Chapter 19

Nearing the Land we arrived at a port where guards seem to be waiting for us.

"State your name!" said one of the red-haired guard in an offensive stance

"I am Yuichi Senju and those two are my companions, I came here thanks to my Grandmother Mito Uzumaki who asked me to bring this scroll to a certain Oyama Uzumaki." I said showing a scroll with a special Uzumaki seal on it and launched it toward him

"Lady Mito's grandson! I recognize this seal which can only be done by an Uzumaki, let me escort you to Uzushiogakure then." said the guard after seeing my scroll

Nearing the village which was surrounded by steep hills I could see the high-rise buildings and a wide river running through the village gapped by large bridges.

We passed through the main street which was full of red-haired peoples, with different tint until we reached what seemed to be the leader's house.

What surprised me was how they were modern in terms of buildings, they actually had all their buildings made of concrete and mostly consisted of apartments instead of individual houses to compensate for the lack of space on the Land of Whirlpool.

'There is only the Uzumaki clan in this village and it's not even that small'

Moving inside the building and going to the first floor the guard knocked at one of the doors.

"Enter." a bossy voice said

The man behind the door was currently doing much paperwork, he seemed to be a young adult with bright red hairs, violet eyes, and rectangular glasses.

"Okura-sama, those strangers came here with a letter from Lady Mito." said the guard as the three of us entered the room

"Oh? You should be Yuichi Senju then, right?" Okura asked looking at me

"Indeed." I replied

"But shouldn't you be alone, who are those two?" he asked as he put down his pencil

"They are twins I helped recently and will be trained by me too, I can promise on my family name that they won't cause any ruckus nor being aware of how to get here." I said as I patted the head of each of them to which they smiled

"Hmm, alright. I don't have enough time to spare to guide you to my father's house, so I will let this task for you." he said looking at the guard

"Yes!" he replied before looking at me "Please follow me."

'It was already the case man'

Now finally bringing us to a house that was a bit isolated I could see one of the river branches stop there in a pond giving a relaxing feeling to the place.

Meditating under a sakura tree near the ponds was an old-looking man.

I recognized him as the old man who watched the Chūnin exam almost five years ago, Oyama Uzumaki.

"Oh? You arrived sooner than I expected Yuichi Senju-san." said Oyama opening his eyes and getting up

"Well, my travel was quite fruitful for me, and I had fun if you don't take into account the time I passed in snowy countries." I said reminiscing about the cold weather

"Haha! Then you will like it here because it never snows and the temperature's always nice!" he said before looking at the two shy children behind me

"Who are those two? I was told that you traveled alone." he said making them flinch a bit

"She's Chizu and he's Shuzo, twins I kind of saved not long ago as well as the last survivor of the Chinoike Clan." I said honestly

"Mmh... I thought they already died some times ago I didn't expect to see descendants nowadays. Don't worry kids you can call me Grandpa if you want." he said with a warm smile

The kids still clinging to my clothes moved a bit to my sides but didn't mutter anything.

'I kind of understand them, they are in another whole clan instead of just one guy like me and are scared to not be accepted'

Looking a bit sad he didn't get called Grandpa right off the bat he finally said "Let's go inside my house, you will live with me from now on until you need to go back to Konoha, and we have a lot to discuss too." he said before we moved to the house entrance while the guard left us

As he was opening the door we suddenly heard a childish voice loudly say "GRANDPA!" as something crashed on Oyama's legs "Oh Kushina shouldn't you sleep?" he said as he stroke her hair

While she was happily stuck to her Grandpa she opened her eyes and saw us

"Who's that?" she asked looking at us

"He's Yuichi Senju and they are Chizu and Shuzo, they will stay here for quite some time." he replied pointing at each of us

"I'm Kushina!" she declared

"Nice to meet you." I warmly said

"Can you show those two behind him the house please?" asked Oyama

"Of course! I'm capable after all!" she said trying to act like an adult

"You can follow her, don't do anything stupid alright?" I said to which they nodded and separated with us

Oyama then guided me toward a room with a low table, told me to sit here, and asked me if I wanted some tea to which I agreed, and after some time came back with it.

