Chapter 16

[A/N: My story is no longer restricted after 15 days! I thank the editor I asked on d*scord three days ago who unrestricted my work the next day. I can finally see the comments without using the website and you can use power stones if you think it's worth it.]


How are you still sleepy Yuichi-sama? After all, you slept most of the time." asked Shiromari

"What sleeping? It was mental training!" I exclaimed "And you joined me later but every time I stayed somewhere to camp I always experimented and researched...the sea is perfect for a break." I said trying to find an excuse

"At least you are awake the moment we can see lands at the horizon." Shiromari said

"Yes, this should be Land of Lightning if I'm not wrong...We will need to be more lowkey than usual." I said removing my metal plate with the symbol of Konoha that I wore on my right shoulder

Well, I was most of the time without it because I did a lot of stealing anyway, it would be bad if I was the one bringing a conflict to Konoha.

"In case we arrive somewhere under surveillance let's stop using the boat now and dive underwater." I said as I made my boat sink

Shiromari shapeshifted into a fish while I became one with the water surrounding me, swimming at decent speed toward the land.

We moved to a coast where I did not sense any presence beforehand, one which was hard to get to if you came from within the land because of the high cliff you had to tumble.

This country was very different from the Land of Fire, there were only a few forests, mostly replaced by a highly mountainous landscape with many rivers flowing toward the sea, which was everywhere because only a little part of the west was attached to the mainland and it was a large desert.

We moved from town to town but never too close to Kumogakure, stayed in multiple inns, and right now we stopped by the last restaurant before the desert.

Going inside transformed as a farmer civilian with a straw hat I sat on a free table, someone took my order and while I was waiting with a drink, I eavesdropped on a conversation between two Kumo shinobi.

"Did you hear that, another one of our units got decimated." said an average looking man with a heavily tanned body and dark green hair

"Yet another failure...The only information we have now is their last location." said an older looking man with shaved hair on the side and a white mohawk

"Those bastards brothers are still on the run after killing Nidaime! And after everything we have done, we only know that they should be hiding in a place heavily snowing." said the tanned man frustrated

'Interesting, the Gold and Silver Brothers are either in Land of Snow or Land of Frost' I thought because they are the nearest snowing countries

"We almost searched the entire Land of Frost! They should be somewhere in there no matter how far!" exclaimed the tanned man quite furiously

"We have to wait for the Raikage order anyway, lets stop thinking over it." said the older man trying to calm his comrade

What good information...If I can kill the brothers I will get quite a good haul.

Now Kumo never found them so I doubt they hid in the Land of Frost unless they are too incompetent to find them.

'I wouldn't mind visiting the Land of Snow anyway'

I thought as I finished my diner and was ready to move out


"I didn't expect to come back in a cold country so soon." I said as I was able to climb the glacier which made it hard for travelers to get into the country by sea

'And the country is bigger than I thought'

Well, let's get to work.

*Some weeks later*

"Hey Mister do you think our Land could be this beautiful if there was spring?" asked a young boy with long black hair and large black eyes, wearing circular framed glasses

"Of course, a long time ago this Land was beautiful with snowy mountains and verdant plains with colorful flowers to contrast...But time changed and now the whole country is under never-ending snow." I replied smiling at him

"Such a pity...Oh! Mister, I'm sure you have a way to bring the spring back right?" he asked me eagerly with stars in his eyes

"How many times do I have to tell you, I am but a spirit I cannot change entire weather like it's nothing!" I said as I flicked his head

As he rubbed his head he said "Then...I will find a way! No matter how long does it takes me I will make spring great again!"

'Uh oh'

"Sure kid but I will not be able to help you, my times almost up for another slumber." I said making him look sad "But here, take this at least."

"What is it for?" he asked looking at the bracelet I just gave him

"It will protect you while I'm slumbering, with this you will be sure to have enough time to change this country for the best." I said as I started to get blurry

"Thank you, Mister! I hope we will see each other again and I promise I will bring back Spring!" he said with small tears leaving his eyes

I smiled at him one last time before I was completely gone from his sight.

