Chapter 18

After a long minute of silence from both sides, I decided to appear in front of him.

"You are-" The boy tried to say before my interruption

"I'm Yuichi Senju, the one talking to you before." I said to introduce myself

"An outsider? B-but nobody ever comes here...Can you really heal my sister?" he asked still nervous

As he said this I smiled and put my hand on his head and used an evolved 'Mystical Palm Technique' that I created back in Konoha for faster and more precise healing process.

He flinched at first but then every bruise he had on his body disappeared.

"Of course I can but I will need to diagnose her, it would be better to wake her up for her permission." I said sounding as gentle as possible as I took off my hand of his head

The boy now reassured approached his sister and woke her up softly "Nhg? What's the matter nii-san? Who's that behind you?" she asked now looking at me

"He's an outsider I encountered when I searched for food and he's also capable of healing, he needs your permission to look at your ailment." he said to which she replied with a nod

Approaching the young sick girl I said "I'm Yuichi Senju and like your brother said I may be capable of healing you."

"If my brother put his trust in you so do I, I'm Chizu." she said always staying somewhat cheerful

"Nice to meet you." I said as I lay my hand on her forehead and send chakra to make her feel at ease

Using my eyes to see what was happening with her I was in shock when I realized how painful it should be for her.

'She stays cheerful only for her brother uh'

I sensed a sort of vortex around her eyes which was continuously draining her of her chakra, the process was extremely slow but she was currently near the end of her reserve nearing death.

Her eyes on the other hand were overflowing with chakra posing yet another problem and the cause of her suffering because it's sending a constant painful sensation to her brain.

After searching for a while I found the cause of this suffering, it was a genetic disease affecting her Dōjutsu.

"Did one of your parents died of illness?" I asked Shuzo making him flinch

"Y-yes our mother died in her bed an-and she became weaker days after days before..." he said reminiscing him of depressing memories

"Did she awakened her Dōjutsu...I mean did you see her eyes completely change?" I asked again

"I-I don't remember a single change in her eyes if you are talking about our clan Dōjutsu." he replied knowing about what I was asking

'Mmh...I know not everyone can awaken the Ketsuryūgan but she should be able to'

It seems she should have the Ketsuryūgan but for some reason, they cannot activate...But her chakra keeps trying to let them appear without a result.

'I can only give her chakra as well as taking the excess from her eyes right now'

If I need to change something in her genetic code it will take me time and someone else to try things on.

So I did the chakra exchange that will let her live for some added time, it had to be extremely precise because a single misstep would kill her on the spot.

She was surprised to no longer feel any pain and was able to get half up on the bed.

Both of their eyes suddenly wettened and the boy rushed to hug her happy with her condition.

After some emotional time, he looked at me and said "I'm ready to pay the price you asked." he said with courage

"I'm not sure your sister would be happy to live if I did so, it was just a test don't worry." I said as Chizu was suspicious about this price

"Thought this time I have another question for both of you. Tell me, would you like to follow me out of this place? I will train both of you and you will work for me...I cannot completely heal you Chizu-san and I need to periodically help you until I can get rid of your illness." I said honestly

"But the village rule forbids us to leave the Valley." said Chizu

"Do you care a single bit about any of the other villagers?" I said as they looked at each and Shuzo finally decided to tell the truth to his sister

After learning what suffered her brother she too became angry, the process of absorption of her chakra hastened but her eyes never changed.

'I guess I will need to give her chakra sooner'

"We are willing to follow you and leave this place, they shouldn't have the right to decide for us." said Chizu

"I will need to kill them to find a solution for your disease. After all, it's directly linked to your clan." I said honestly

"I don't care if they all die! They are scums and if getting rid of them also helps my sister then so be it!" declared Shuzo

'They don't have any attachment toward their clan'

"Perfect. Just be aware that I will begin the slaughter tonight and you should stay inside your house as I will settle a barrier around." I said to which they nodded

"Also." I started saying as I took from my bag new clothing as well as fresh food "change yourself and eat to your heart content, I promise you will never be persecuted again if you stay with me."

"I will be back." I said as I left the house and waited until late in the night hidden outside


It was time for my slaughter...In a way, I feel like a hypocrite because of what I'm going to do, It's similar to Danzō decimating the Uchiha clan...But I at least don't slay a clan that is from my own village.

And the Chinoike ended up despising the Uchiha clan which was the one moving them out of the Land of Lightning.

They also don't deserve to be saved by me when they would kill each other in the future anyway except for the twins, like Shuzo said, they are scums.

'Alright, let's start with the b*stard next door' I thought as I moved in front of his door and after preparing some silencing tag especially for this guy to not make noise outside I heard him talk.

"Damn it! This brat only had berries in his bag this time again its not enough!" said the fat man inside

*Knock knock knock*

"Uh? Who's coming this late." I heard him say as he approached the door

And when he had his hand on the doorknob I thrust my sword passing through the door and piercing his left hand up to his elbow and then I moved my sword upward letting an opening in the door and cutting his arm in two.