Now facing each other he drank a bit before saying "She's my Granddaughter, I had to press my son to give me a descendant and I finally got one a year ago...But now he doesn't take care of her because he's the one in charge of the village, 'too much work' he said... And her mother also has a lot of work as one of the best teachers of Fūinjutsu as well as the guardian of our library." he said clearing the doubt I had

"You have something for me right?" he said changing the conversation, to which I nodded and gave him the scroll Grandma gave me

After undoing the seal he read the content before looking at me in disbelief "So you have Wood Release like Hashirama-san did huh? I did not expect someone else would be able to use it."

"You saw it in action?" I asked

"Of course! I'm much older than I look you know, still younger than Hashirama by a few years though." he replied as he remembered some past events

"So calling you old man will do." I said as I sipped my tea

{This kid...Ugh, he's quick at changing face} I heard Oyama thought.

"Now I am aware that you are already a Jōnin, quite a feat but before teaching you Fūinjutsu I want to see how capable you are with seals."

"Well, I'm only capable of making a defensive barrier or a silencing one with tags and basic storage scrolls. I didn't get to train much in Fūinjutsu back at Konoha because my first objective was to master the five basic elements as well as Wood Release as much as possible." I explained

"Then you will need stronger sealing Jutsu, apparently you have talent in creating Ninjutsu because even Tobirama acknowledges you... If you could do the same for Fūinjutsu and surprise me with some creation it would be a pleasure." he declared

"Well, I will try... I want to upgrade my storage scroll to become far less cumbersome too... But since I got a summon I have a sort of portable storage." I said thinking of Shiromari

"Oh, you already did a summoning contract? Can I know with which species you are now linked?" he asked curiously

"Well, it's better if you meet him right now." I said as I tapped on the armband hanging on my right arm

It suddenly shifted and a small chameleon was now standing on my arm.

" *Yawn* do you need something Yuichi-sama?" asked Shiromari who just woke up

"We arrived at Uzushiohakure and the old man right in front of us, which will be our host, asked to see who was my summon." I said making eye contact between Oyama and him

"Hello mister, I'm Shiromari." he politely said

"Nice to meet you Shiromari, I'm Oyama Uzumaki! I did not expect to see the long-lost chameleon lineage." he said looking in astonishment at Shiromari

"Well, I'm also the last one and don't even have a domain now." he said sadly

It was really the case, his species has a remarkably low birthrate, and when I undid the summon he told me that the place he arrived into was akin to a no man's land, and when I asked him where it was he told me it was somewhere in the Land of Demons.

I know this Land holds the spirit of the demon called Mōryō and at some point in time, he was able to get out and surely destroyed the place where Shiromari originated from.

A lineage of priestess was tasked to prevent this demon from uniting both his body and soul for ages...I will go there someday but for now, Shiromari is always staying summoned.

"Before you start any training, takes some days to familiarize yourself with our village and why not bring the two children and Kushina with you." he said as he took out a map of the village and gave it to me

We will do so tomorrow then, thanks for the map." I said

After this, we talked for hours until we heard the voice of someone coming in "Grandpa! I showed them the house! I'm hungry now!"

Turning our head we saw Kushina followed by the twins who looked exhausted 'What did she make them do'

"I will need to buy something to eat then." Oyama said as he was getting up

"You have nothing here?" I asked

"I don't know how to cook, well I do but nothing Kushina likes because they are mostly recipes I learned during the war or the meat get burned..." he replied

"I can cook if you have ingredients." I said getting up too

This surprised him as he said "Not only you are a Jōnin at your age but you learned how to cook alongside that?"