'The brothers aren't here at all, how incompetent Kumo ninjas were to not find them in the Land of Frost'

That's right, I passed the last few weeks researching for any trace of the duo.

I arrived in the Daimyō house completely undetectable and by using Genjutsu I was only visible and tangible for the young boy named Sōsetsu Kazahana.

Yes, he is the future Daimyō who was killed by his brother, leaving behind a daughter who worked as an actress.

He's 9 years old and by 'proving' him that I was a spirit I stayed with him and he took a liking to me.

He was educated to become the next Daimyō while his awful brother Dotō Kazahana was in Yukigakure training as a ninja.

I stayed with him and what I gave him was something that will prevent his death as well as warn me about it.

Why? Well, this country during Spring is one of the most beautiful that exists here... It's a perfect place to go on a date later.

Now I stayed until all my clone's information were back to me, and the last one happened to be done.

I sent them to roam across the land while one infiltrated Yukigakure to take the most information.

I got an early blueprint of the chakra armor, not something I will need but, why not take it if it's free?

'It's been almost five months since I left Konoha and I did so much already'

My objective was to be at Uzushiogakure at the end of the year so it was fine.

Now I will need to check the Land of Frost for the brothers, luckily this was a country at least four times smaller than the Land of Snow.

I will never expect anything from Kumo shinobi ever again...


'I'm done with snowing country, once this is over I will go to some hot springs'

I may be resistant to cold temperatures but I'm someone who enjoys a hot climate more.

Regardless, I may understand why they did not get found...There is actually an underground huge cavern with a lot of pathways that they always block behind them using Earth Release extremely skillfully.

And I realized how lucky Konoha was, we have the Inuzuka, Aburame, and Hyūga as great sensor ninja while Kumo in this era doesn't have goods sensor.

Now I have to be careful because fighting the two brothers is still dangerous for me mostly because of the Treasured Tools of the Sage of Six Paths.

I don't want to be sealed, as such I prepared myself for this one.

I repeated since I was in the Land of Snow one specific word so it would be my most said one: twerp.

Yes, I repeated twerp millions of times, a word I would not usually say so I can be safe.

Because one dangerous thing about their weapons is the fact that they can seal you if you do not talk for too long.

They have for sure the level of a Kage, an incredible amount of chakra, and broken treasures...

But those treasures can also be their demise, they overuse them because of confidence, I need to kill just one of them to make it easy for me.

It will be my first true battle to the death...And this makes my blood boil with excitement.

Right now I was stealthily moving through the underground gallery which was made of strange blue-looking dirt surely because of the lower temperature down there.

"It's too boring to stay down here! I want to see the f*cking sun again!" said a middle-aged man with a scarred face

"Shut up will you? We need to stay low key until Kumo stop searching the country." said a younger man with round glasses

"Come on! They will never find us anyway so why do we guard this place!" the scarred man said annoyingly

"Bosses order." the young man said pulling up his glasses

'Indeed Kumo won't find you but I did'

I swiftly moved toward them and pierced the heart of the young man for an instant kill.

Now I moved out of this place as the head of the scarred man fell on the ground because of an unseen slash of mine.

My goal was to first kill all their squad to not get backstabbed by some weak Jōnin, thankfully most of them were separated in all the different entrances.

I cut them down one by one without getting caught, my sword was now full of blood.

I approached the spacious cavern where I could sense the two brothers' presence along with someone else.

"Bosses, everyone is wondering when will we take Kumo from the Raikage." asked a man kneeling

"We cannot right now, they need to think we disappeared, and now because one of you got out and killed one of their team they are on guard again right Ginkaku?" said the golden-haired brother

"Of course Kinkaku, but he paid the price for this mistake." replied the silver-haired brother

Both of them were eating and not looking at their minion.

"And he gave away your location to me." I said sheathing my sword

"Uh?" "Who?!" they exclaimed

"Someone who came to kill you." I said as the Jōnin to my side was cut into two

I showed my true look, my face completely revealed and wearing a long black coat opened to show my chest, l along with black boots, and trousers.

My left shoulder had the Konoha Headband around it while my left shoulder and my back had the Senju symbol.

My long white hairs covered the back symbol when I didn't move and had two bangs parting from either side of my face.

