teasingly said Shiromari

"Want to see what I can do by collecting plants Uh? You will make a good guinea pig." I said as I raised my hand and a sort of pollen got out of my sleeves

"Do you intend to drug me Yuichi-sama? You know I'm quite resistant to-" Shiromari said as ten wood apparition consisting of myself spawned

"Have fun with them...Oh, you can't leave this area 'cause I made a barrier with some tags, good luck!" I said as I laughed while leaving the place while he cursed me on my way out

'Now that I can grow plants I know well enough, I wonder if I could produce Senzu Bean if I go in the Dragon Ball world'

'If I can take every plant useful for medicine and grow them myself then Konoha would be the village with the less casualty in case of war...And Tsunade will love this'

So I just took some young Mandra Grass which if fully grown had the same properties as the Mandrakes from Harry Potter.

Later I found at first glance what seemed to be a simple apple tree, but I knew it wasn't.

'This is...a Manchineel! If I can reproduce one with ease later...'

[Here if I didn't forget]

This tree that produces apple-looking fruits is extremely toxic and not just the fruit but every part of the tree be it the leaves and the bark can cause severe various injuries.

Even if victims try to burn the tree it would harm them.

After carefully taking some of its fruits with me I later discovered a cave with a faint gas seeping out of it.

Going inside I saw the Elixir Mud that seemed to be constantly boiling, it could heal bruises cuts, and sprains...Not something useful for me but you never know.

'A pity I can't reproduce the Elixir Mud, maybe with the adequate release later on'

Even in this dark cave filled with gas and boiling mud, I sensed somewhere on the wall to my right a small breeze of wind.

Looking at it I could see a particularly small crack on the wall, I used Earth Release to open it up without the risk of demolishing everything.

Now able to pass in the crevasse I embarked inside and, after some time, I reached a small open area with an enormous pit at the center.

I couldn't see the end of it with my naked eyes, so I activated the Tenseigan, and even after 20 freaking kilometers (~12,4 miles) I still couldn't see the end of it.

Well because I was focusing on a single direction I could see further with my Tenseigan than when I use them to sense a radius.

And finally, after 34 kilometers (~21,1 miles) I could see the edge of it, and it wasn't just the ground but...Seemingly a whole opened area with lifeforms existing.

'The hell... Is this Journey to the Center of the Earth'

I was honestly curious about this filler episode place but...Ok, f*ck it I want to see what I can find down there.

'Well, Aint no hole low enough someone said...Something like that'

As I thought that I did the necessary to use 'flying thunder God technique' to come back there and directly jumped in the pit.

I could send a clone but where would be my entertainment?

The moment I was finally out of the pit I was in a weird bright area and before splashing right into the ground I used Wind Release to slowly stop my fall.

The place seemed to be in constant summer-like temperature, surely linked to the proximity with the mantle.

Once I was grounded I looked around me and was amazed by the surrounding, the place appeared to be large and the vegetation here was extremely lush and colorful, the ground was dark but many minerals were growing out of it almost everywhere.

A perfect place for samples that can strengthen my Wood and Crystal Release.

I don't want to stay too long down there so I will act fast.

I encountered multiple giant carnivorous plants which could eat human-sized prey.

If I could mix breed them into my own Triffid...Just imagining my scared enemies getting eaten by giant teethed plants makes me excited.

Three species interested me, one of them was akin to the Cape Sundew but giant and with an extremely sharp end, another had a mouth with the dreaded teeth but unlike Venus Flytrap it was shaped like a flower, and the last one had a leaf that covered its pitchers-like stomach and highly acidic digestive enzymes.

[A/N: Here they are, I want to make a giant amalgam of them later on, thus a Triffid]

Now the place also contained a lot of diverse minerals, most of them did not interest me until I found a silvery-white metal.

'Great, it's not like there is more than twenty that has the same color'

But it shouldn't be too hard to identify as I could see it wasn't a combination of multiple elements, it looked pure thus diminishing the possibilities.

Taking it out of the rock formation I then tested its density and oh boy was it heavy.

'With this color and Density, it's either Iridium or Platinum...No, it is Platinum'

Now, this seems useless because unlike my Earth they are not aware of how precious it is, gold is the most valuable metal known here.

But I know how I can abuse its characteristics in the future, using Platinum Dust for Magnet Release, which will be denser than Gold Dust, Iron Dust, and Sand.

'Beating three Kazekage with their own Release...'

Now I moved toward the place which emitted more and more heat and near the place, I could discern an insane amount of colored transparent crystals encased in igneous rocks surrounding a crater that was radiating the heat around me.

'It's an underground volcano that keeps going deeper'

Then this meant that those crystals could be Diamonds...And having some of them as samples would make my creation with Crystal Release harder better (not) faster and stronger.

As I was lost in thought I suddenly heard a loud sound.


Turning myself to it, what was rushing at me was a brownish two-legged dragonlike creature with a sharp arrowhead tail.

'I already have an overgrown lizard at home'

Taking my sword out of its sheath I sensed more of them coming so I enlarged Masamune to 3 meters (~9,8 feet) and infused it with Wind Release.

Readying myself I waited until most of them were near enough to unleash a powerful side slash effectively chopping them of their head without using much stamina.

What a great feeling...The slicing power of my Wind Release is so much stronger using Masamune.

While the weak wyverns were now falling on the ground without their head another sound coming from the volcano surprised me.

'Come on, erupting right now?'

Not willing to become cooked human meat I used the 'Flying Thunder God Technique' to get back to the Elixir Mud cave.

'Still had quite a good haul' I thought with everything I got on this island

'Let's retrieve Shiromari and continue the trip'


Back on the boat on our way to the next destination I was ready for another peaceful nap...

"Yuichi-sama is mean, evil, wicked, nasty-" said Shiromari

"Come on it was a good training, I even healed your bruises." I said interrupting him

"But not my mental damages, what will I do now...Plants are scary..." he said curled in a ball and moving back and forth

"See? They are useful after all!" I said pleased with my 'punishment'

"Oh and maybe I will let you face another one of my creations, you will enjoy it I'm sure." I said thinking about my future Triffid

"NO PLEASE DON'T!" he said moving to the furthest place from me