'Well, I cooked a lot in my previous life'

"My girlfriend is quite the eater and so do I." I said

'Tsunade will be more of a drinker than an eater once she will be able to drink thought'

"Then follow me to the kitchen we should have a lot stored for a while now." he said bringing all of us to the kitchen

'How long is for a while...'

Once inside the kitchen, he opened a sort of sealed refrigerate, and inside were many kinds of meats and other ingredients that should usually be cooked fast.

"Does the seal allow the food to stay fresh longer?" I asked to which he smiled

"Indeed, with this, we can keep our stocks for longer than by using conventional means." he said proudly

"Great. Then I can take what I want?" I said to which he nodded

"You all like meat right?" I asked just in case

"I love meat!" loudly said Kushina "Yes." said Oyama

"And salty-sweet food too?" I asked again to which Oyama acknowledge and Kushina was curious about it

As for the twins I knew they did like that so I didn't need to make a special dish for one of us.

So I decided to take some beef, pepper, onion, and a bit of chili pepper.

I took from my ba- Shiromari some ingredients that I kept with me which were honey and soja sauce I bought during my travel.

I sliced the beef in long and thin parts as I mixed it in a pan with pepper and oil and let it cook on the fire.

To the side, I mixed the soja sauce, honey, sliced chili pepper, and onion.

Once the meat was browned I added the mixed sauce and on the side, I also made some rice to accompany the meat.

"Dinner is ready!" I said as I moved toward the dining table with clones to bring everything

The smell was enough to make the kids drool while Oyama just appreciated it calmly.

"Itadakimasu!" everyone said

The children chewed the food and the face they did mean everything as they dived into it with enthusiasm.

"It's really good!" said Oyama

"Mawre nii-shan!" said Kushina with her mouth still full

Nii-san by cooking for you once? Well, she's only a year old but still...

"I did prepare some more let me bring it." I said getting up

After eating a second time she asked me if I could cook from now on, I said I wouldn't mind if I have time or I would just let a clone do it if I can't.

This made Oyama a bit embarrassed because I was a guest in this house.

After that, we were shown which bedroom we would have, the rooms were at the end of a corridor, one to the front being for Kushina when she stays here, the left one was mine and the right one was for the twins.

Oyama's bedroom was far from us as well as the biggest of them all which is obvious as the owner.

When everyone was gone to sleep it was time for me to experiment on the few Chinoike Clan members with the Eye Medicine Plant to see what could be the effect on Dōjutsu holders.

So I got inside Shiromari and had him shapeshift his inside into a pseudo laboratory, the best I could do for now, where they were sleeping on different tables completely chained up.

'I'm sure Orochimaru won't be mad if I experiment without him...right?'

They all were prepared in case they could fight back with my special wood clone stuck in their brain to shut them down if needed.

'I also have a prepared mental order'

I took the Eye fruit and as I opened it to get the colorless liquid out and I poured small drops of it on the eyes of one guy without the Ketsuryūgan to see what could happen.

I already tested on random bandits if it had an effect by ingestion, which wasn't the case, then in the eyes, and it was, from what they told me thanks to my Genjutsu, giving them a clearer view of everything, their eyes didn't get tired from being open for too long and also a somewhat resistance to weaker Genjutsu.

Now back on the Chinoike member what happened was veins appearing all around the eyes accompanied by a horrible scream and then blood was slowly gushing out of his eyes before they changed into the Ketsuryūgan.

'It can awaken the eyes of the Chinoike Clan, interesting'

Now I'm not sure the effect would be similar with other Dōjutsu holders, but it needs to be tested anyway.

But after some time the guy was still bleeding and screaming until his eyes...Blew up.

'Guess I poured too much, I need to dilute it while time is also an issue because when I open the fruit the liquid became unusable in five minutes'

Surprisingly the effect was too strong for Dōjutsu holders while 'normal people' just had a positive effect.

Looking at the now dead man I shrugged and absorbed him using Suijin.

'I have more test subjects and I can work on it each night'

It was time for my year-long stay in Uzushiogakure to start.