On my belt, I had my sword sheat to the right and a bag containing all my stuff to the left.

"Bhahahahaha! You heard that Kinkaku, that boy just challenged us!" said the silver-haired brother with tears bursting out of his eyes

"Indeed Ginkaku, but he was able to kill easily one of our unit members...And surely not the only one." said the golden-haired brother with a serious expression

"Come on entertain me, you twerps." I said taunting them with my hand

{Let's do the usual and seal him } I heard Kinkaku think before doing a nod to his brother

They took out from their mouths four of the treasured tools, Kinkaku had a giant fan and a golden rope, the Bashōsen, and Kōkinjō while Ginkaku had a gourd and a sword, the Benihisago, and the Shichiseiken.

Kinkaku moved the Bashōsen and used 'Coil of Fire' to urge a giant wave of flames toward me to which I used 'Water Release: Giant Wave Formation'

But at the same time, Ginkaku appeared to my left and struck me with his Shichiseiken forcing me to stop my Ninjutsu halfway and parry with Masamune.

The fire was mostly stopped but I suddenly felt a powerful wind boosting what was left of the flame.

'He doesn't have any cooldown with this sh*t'

I had to take the 'Coil of Wind' head-on, effectively ripping parts of my clothes and making me bleed while Ginkaku retreated.

With my free right hand, I used 'Earth Release: Spiked Ground' to stop the incoming assault of Kinkaku that I sensed moving toward me by changing the terrain.

I then changed my stance by pointing Masamune in front of me and dashed toward Ginkaku to stab him.

But he barely managed to dodge, he was surprisingly fast and agile.

I sensed behind me another powerful gust of wind that I easily evaded and rushed again toward Ginkaku.

But before reaching him I saw a smirk on his face and a sudden white light glowed beneath me momentarily halting my momentum.

'A seal?! How did I miss it? Shit, I don't need to think about this'

But half a second unmoving was enough for Kinkaku to grab my 'word soul' with the Kōkinjō from afar and Ginkaku severed it with the Shichiseiken in an instant and looked at the sword.

"I recognize this symbol are you related to that weakling Tobira-something?" asked Kinkaku behind me

"Tobirama's my grand uncle and I'm Yuichi Senju." I calmly answered

"Oh! The last time we encountered Senju members it was a couple and also the one we took this tag from...I remember how the idiot man screamed when we killed his wife right in front of him bwahaha!" said Kinkaku mockingly

"What a weak clan, one is dying of old age, the other will die here...Oh, I think the last one is a woman right? As the last descendant, we could have some fun with her...Before killing her!" said Ginkaku in front of me

You know, my control over my emotions is great for that kind of situation...But my control allows me to feel them too if I want and even...Amplify them.

So for this situation I will let myself be consumed by them and see how it will go.

"Pfhahaha I guess I can thank you both." I said my eyes closed and my wounds and clothes regenerating

"It's time for me to stop playing with you fuckers." I said as I opened my eyes which were now completely different as massive killing intent was now exuding from me

[Here is the eyes]

"Threatening me was fine...But threatening Tsunade was the last thing you should have done!" I said as I pressed my stomach opening the Sixth Gate and in an instant appeared behind Ginkaku

I grabbed his head from behind and made him eat the wall for several meters before kicking him at the left knee breaking it and sending him far to a corner.

All of this was so fast Kinkaku didn't have time to react and before he did anything I appeared before Ginkaku and made a crystal wall between us and the golden-haired bastard.

"Now that we have some space, let the fun begin." I said looking at the heavily bleeding face of Ginkaku as I produced roots moving toward him

"Why do you have those eyes! A Senju and an Uchiha hybrid like you shouldn't exist!" said Ginkaku panicking while roots restrained him

"You know something else that shouldn't exist?" I said raising one of my feet

"Your other knee." I said as I broke his right knee

"ARGH!" Ginkaku screamed in pain

"Come on you are stronger than that right? After all, It's only the beginning." I said madly smirking while Kinkaku behind the wall tried to destroy it by any means

"Kunitokotachi." I said as my left eyes shined and our surrounding became dark