"ARGH MY ARM WHO THE F*CK IS HERE!" shouted the man

I took my sword out of the door and passed my head in it "Here's Yuichi!" I said as I broke the door and swiftly chop his right hand

"ARGH! YOU B*STARD HOW D-" I interrupted him by seizing his head with my hand

"You're too loud let me help you." I said as I tore off his lower jaw

"AaaghAH!." he said without articulating

"Hey, now that you lost your hands and jaw you won't have any way to eat so it doesn't matter if Shuzo doesn't bring enough food." I said as blood gushed out of his hands and head

He fell on the floor dying from excessive blood loss soon after.

I moved from house to house stealthily getting inside and killed everyone during their sleep by piercing their heart except for some who were awake so I had to assassinate them first.

I don't want to fight them head-on because their ability to control blood would be scary if they are numerous to possess the Ketsuryūgan.

After effectively killing almost every Chinoike Clan member minus the twins as well as some who awakened the Dōjutsu to use them as test subjects which were taken by my clones to Shiromari, I started collecting their eyes then I absorbed them with Suijin.

I also absorbed one with the Ketsuryūgan activated by killing his family in front of him to force an awakening when he was unable to move...

Not a fair move but hey I want to see what I could get by doing so.

The place did not reek of blood thanks to my Suijin because everything was absorbed.

'I got a scroll full of their eyes with some of them already awakened'

I moved back to the two children's house and deactivated the barrier before knocking at the door "It's me Yuichi, It's over now."

The door opened and I could see both of them stuffed with food.

"Ohm youf arh awedy ack mishter?" said Shuzo only to get smacked by his sister who swallowed her food, coughed, and said "Sorry for my brother rudeness Yuichi-sama."

"Pft, don't worry I'm used to someone like that, and I will not take from you the happiness of eating to your heart content for the first time." I replied smiling

They truly are twins now that I gave them the same unisex clothes which consisted of a black sleeveless undershirt, a sleeveless purple kimono-like shirt, and long dark grey pants.

Both of them had shoulder-length spiky light-blond hair and light green eyes with a very feminine face.

They were around 1,30 meters (~4'26 feet) and extremely skinny.

"You will need to gain some fat on your bones before I start training you alright?" I said to which they got embarrassed

"Oh, and how old are you?" I asked them before leaving

"Nine." x2

"You are just five years younger than me then, don't need to call me -sama or something along those lines." I said to which they were shocked

"You are only fourteen Aniki?!" said Shuzo

'Aniki huh, I guess it's fine even if it's coming from a trap'

"Well, I'm precocious." I replied

And it's true, right now I was already 1,71 meters (~5'6 feet) and I will keep growing until I am twenty years old.

'I'm surprised they don't react much about the massacre I just did, maybe a characteristic of their bloodline and how the clan wasn't united, to begin with'

"Alright it's time to get out of this Valley before I allow you to sleep, someone is waiting for us at the entrance." I said while they took what little they had with them which consisted of a pair of daggers

"This is?" I asked pointing at the dagger they each had

"A memento from our mother, each of us always keep one." said Chizu

What they had was a Stilletto Dagger, with a long slender blade completely crimson with a golden handle ending with horn-like tips and another small blade at the bottom.


'Was their ancestor a nobility of some sort'

"I will teach you how to use it during training too then, let's get going." I said leaving the now forever dead silent village


Leaving the Valley we arrived where Shiromari was and he was surprised to see me 'kidnapping' two children, the kids were curious about him and called him cute making him blush without any need for me to say anything to get back at him.

Because they are not physically strong enough to travel long distances we got inside Shiromari and I let the kids go to sleep because they needed it.

While they slept I digested what I absorbed with Suijin and because the duration was quite long I let a clone of mine take care of the kids for the duration.

When I woke up I remembered something incredible about Suijin which was forgotten by the author last chapter.

I absorbed the gold and silver brothers and therefore their chakra which is the Nine-tails' one...

And recalling my wish to harness all energies I could now transform my chakra into the nine tails chakra to the point of having an equivalent portion of the Nine-tails...

The process was extremely slow and required me to meditate so it won't be soon and my clones cannot do it but if I can do so for each tailed beast I could do something for Kaguya without killing the beasts.

And something else that was interesting, I had wished to be able to use every release with time...And absorbing a Chinoike clan member with the Ketsuryūgan gave me access to not the Dōjutsu but a Blood Release equivalent, not something I will train to master for now but at least enough to teach the twins.

Before going to Uzushiogakure we stopped by a place lost in the forest with a natural hot spring to loosen up because it was needed for all of us.

During the travel, I started giving them soft physical training as they gained fat on their bodies.

Aside from this, they mostly had to read general knowledge, learn to control chakra, and other basics ninja technique alongside it for now, and never complained.

We arrived at the sea and it was time for me to make another boat bigger than the last one as we sailed toward the Land of Whirpool.

'Now I just have to follow the instructions on Grandma's letter to pass the trapped sea'

When we were nearing the Land a fog began to reduce our vision...If it could, and many powerful whirlpools were scattered around capable of killing anyone getting engulfed by them.

Some hidden sealing tags would bring us back to the outside if we moved above it.

What makes it even harder was that the path changed each hour also depending on the day of the week.

'In an era without watch if I try to pass while the hour change it would bring me back to the start...And the fog makes it hard for intruders to see the hour of the day thanks to the sun'

Interesting protection indeed and Grandma gave me only a precise moment which is why we took our time before coming here.

After what was thirty minutes of sailing in the sea labyrinth we left the fog and could see the Land right in front of us and even high-rise buildings on the horizon.